Bone Fractures can be decreased by:
- Build bone by having enough vitamin D (>1,000 IU) when also having cofactors such as Magnesium and Vitamin K-2
>4,000 IU for a wide variety of reasons - Reduce falls by having enough vitamin D to maintain youthful nerve and muscle response time - again with cofactors
Supporting studies in VitaminDWiki
- All items in category Falls or Fractures and Vitamin D
259 items - Vitamin D In Older Women - Fractures, Frailty and Mortality – Buchebner thesis 2017
has the chart: Low Vitamin D ==> More fractures (3 paths)- Bone fractures in children requiring surgery were 55X more likely with low vitamin D – June 2015
- Hospital found that Vitamin D saves money by improving bone fracture healing– March 2016
- Acute fracture patients – 70 percent were vitamin D deficient – meta-analysis Sept 2015
- Hip Fracture 2.5 times more likely if poor Vitamin D Binding Protein gene - Aug 2015
- 6500 IU vitamin D not improve bone density without co-factors – Jan 2012
- Hip fractures reduced 2X to 6X with just 10 minutes of sunlight daily – RCT 2003-2010
- Overview Osteoporosis and vitamin D
- Noticed bones heal faster when more than 60 ng of vitamin D
- Forearm fracture 3.5X more often in black children with low levels of vitamin D – Sept 2012
- Save 2 billion dollars annually in fractures if take Vitamin D and Calcium – Frost and Sullivan Sept 2013
- Would there be fewer stress and bone fractures with vitamin D?
- Many abstracts on fewer stress and bone fractures with vitamin D
- Half as many stress fractures for those with higher vitamin D see following chart
- Osteoporosis medication 7X better when more than 33 ng of vitamin D – June 2011
- Causes, consequences, and treatment of osteoporosis in men– Aug 2013
- Vitamin D may prevent falls by itself – an overview of 9 meta-analysis – Oct 2012
- Following chart was presented back in 2003
- Parkinson’s disease and the bones - Feb 2011 Literature review - PDF file, which has the following image
Meta-analyses of Falls and Fracture in VitaminDWiki
- No increase in falls, fractures or all-cause mortality when Vitamin D is given monthly or less often– meta-analysis April 2024
- 100,000 IU of Vitamin D monthly (27 ng) is not enough to reduce fractures and falls – meta-analysis April 2024
- Increased risk of fracture if high level of Vitamin D (if continue to take Calcium) – umbrella analysis of meta-analyses Nov 2020
- Hip fractures not prevented by Vitamin D (800 IU daily or large quarterly or annual doses) – meta-analysis – Dec 2019
- Vitamin K (any amount and any kind) reduced bone fractures by 24 percent – meta-analysis – May 2019
- Vitamin D not help fractures and falls if not vitamin D deficient – meta-analysis Oct 2018
- Fractures not reduced by small amounts of vitamin D - meta-analysis Dec 2017
- Preventing Falls in Older Adults – Vitamin D combination is the best - JAMA Meta-analysis Nov 2017
- Hip fracture 58 percent more likely if low vitamin D – meta-analysis March 2017
- Fracture risk reduced somewhat by 800 IU of vitamin D and Calcium – meta-analysis Oct 2015
- Acute fracture patients – 70 percent were vitamin D deficient – meta-analysis Sept 2015
- Falls not prevented by vitamin D given every 3 months or less often – meta-analysis Jan 2015
- Vitamin D prevents falls – majority of meta-analyses conclude – meta-meta analysis Feb 2015
- Vitamin D and fractures – 24 meta-analyses and counting – Dec 2014
- Bone fractures reduced by a minimum of 800 IU vitamin D and Calcium – meta-meta-analysis March 2014
- Fractures reduced with any amount of vitamin D and some Calcium - Cochraine April 2014
- Fallers often had less than 20 ng of vitamin D – meta-analysis April 2014
- Hip fractures greatly reduced by sunshine, vitamin D, and vitamin K – meta-analysis Sept 2012
- Vitamin D may prevent falls and fractures without Calcium – an overview of 9 meta-analysis – Oct 2012
- Hip fractures reduced 30 percent with 800 IU of vitamin D – meta-analysis July 2012
- Vitamin D reduces falls – meta-analysis Oct 2011
- Active form of vitamin D (calcitriol) cut in half the fractures following organ transplant – meta-analysis Aug 2011
- 1000 IU minimum to decrease falls and fractures Swiss - 2009
- Meta-analysis of falls and 800+ IU of vitamin D found good results – June 2010
- 800 IU vitamin D reduces falls - Dec 2009
Optimising Vitamin D Levels after Hip Fractures - 2017
Jenson Mak – book chapter
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWikiNormally “ . . D levels significantly fall in the first 14 days following hip fracture”
4 weeks after hip fracture and 250,000 IU loading dose of vitamin D
Far Fewer Falls, etc.Hip in VitaminDWiki
- Total hip replacement: 14 times more likely to redo if low vitamin D – March 2017
- Hip fractures reduced 2X to 6X with just 10 minutes of sunlight daily – RCT 2003-2010
- Hip Fracture 2.5 times more likely if poor Vitamin D Binding Protein gene - Aug 2015
- Search VitaminDWiki for "HIP FRACTURE" 577 items as of May 2016
- UK would save as least 636 million dollars annually by giving 800 IU vitamin D free to all seniors – June 2014 only considered hip fractures
- Hip fracture – not getting enough vitamin D – 2013
- Hip fracture 3X more likely if low vitamin D – Dec 2015
- Hip fracture 50 percent more likely if low in both vitamin D and vitamin K1 – Dec 2015
- Vitamin D needed to prevent and treat hip fracture, but only 20 percent got any – May 2013
