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Fully Vaccinated Are COVID 'Superspreaders,' says Inventor of mRNA Technology - Oct 13, 2021

GreenMedinfo - text and video

"The idea that if you have a workplace where everybody's vaccinated, you're not going to have virus spread is totally false. A total lie." Dr. Robert Malone,


Do not know if vaccinated are superspreaders, but it is a possibility.
- - - VACCINATED - - -
1) Are 100X more infectious when infected
2) Are infectious for 4X longer time
3) Tend to no longer wear masks, so spread the infection more than unvaccinated
4) Have more access to public places - resturants, airplanes, international travel, etc

The number of COVID-19 cases are almost independent of the amount of vaccination
Vertical axis = COVID-19 cases
Horizontal axis = vaccination of US counties - from <5% to >70%


VitaminDWiki pages with SUPERSPREADER in title

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Items found: 4

VitaminDWiki pages with VACCIN in the title

VACCINation,    VACCINations,    VACCINes,    VACCINe,    VACCINated, etc.
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Items found: 291
Title Modified
Better response 6 months after Pfizer vaccinations if higher vitamin D – Aug 2022 27 Aug, 2022
Vitamin D improves Sinovac vaccine (fast innate response) - July 2022 24 Aug, 2022
Vaccine holdouts aren't Republicans, but those under age 60 where perceived risk is worse than COVID – Dec 2021 21 Aug, 2022
Vaccination pages in VitaminDWiki 21 Aug, 2022
Govt funding to fight COVID: 100 billion dollars for vaccine and anti-viral, perhaps zero for alternatives - Aug 2022 21 Aug, 2022
Cancers are associated with low vitamin D, poor vaccination response and perhaps poor VDR – July 2022 15 Aug, 2022
COVID deaths are often of fully vaccinated in fully vaccinated countries – June 2022 12 Jul, 2022
Each COVID reinfection causes more severe disease in miltary veterans (independant of vaccination) - July 2022 10 Jul, 2022
Temporary conception problems after vaccinations, etc. - July 2022 10 Jul, 2022
2 Vaccinations provided no protection against Omicron infection 6 months later – New England J. of Medicine – June 2022 25 Jun, 2022
A third of healthcare workers took sick leave after Covid vaccination (Germany) - April 2022 22 Jun, 2022
28,859 deaths and 238,412 serious injuries due to vaccines, how many more when add ages 0.5 - 5 – June 2022 21 Jun, 2022
Omicron mutations to avoid vaccinations may get much worse – Bossche June 2022 19 Jun, 2022
89% are vaccinated, but Omicron BA.5 is surging (Portugal) June 2022 07 Jun, 2022
Vaccinations resulted in increased office visits for children 16 months later - Nov 2020 24 May, 2022
Problems after childhood vaccinations - many studies 24 May, 2022
US COVID vaccinations: 52 K disabled, 28 K deaths, 14K heart attacks, etc. - May 6, 2022 19 May, 2022
FDA approved 5-11 vaccine booster (based tiny unpublished study without asking advisory panel) May 2022 17 May, 2022
Vaccinated were 42 percent of US COVID Deaths in Jan-Feb 2022 – April 29, 2022 02 May, 2022
Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations - April 2022 22 Apr, 2022
Vaccines were effective, important - PCP survey of May 2021 15 Apr, 2022
Micronutrients such as vitamin D should improve vaccine effectiveness (and decrease side effects) – April 2022 12 Apr, 2022
Pfizer vaccine produced 30 percent more antibodies if more vitamin D – July 2022 08 Apr, 2022
CDC and UK data reveal the COVID vaccines do not prevent cases, transmission, severe illness or deaths - April 3, 2022 04 Apr, 2022
