Toggle Health Problems and D

Needing a high level of vitamin D is a good clue that the Vitamin D Receptor is deactivated

Several health problems, such as breast cancer, protect themselves by deactivating the Vitamin D Receptor

Over 58 autoimmune diseases are associated with a poor vitamin D Receptor

Multiple Sclerosis also needs a high level of vitamin D and has been associated with poor VDR in many studies

>50 ng of vitamin D or loading doses appear to be needed to fight COVID-19

Vitamin D Receptor pages in VitaminDWiki with CANCER in title

72 as of Oct 2021 - list is automatically updated

Items found: 89
Title Modified
Poor Vitamin D Receptor does not increase the risk of Breast Cancer (but the opposite is true) – umbrella meta-analysis Sept 2024 06 Sep, 2024
Pancreatic Cancer protects itself deactivating HNF4A (which can be reactivated by the Vitamin D Receptor) – April 2024 29 Jul, 2024
Lung Cancer risk increases if low Vitamin D, poor activation of Vitamin D Receptor which affects the CALB1 gene – June 2024 29 Jun, 2024
Vitamin D Receptor (Cancers OR Viruses) - many studies 02 Mar, 2024
Oral Cancer and Vitamin D and VDR - several studies 11 Feb, 2024
Breast Cancer risk reduced if consume butyrate - Dec 2023 23 Jan, 2024
An activated Vitamin D Receptor fights Autoimmune Diseases, Infections, Cancers, etc. – Dec 2023 13 Jan, 2024
Cervical Cancer is prevented by Vitamin D, and treated if caught early (genes are important) – May 2023 27 May, 2023
Colon Cancer protects itself by changing the VDR and CYP3A4 genes – Dec 2022 06 Dec, 2022
Breast cancer spreads to bone if poor vitamin D Receptor (no surprise) – Oct 2022 31 Oct, 2022
2X more Thyroid Cancer malignancy if less than 15 ng of vitamin D – June 2012 16 Sep, 2022
Cancers are associated with low vitamin D, poor vaccination response and perhaps poor VDR – July 2022 15 Aug, 2022
Poor prognosis of solid childhood cancers 14.7 X more likely with a poor Vitamin D Receptor – July 2022 27 Jul, 2022
Breast Cancer, Vitamin D, and genes – Welsh Nov 2021 09 Feb, 2022
How cancer is fought by Vitamin D (Ovarian this time) - Feb 2020 01 Nov, 2021
Lung Cancer is up to 7 X more deadly if poor vitamin D genes – Oct 2021 25 Oct, 2021
Cancers and Vitamin D Receptors, including change with race – Feb 2021 24 Oct, 2021
Breast Cancer reduces receptor and thus blocks Vitamin D to the cells – several studies 18 Oct, 2021
After lactation Vitamin D levels are low, increased risk of Breast Cancer, vitamin D should decrease risk – Aug 2021 20 Aug, 2021
Breasts process Vitamin D and change gene activation, might prevent breast cancer if given more Vit. D – July 2021 10 Jul, 2021
Oral Cancers - increased risk if low vitamin D or poor vitamin D genes 22 Jan, 2021
Colon cancer risk increases 30X if you have the worst vitamin D receptor mutation – Jan 2021 15 Jan, 2021
Book: Sunlight, UV, Vitamin D and Receptor, Skin and other Cancers - Dec 2020 09 Dec, 2020
Colorectal Cancer Patients 2.4 X more likely to have poor Vitamin D receptors (less D to cells) – April 2020 02 May, 2020
Colorectal cancer linked to poor Vitamin D Receptor (yet again) – Jan 2020 22 Jan, 2020
8 ways that Cancer might be prevented by Vitamin D - June 2019 26 Dec, 2019
Liver Cancer – higher risk if poor genes (Vitamin D receptor etc) – meta-analysis Dec 2019 14 Dec, 2019
Prostate Cancer associated with various genes, including Vitamin D Receptor and CYP24A1 – Nov 2019 15 Nov, 2019
Risk of Cancer increased if poor Vitamin D Receptor – meta-analysis of 73 studies Jan 2016 09 Nov, 2019
Cancer is leading cause of death - Vitamin D and Receptor activators help 09 Nov, 2019
Melanoma cancer growth slowed by increased Vitamin D Receptor (yet again) – Oct 2019 06 Nov, 2019
Breast cancer associated with Vitamin D Receptor (14th study) – Oct 2019 19 Oct, 2019
Colorectal Cancer risk increases when genes reduce the vitamin D levels – Aug 2019 23 Aug, 2019
Breast Cancer death 1.8 X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – April 2019 29 Jul, 2019
Multiple Myeloma (blood cell cancer) treated by vitamin D - many studies 14 Jun, 2019
Blood cell cancer is associated with a 3X worse Vitamin D Receptor – June 2019 14 Jun, 2019
Lung Cancer more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – meta-analysis June 2019 13 Jun, 2019
After breast cancer treatment 4,000 IU of Vitamin D was not enough to help if have poor Vitamin D receptor – June 2019 04 Jun, 2019
Effects of Resveratrol against Lung Cancer in mice – Nov 2017 28 Apr, 2019
The Role of Resveratrol in Cancer Therapy – Dec 2017 27 Apr, 2019
Good Vitamin D receptor reduced bladder cancer and cisplatin deaths – April 2019 11 Apr, 2019
A poor Vitamin D Receptor is associated with many cancers (oral cancer in this case) – Jan 2019 26 Mar, 2019
Breast Cancer and Vitamin D review – March 2018 17 Mar, 2019
