
Depression reduced if use more than 2,800 IU of vitamin D – meta-analysis Aug 2022

Effect of vitamin D supplementation on the incidence and prognosis of depression: An updated meta-analysis based on randomized controlled trials

Front. Public Health 10:903547. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.903547
Fei Xielf, Tongmin Huang2t, Dandi Lou3, Rongrong Fu3, Chaoxiong Ni4, Jiaze Hong2 and Lingyan Ruan1*
department of Endocrinology, Ningbo Yinzhou No. 2 Hospital, Ningbo, China, 2The Second Clinical Medical College, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou, China, 3The First Clinical Medical College, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou, China, department of Nephrology, QingChun Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, China


Background: There have been several controversies about the correlation between vitamin D and depression. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between vitamin D supplementation and the incidence and prognosis of depression and to analyze the latent effects of subgroups including population and supplement strategy.

Methods: A systematic search for articles before July 2021 in databases (PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library) was conducted to investigate the effect of vitamin D supplementation on the incidence and prognosis of depression.

Results: This meta-analysis included 29 studies with 4,504 participants,indicating that the use of vitamin D was beneficial to a decline in the incidence of depression (SMD: -0.23) and improvement of depression treatment (SMD: -0.92). Subgroup analysis revealed that people with low vitamin D levels (<50 nmol/L) and females could notably benefit from vitamin D in both prevention and treatment of depression. The effects of vitamin D with a daily supplementary dose of >2,800 IU and intervention duration of >8 weeks were considered significant in both prevention and treatment analyses. Intervention duration <8 weeks was recognized as effective in the treatment group.

Conclusion: Our results demonstrate that vitamin D has a beneficial impact on both the incidence and the prognosis of depression. Whether suffering from depression or not, individuals with low vitamin D levels, dose >2,800 IU, intervention duration >8 weeks, and all females are most likely to benefit from vitamin D supplementation.
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18239 Depression dose.jpg admin 03 Aug, 2022 58.02 Kb 283
18238 Depression forest meta.jpg admin 03 Aug, 2022 37.75 Kb 286
18237 Vit D depression meta.pdf admin 03 Aug, 2022 633.99 Kb 219