- Hip fracture rate varies with latitude (and thus vitamin D) in Sweden – Nov 2013
- 5X increase in hip fracture rates in 65 years - 1998
- Delirium 2.7 X more likely after hip fracture and low vitamin D – May 2015
- Hip fracture outcome 5X more likely to be poor if low vitamin D – Jan 2015
- Hip fracture rate varies with latitude (and thus vitamin D) in Sweden – Nov 2013
- Hip fracture 19 percent less likely with just 4 ng higher level of vitamin D – Dec 2012
- Hip fractures greatly reduced by sunshine, vitamin D, and Vitamin K – meta-analysis Sept 2012
- Women with hip fractures very low on vitamins D3 and K – Mar 2011
- Hip fractures reduced 30 percent with 800 IU of vitamin D – meta-analysis July 2012
- Vitamin D 2nd most recommended way to prevent next hip fracture – Nov 2010 LTC was first
- Better total hip replacement if have high vitamin D – April 2010
- Is it ethical to not give vitamin D in osteoporosis trials?– NEJM Sept 2010
- Guideline following hip fracture – 50000 IU vitamin D daily for 7 days – Jan 2013
- Vitamin D and exercise after hip fracture surgery – far fewer deaths – July 2016
General support in VitaminDWiki
- All items in Osteoporosis and Vitamin D
223 items - All items in Seniors Lack vitamin D
433 items - Seniors Vitamin D Workshop
- Overview Seniors lack Vitamin D
- All items in Rheumatoid Arthritis
118 items - All items in Bone Health
223 items - All items Pain - chronic, including Back Pain
169 items - CLICK HERE to use Google Site search of VitaminDWiki for spine or spinal. 4530 items Dec 2022
- Many reasons why vitamin D deficiency has become epidemic 38 reasons as of Dec 2022
CLICK HERE for Strong Bones and Vitamin D from Dr. Susan Ott at the University of Washington
- CLICK HERE for her long list of references on Vitamin D and Osteoporosis, Cancer, etc.
- Fraser Health in Canada is giving 20000 IU vitamin D weekly to reduce falls – Nov 2011
See also web
- "..only 9 percent of Medicare patients who sustained a hip or spinal fracture were tested for bone loss and offered treatment to head off a future fracture." NYT Sept 2021
- Hip Fractures in Older Adults - JAMA 2019
Most estimates of risk of elderly fracture do not consider the following:
falls, cognitive impairment, urinary incontinence, neurological conditions, and medications
Continues to recommend Vitamin D sufficiency (>30ng?)
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki - The Healthy Bones, Healthy Aging Challenge May 2019
"Four out of five fracture patients are not diagnosed or treated for their osteoporosis.
After a first fracture, the risk of having another increases by 85%." - New Cautions About Long-Term Use of Bone Drugs NYT May 2012
FDA warns in NEJM of problems with bisphosphonates and "little if any benefit from the drugs after three to five years of use" - Does vitamin D help with fracture healing? March 2013, Vitamin D Council
Rat study documented that radioactive calcitriol (Active vitamin D) concentrated in fractures
2013 study of humans found that serum levels of vitamin D dropped after fracture (18 down to 16 ng) and slowly returned back to 18 during healing - A secular increase in BMD in Chinese women J Bone Miner Metab, April 2013
Increase in BMD in Chinese older women in just 10 years (2000 - 2010)
BMD: lumbar spine +4%, femoral neck +9%, and total hip +9%
Difference in 2010 vs 2000 cohorts: Longer reproductive years, higher levels of physical activity, higher estradiol and 25(OH) vitamin D levels, and lower alkaline phosphatase levels - Ask Well: Exercises to Strengthen Bones New York Times, March 2014
increase bone density/strength with hopping, brisk walking, occasional movement other than forward, whole body vibration
No mention of vitamin D - Cost-effectiveness analysis of hip fracture prevention with vitamin D supplementation: a Markov micro-simulation model applied to the French population over 65 years old without previous hip fracture April 2014
Conclusion of the study; more cost effective to test for vitamin deficiency then treat those who are low.
VitaminDWiki suspects that conclusion assumes a high cost of French doctors to treat, it is more cost effective to minimize treatment - The Role of Vitamin D in Human Fracture Healing: A Systematic Review of the Literature May 2014
We conclude that vitamin D has a role in fracture healing, but the available data are too inconsistent to elucidate how and in what manner - Review: In postmenopausal women and older men, vitamin D plus calcium reduces some fractures Sept 2014
Annals of Internal Medicine. NO ABSTRACT, Publisher wants $35 for the PDF - Patients presenting with fractures are likely to be vitamin D deficient: are we getting enough sun?
12% reduced risk of hip fracture if high level of Omega-3/fish - 2019
Researchers reviewed the findings of 10 studies involving nearly 300,000 people.
StudyOverview Fractures and vitamin D72042 visitors, last modified 11 Aug, 2023, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 12105 Hip Fractures in Older Adults in 2019.pdf admin 11 Jun, 2019 86.69 Kb 1347 8264 D optimized after hip fracture.pdf admin 07 Aug, 2017 2.01 Mb 1518 8263 4 weeks after hip fracture.jpg admin 07 Aug, 2017 24.34 Kb 3744 3563 Bones and vitamin d .jpg admin 21 Jan, 2014 28.11 Kb 17363 479 Strong Bones.gif Editor 27 Feb, 2011 5.67 Kb 13091 - All items in Seniors Lack vitamin D
- Vitamin D In Older Women - Fractures, Frailty and Mortality – Buchebner thesis 2017