COVID, like influenza, may be able to mutate to avoid vaccines for decades - March 2022 29 Mar, 2022
Increase in COVID Omicron deaths among vaccinated (CA this time) - March 2022 27 Mar, 2022
COVID vaccination: 29 percent higher antibody response if more than 20 ng of vitamin D – March 2022 23 Mar, 2022
Influenza vaccine antibodies not change with Vitamin D – 21 ng or 44 ng – RCT Feb 2019 22 Mar, 2022
Highly Vaccinated Nations Are Driving Global COVID Case Increases - March 14, 2022 20 Mar, 2022
Long-Haul COVID is somewhat less of a problem if vaccinated – Nov 2021 18 Mar, 2022
COVID vaccination makes 6X more antibodies in those having good levels of both vitamin D and Iron – June 2021 13 Feb, 2022
Biden's Inner circle had close ties with Vaccine companies - March 2021 03 Feb, 2022
66 percent of COVID Omicron patients in Ontario hospitals are vaccinated - Jan 23, 2022 23 Jan, 2022
Medications can be mandated to curb an epidemic (SCOTUS, 1905), no evidence that vaccines curb COVID - Jan 2022 18 Jan, 2022
Over 1,000 Studies Published in Peer-Reviewed Medical Journals Say the Vaccines Are Dangerous - Jan 5, 2022 11 Jan, 2022
COVID and vaccine spikes damage repair of adaptive immune system DNA (in the lab) - Oct 2021 06 Jan, 2022
COVID-19 cases vs. vaccination (counties and countries) - Sept 2021 04 Jan, 2022
COVID deaths of US seniors decreased after widespread vaccination, but INCREASED among younger – Dec 28, 2021 28 Dec, 2021
COVID vaccine: have warnings, all side effects reported, no mandates (Japan) - Dec 2021 28 Dec, 2021
Far fewer vaccination antibodies against Omicron - Dec 14, 2021 28 Dec, 2021
3rd vaccination against Omicron waning in 10 weeks (2nd jab worthless at 20 weeks - UK data) - Dec 23, 2021 27 Dec, 2021
Vitamin D might augment COVID-19 vaccines – 6 papers as of Dec 2021 26 Dec, 2021
Researchers found flu vaccine increased miscarriage risk by 7X -Sept 2017 24 Dec, 2021
Dr. McCullough on COVID-19: vaccine problems, home treatment – video, slides, transcript – Oct and Dec 2021 22 Dec, 2021
Most of the World’s Vaccines Likely Won’t Prevent Infection From Omicron - NYT Dec 19, 2021 19 Dec, 2021
The more COVID vaccine jabs, the more Omicron infections - Dec 16, 2021 17 Dec, 2021
Omicron may require fourth vaccine dose, Pfizer says - Dec 10, 2021 17 Dec, 2021
16,000 Physicians and Scientists Agree Kids Shouldn’t Get COVID Vaccine - Dec 15, 2021 16 Dec, 2021
Coronaviruses evolve faster with vaccinations, expect more beyond Omicron - Nov 30, 2021 15 Dec, 2021
HIV vaccine effectivity perhaps increased and side effects reduced if higher Vitamin D - Dec 2021 14 Dec, 2021
Vermont COVID death rates: vaccinated 2X higher than unvaccinated - Dec 2021 12 Dec, 2021
Vaccinated have HIGHER infection rates than unvaxxed (UK age 30-70) - Dec 9, 2021 10 Dec, 2021
Pfizer knew of 290 kinds of COVID vaccine problems 10 Dec, 2021
COVID vaccines produce blood antibodies, not the needed mucosal antibodies - Dec 7, 2021 10 Dec, 2021
11,321 Breakthru COVID cases in Massachusetts last week (fully vaccinated) - Dec 7, 2021 09 Dec, 2021
COVID, influenza, hepatitis B, measles, etc. vaccine responses vary with Vitamin D and its receptor 08 Dec, 2021
COVID-19 infection risk 2X higher in vaccinated than previously infected (28,000 in Netherlands) – preprint Nov 24, 2021 02 Dec, 2021
Vaccinated were 28 percent of cases, 23 percent of deaths (waning)- CDC Sept 2021 30 Nov, 2021
Most Germans will be vaccinated, cured or dead of COVID in a few months (German Health Minister) - Nov 21, 2021 23 Nov, 2021