Overview of Vitamin D Actions in Cancer – 31 page chapter in a book – 2018 15 Mar, 2019
Women with Breast Cancer were 16.9 times more likely to have a poor Vitamin D Receptor – Jan 2019 11 Feb, 2019
Risks of Colorectal Cancer, IBD, etc slightly increased if poor Vitamin D Receptor – Aug 2018 09 Dec, 2018
Ovarian Cancer risk reduced if higher vitamin D, more UVB, or better vitamin D receptor – Nov 2018 10 Nov, 2018
Cancer treatment by Vitamin D sometimes is restricted by genes – Oct 2018 01 Nov, 2018
Brain cancer in 175 countries related to low UVB and low vitamin D – Oct 2010 03 Oct, 2018
Pancreatic Cancer – live a year longer if have high vitamin D and good Vitamin D Receptor – Aug 2018 15 Aug, 2018
Endometriosis, Endometrial Cancer, and poor Vitamin D or Receptor – Aug 2018 08 Aug, 2018
Risk of colon cancer increases in mice with no Vitamin D receptor in colon - July 2018 07 Jul, 2018
Vitamin D receptor is essential for both normal and cancerous cells in the lab – June 2018 16 Jun, 2018
Active Vitamin D reduces Ovarian Cancer stem cells growth by 4X (via Vitamin D receptor in lab rat) – March 2018 28 Mar, 2018
Two chemicals increase the Vitamin D receptor and decrease the growth of breast cancer cells in the lab - March 2018 17 Mar, 2018
Ovarian Cancer in Asia is 1.5 X more likely if poor Vitamin D receptor – meta-analysis Dec 2017 14 Dec, 2017
Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer 2X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – Oct 2017 19 Oct, 2017
Cancer and the Vitamin D Receptor, a primer – Sept 2017 01 Oct, 2017
Thyroid Cancer rate has increased 3X in 3 decades, Vitamin D Receptor decreases, Calcium increases – Aug 2017 26 Aug, 2017
Advanced Colon Cancer risk is doubled or halved with 1000 IU of Vitamin D, depends on Vitamin D Receptors – RCT May 2017 19 Aug, 2017
Cancer risks and Vitamin D Receptors – association is unclear – 2017 19 Aug, 2017
Increased Breast Cancer metastasis if low vitamin D or poor VDR – Feb 2016 09 Aug, 2017
Colon Cancer survival 3.1 X less likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – Aug 2017 02 Aug, 2017
Lung Cancer patients were 2.4 times more likely to have a poor Vitamin D Receptor gene – July 2017 27 Jul, 2017
Pancreatic Cancer massively deregulates the local Vitamin D receptors and CPY24A1 – July 2014 25 Jul, 2017
Gastric Cancer 2.7 X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor (Chinese) – 2015 15 Jun, 2017
Skin Cancers, Vitamin D, Vitamin D Receptor and Genes – Jan 2015 17 Mar, 2017
Prostate cancer in black men is 1.6 times more likely if a poor Vitamin D Receptor – Feb 2017 06 Mar, 2017
2X more likely to survive a form of esophageal cancer in China if have good vitamin D receptor – Feb 2017 04 Mar, 2017
Urinary Bladder Cancer survival is associated with vitamin D receptor: 14 months vs 53 months – Oct 2015 02 Mar, 2017
Vitamin D receptor as a target for breast cancer therapy (abstract only) – Feb 2017 01 Mar, 2017
Ovarian Cancer 5.8 X more likely if both low vitamin D and Fok1 gene change – May 2013 27 Feb, 2017
Vitamin D receptor may suppress skin cancer – Dec 2013 27 Jan, 2017
Aggressive Prostate Cancer in blacks with low vitamin D – 7X more likely if added Calcium – Jan 2017 28 Dec, 2016
Breast Cancer was 4.6 times more likely if have a poor Vitamin D Receptor – Dec 2016 06 Dec, 2016
Vitamin D, Vitamin D Receptor and Cancer – Nov 2016 05 Dec, 2016
High PSA readings with Prostate Cancer 4 times more likely if poor Vitamin D receptor – March 2016 14 Nov, 2016
2X less prostate cancer in A-A with low Calcium is due vitamin D receptor gene – July 2013 14 Nov, 2016
Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms are risk factors for various cancers – meta-analysis Jan 2014 12 Nov, 2016
10 percent of colon cancer linked to Vitamin D Receptor – meta-analysis April 2012 23 Sep, 2016
Vitamin D Receptor role in Autoimmune Diseases and or cancers – Nov 2013 17 Mar, 2016
Skin cancer 20 percent more likely with some Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms – Oct 2015 06 Jan, 2016
Pancreatic Cancer treatment by calcipotriol (a synthetic vitamin D) improves outcome by 57 percent – Sept 2014 13 Dec, 2015
Poor Bladder Cancer survival associated with poor Vitamin D receptor – Oct 2015 18 Oct, 2015
Increased risk of some female cancers if low vitamin D (due to genes) – meta-analysis June 2015 03 May, 2015
Free vitamin D (VDR) may be more important than total for bladder cancer – March 2013 06 Jan, 2014
Genes breast cancer and vitamin D receptor - Sept 2010 08 Jul, 2013
Breast Cancer incidence change by 40 percent with vitamin D receptor genes – Oct 2012 08 Jul, 2013
Vitamin D receptor in breasts and breast cancer vary with race – March 2013 08 Jul, 2013

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