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3,900 deaths within 2 weeks of 2nd vaccination in Sweden - Nov 18, 2021

Another major red flag about Covid vaccines and death alexberenson.substack

  • "People appear to die at rates 20 percent or more above normal for weeks after receiving their second Covid vaccine dose, according to data from a huge Swedish study"
  • "But on page 32 of the 34-page report, a chart shows that 3,939 of 4.03 million Swedes who received the second dose died less than two weeks later."

VitaminDWiki is unclear if this is excess deaths

Effectiveness of Covid-19 Vaccination Against Risk of Symptomatic Infection, Hospitalization, and Death Up to 9 Months: A Swedish Total-Population Cohort Study - Oct 25, 2021 PDF
Research paper has many interesting reader comments

Created by admin. Last Modification: Tuesday November 23, 2021 00:15:21 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 8)

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16614 Sweden Deaths.pdf admin 19 Nov, 2021 962.45 Kb 294
16613 Swedish deaths.jpeg admin 19 Nov, 2021 27.32 Kb 448