
Overview Fractures and vitamin D

Bone Fractures can be decreased by:

  • Build bone by having enough vitamin D (>1,000 IU) when also having cofactors such as Magnesium and Vitamin K-2
    >4,000 IU for a wide variety of reasons
  • Reduce falls by having enough vitamin D to maintain youthful nerve and muscle response time - again with cofactors

Supporting studies in VitaminDWiki

Fracture reduction vs vitamin D  Vitamin D page = 3802


Meta-analyses of Falls and Fracture in VitaminDWiki

Optimising Vitamin D Levels after Hip Fractures - 2017

Jenson Mak – book chapter
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Normally “ . . D levels significantly fall in the first 14 days following hip fracture”
4 weeks after hip fracture and 250,000 IU loading dose of vitamin D
    Far Fewer Falls, etc.


Hip in VitaminDWiki

General support in VitaminDWiki

CLICK HERE for Strong Bones and Vitamin D from Dr. Susan Ott at the University of Washington


See also web

12% reduced risk of hip fracture if high level of Omega-3/fish - 2019

Researchers reviewed the findings of 10 studies involving nearly 300,000 people.

Overview Fractures and vitamin D        
72042 visitors, last modified 11 Aug, 2023,
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Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
12105 Hip Fractures in Older Adults in 2019.pdf admin 11 Jun, 2019 86.69 Kb 1347
8264 D optimized after hip fracture.pdf admin 07 Aug, 2017 2.01 Mb 1518
8263 4 weeks after hip fracture.jpg admin 07 Aug, 2017 24.34 Kb 3744
3563 Bones and vitamin d .jpg admin 21 Jan, 2014 28.11 Kb 17363
479 Strong Bones.gif Editor 27 Feb, 2011 5.67 Kb 13091