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COVID vaccine: have warnings, all side effects reported, no mandates (Japan) - Dec 2021

BREAKING — Japan Puts Warnings on COVID Jabs Mercola, Dec 28

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One of the references: Health ministry warns of vaccine's side effects NHK Japan, Dec 4, 2021

  • "It says that as of November 14, out of every one million males who had the Moderna vaccine, such side effects were reported in 81.79 males aged 10 to 19 and 48.76 males in their 20s."
  • "The figures were 15.66 and 13.32 respectively for those who had the Pfizer vaccine."
  • "It will also require hospitals to report in detail incidents involving people who developed the symptoms within 28 days after being vaccinated, according to the law."

VitaminDWiki Titles containing VACCIN (138 as of Dec 2021)

VACCINation,    VACCINations,    VACCINes,    VACCINe,    VACCINated, etc.
List is automatically updated

Items found: 280
Title Modified
COVID vaccines during pregnancy resulted in 37 types of adverse events. -preprint June 2024 30 Jun, 2024
COVID vaccination associated with a 22% increase in Alzheimer’s disease in 3 months – May 2024 22 Jun, 2024
Proposal: no blood donations from COVID vaccinated individuals (preprint in Japan) - May 2024 27 May, 2024
Excess death rates in high-vaccinated countries exceeded COVID death rates by 3.4 X in 2023 - May 2024 26 May, 2024
Hypothesis: More deaths due to MMR vaccine than deaths due to measles if no one was vaccinated - May 2024 26 May, 2024
Cancers take years to develop, but already have 36 COVID vaccination suspected cancers - May 2024 21 May, 2024
FDA study of 4 million children found 2 COVID-19 vaccination red flags, but continue to push boosters – May 2024 07 May, 2024
CDC recommends more than 100 Vaccinations during lifetime - May 2024 02 May, 2024
16% of people getting COVID-19 vaccination had Uveitis (middle eye infection) within 1 year – April 2024 29 Apr, 2024
Increased cancer rate after 3rd vaccination (Japan in this study) - April 2024 11 Apr, 2024
US has the most vaccinations before age 1 and the most deaths - March 2024 26 Mar, 2024
Benign Cancers of a portion of the brain increased 1.8 X after vaccines were available - March 2024 24 Mar, 2024
Multiple COVID vaccinations might increase Cancer Incidence - many studies 24 Mar, 2024
Benign Cancers of a portion of the brain increased 1.8 X after vaccines were available - March 2024 24 Mar, 2024
COVID-19 vaccines adverse events: myocarditis, pericarditis, etc. (99 million people, not US) – Feb 2024 14 Mar, 2024
COVID senior pneumonia deaths: 50% if low Vitamin D and unvaccinated vs 16% if Vitamin D or vaccinated – June 2023 28 Feb, 2024
18,000 schoolchildren in Canada to be suspended for not being vaccinated - Feb 2024 27 Feb, 2024
Vaccines increased your risk of dying of COVID in NZ - official data - Feb 2024 19 Feb, 2024
Study urged a global moratorium on mRNA vaccines (300 peer reviewers agreed) – Jan 2024 17 Feb, 2024
CDC recommends 100 vaccinations by age 18 – Feb 2024 15 Feb, 2024
Professor Raoult is calling for a moratorium on COVID-19 vaccines - Jan 2024 04 Feb, 2024
Fewer neurons in males born from COVID-19 vaccinated mothers (rats) - Jan 2024 20 Jan, 2024
Influenza vaccination (2022-2023) reduced hospitalizations by only 35% - Jan 2024 20 Jan, 2024
COVID and or vaccinations causing less Vitamin D and more sickness - Jan 2024 20 Jan, 2024
COVID infections and vaccinations decrease Vitamin D – many studies 15 Jan, 2024
Vitamin D can probably augment or replace many vaccines – March 2015 12 Jan, 2024
COVID Vaccinated Children 1.25 X More Likely to Be Hospitalized for Respiratory Illness - CDC Jan 2024 12 Jan, 2024
Red blood cell clumping (Hemagglutination) - by COVID and vaccination (Ivermectin helps) - Dec 2023 28 Dec, 2023
France has injected 200,000 infants with RSV vaccine, based on no long-term data - Here we go again - Dec 2023 27 Dec, 2023
4th COVID vaccination resulted in no decreased deaths (Austria) - Nov 2023 13 Dec, 2023
Deaths after vaccination - also reported in Japan - Dec 2023 11 Dec, 2023
COVID vaccination problems 1000 X worse than Thalidomide - Dec 2023 05 Dec, 2023
2 reasons doctors not aware of post-vaccination myocarditis (2.5% of jabs) - Nov 2023 29 Nov, 2023
Hypothesis: Both Long COVID and Vaccine Injury are caused by Spike Protein, proposed detox – Nov 2023 24 Nov, 2023
COVID vaccines are highly effective in reducing non-COVID deaths in older Australians (not) - Nov 2023 24 Nov, 2023
Hospital utilization Australia (NSW) 1415 Vaccinated, 0 unvaccinated - Dec 2022 24 Nov, 2023
COVID infections or vaccinations may increase Multiple Sclerosis (if low D) - several studies 23 Nov, 2023
COVID vaccinations resulted in big increase in metabolic disorders - Nov 2023 22 Nov, 2023
Moderna is monitoring 150 million websites for ‘Anti-Vaccine’ Narratives - Nov 2023 21 Nov, 2023
COVID vaccination health problems - Campbell, Yale Nov 2023 19 Nov, 2023
Brazil mandates COVID-19 vaccine for children - Nov 2023 10 Nov, 2023
COVID Vaccination problems - 3,500 studies - Oct 2023 01 Nov, 2023
Hypothesis: Multiple COVID vaccinations reduce Vitamin D, resulting in Excess Deaths, etc. - Oct 2023 29 Oct, 2023
Following COVID vaccination 31% had neurological problems (Italy) – Oct 2023 28 Oct, 2023
Next COVID Litigation conference (includes vaccination) - March 2024 25 Oct, 2023
FDA hired a person to study flu vaccine effectiveness, found problems, was fired 23 Oct, 2023
Polio vaccine absolute risk reduction was only 0.01 percent - 2022 23 Oct, 2023
Large Toronto Study on Paxlovid vaccination: 62% had Adverse Events - Oct 2023 23 Oct, 2023
Autoimmune diseases caused in first day after COVID Vaccination - Oct 2023 17 Oct, 2023
Immune System tolerance is inversely related to the number of COVID vaccinations (PubMed analysis) - Oct 2023 10 Oct, 2023

Created by admin. Last Modification: Tuesday December 28, 2021 20:37:45 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 9)

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