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Vaccinated and Unvaccinated are just as infectious after catching COVID-Delta (UK study) - Aug 2021

Jabbed adults infected with Delta ‘can match virus levels of unvaccinated’ Guardian

Study: Fully vaccinated people with "breakthrough" COVID Delta infections carry as much virus as the unvaccinatedCBS News

 Download the preprint PDF from VitaminDWiki

Those who are vaccinated are:
1) Less likely to get infection
2) Less likely to have severe infection
3) Just as likely to infect others

Does not appear to discuss relative likelyhood of asymptomatic infectiousness of
1) Vaccinated
2) Unvaccinated
3) People who had previously be infected by COVID-19

Bill Gates admits COVID-19 vaccines don't stop viral transmission - Nov 9, 2021

Created by admin. Last Modification: Sunday November 14, 2021 22:52:50 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 9)

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16111 viral burden_compressed.pdf admin 20 Aug, 2021 1.95 Mb 1848