3,900 deaths within 2 weeks of 2nd vaccination in Sweden - Nov 18, 2021 23 Nov, 2021
Pfizer trial vaccinated 22,000: 1 COVID death prevented, but 4 died of heart attacks - Nov 2021 23 Nov, 2021
Elderly vaccinated for COVID were 2X more likely to die of ischemic stroke (2930 vs 1180 deaths)– Nov 2021 22 Nov, 2021
Fully Vaccinated Are COVID 'Superspreaders,' says Inventor of mRNA Technology - Oct 13, 2021 20 Nov, 2021
Vaccine definition by the CDC seems to now include Vitamin D - Sept 2021 17 Nov, 2021
Vaccination immunity is waning - Fauci - Nov 14, 2021 16 Nov, 2021
Shingles perhaps increased with COVID virus or vaccine - Nov 2021 16 Nov, 2021
Booster vaccination for all adults in CA, CO, AR - Nov 2021 16 Nov, 2021
Bill Gates admits COVID-19 vaccines don't stop viral transmission - Nov 5, 2021 14 Nov, 2021
COVID-19 Infection Rate Skyrockets in America’s Most Vaccinated State: Vermont - Nov 14, 2021 14 Nov, 2021
NIH (where Faucci works) to debate vaccine mandates - Dec 1, 2021 11 Nov, 2021
2X more male teens died than normal in England this summer (perhaps vaccination) - Oct 2021 10 Nov, 2021
Trump counties are 3X more likely die of COVID than Biden counties (vaccination, mask) - Nov 2021 10 Nov, 2021
Vaccine passports expire in 6 months in Israel, but not (yet) in the US - Oct 2021 09 Nov, 2021
Doctors want to prescribe alternative COVID treatments and not give vaccines needlessly - Summit Nov 6, 2021 06 Nov, 2021
COVID spread appears to not be stopped by vaccination, yet US wants to get all vaccinated by Jan – Nov 4, 2021 04 Nov, 2021
Nursing home vaccinated against Influenza, 800 IU of vitamin D daily cut infection rate in half – small RCT Oct 2021 04 Nov, 2021
Vaccination effectiveness dropped from 83 percent to ZERO after 9 months (Sweden, preprint) – Oct 2021 29 Oct, 2021
Severe fatigue and headache in 4 pct of vaccinated, age 16-25 - Oct 2021 27 Oct, 2021
COVID Vaccination trial for kids: 11 red flags - Oct 25, 2021 26 Oct, 2021
COVID natural Immunity is most likely better than vaccination immunity- literature review by Masterjohn - Oct 2021 24 Oct, 2021
TB vaccinations increased vitamin D levels a year later – Jan 2012 20 Oct, 2021
Adverse reactions to 100 Pfizer booster vaccinations: 83 pain, 63 fatigue, 48 headache, etc. - Sept 2021 13 Oct, 2021
Pfizer vaccine half as effective as Moderna after 6 months (fading or Delta) - Mayo preprint Aug 2021 05 Oct, 2021
Long-haul, VAERS, Ivermectin, vaccines, etc. Drs. Seheult, Patrick: Video with table of contents - Sept 17, 2021 21 Sep, 2021
Standard COVID vaccines probably improved effectiveness if higher vitamin D– Sept 2021 15 Sep, 2021
Vaccines protect for: 10 years Tetanus, 3 years Typhoid, 6 month Influenza, unknown COVID – WSJ Sep 10, 2021 13 Sep, 2021
Vaccinated and Unvaccinated are just as infectious after catching COVID-Delta (UK study) - Aug 2021 21 Aug, 2021
Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines might be increased by Vitamin D – Aug 2021 20 Aug, 2021
Vitamin D probably can both prevent Influenza and augment vaccine effectiveness – Aug 2018 18 Aug, 2021
Initial efficacy of vaccines against COVID-Delta - July 20, 2021 11 Aug, 2021
Pfizer Vaccine efficacy drops to 84 pcnt after 6 months (Delta not mentioned) - July 28, 2021 07 Aug, 2021
'A Few Mutations Away': The Threat of a Vaccine-Proof Variant - CDC July 27, 2021 07 Aug, 2021
Vaccines are plan A for COVID-19 Immunity (no plan B ) - Sept 11, 2020 01 Aug, 2021
Obese get less benefit from vaccines: influenza, hepatitis B, rabies and now COVID-19 - March 2021 01 Aug, 2021
A virus can mutate to avoid a vaccine, need more than vaccines to fight a virus – July 31, 2021 01 Aug, 2021
Warning - mass vaccinations typically create mutations that are vaccine resistant - July 29, 2021 31 Jul, 2021
Initial efficacy of 3 vaccines against COVID-19 variants - July 31, 2021 31 Jul, 2021
Vaccine effectiveness may drop to only 16% in 6 months if time between jabs was only 3 weeks – July 2021 30 Jul, 2021
More than 1 hour of daily sun improved influenza vaccine by 35 percent (Vitamin D helps again) – Oct 2019 28 Jul, 2021
J and J vaccination 67 percent efficacy against COVID-Delta (perhaps need Vitamin D) – July 23, 2021 23 Jul, 2021
Vitamin D, C, A, and E, as well as Iron, Se, and Zinc each augment vaccine response – July 2021 20 Jul, 2021
Similar number of US deaths were associated with vaccinations as COVID-19 infections in the previous week– July 12, 2021 19 Jul, 2021
How mass vaccination may lead to increased COVID-Delta 18 Jul, 2021
Similar death rates for Vaccination and COVID-19 in Denmark (retracted) – June 2021 03 Jul, 2021
Similar death rate for Vaccination and COVID-19 study and video – June 24, 2021 28 Jun, 2021
Higher rate of serious Vaccination problems than COVID-19 deaths – June 24, 2021 25 Jun, 2021
More than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans. - June 9, 2021 10 Jun, 2021
Emergency use of vaccine only if "No adequate, approved, and available alternative" (such as vitamin D)- May 2021 03 Jun, 2021
Problems with vaccine use during a pandemic - Dr. Bossche interview with transcript - April 22, 2021 28 May, 2021
COVID-19 cases increased in 26 countries soon after vaccinations - April, May 2021 27 May, 2021
Half of COVID-19 death rate differences explained by rates of elderly influenza vaccination and low vitamin D – April 2021 26 May, 2021
Country reliant on tourism vaccinated, but now 1 in 1,000 get COVID-19 daily - May 2021 08 May, 2021
Vaccine response improved by Vitamin D (Shingles in this case) – Jan 2021 06 May, 2021
COVID-19 vaccines look good in the short term, but probably not good for the long term 29 Apr, 2021
Vaccine trials excluded pregnancies, but it is OK to be vaccinated while pregnant 29 Apr, 2021
Risk of dying from AstraZeneca vaccine higher than of COVID-19 - Norway April 23, 2021 28 Apr, 2021
Vaccination publications in VitaminDWiki 28 Apr, 2021
Deaths during past decade: Measles Zero, Measles Vaccines 100 - Feb 2015 25 Apr, 2021
COVID vaccines may occasionaly cause functional neurologic disorders - April 2021 16 Apr, 2021
If ANY of these vaccination problems occur, the US will not accomplish herd immunity 15 Apr, 2021
COVID-19 vaccine adverse reactions reported 6X more often in Europe than in the US – March 29, 2021 03 Apr, 2021
Influenza Vaccination not benefited by lowish levels of vitamin D – meta-analysis March 2018 25 Mar, 2021
COVID-19 Vaccines compared: side effects, ingredients, etc. - March 2021 24 Mar, 2021
Vaccines Are Pushing Pathogens to Evolve – May 2018 23 Mar, 2021
COVID-19 vaccine – no compensation if the problem occurs after 1 year (new US law) – Feb 2021 13 Mar, 2021
Reasons why the virus might mutate and become immune to the COVID-19 vaccine – Nov 2020 11 Mar, 2021
Women have more problems with COVID-19 vaccines (perhaps due to lower vitamin D) – March 2021 08 Mar, 2021
Worrisome New Evidence That Vaccines Are Less Effective Against Variants - March 2021 08 Mar, 2021
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