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Arterial stiffness reduced by Omega-3, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Magnesium, etc.

Arterial Stiffness and other cardiocascular problems have been proven to be reduced by supplementation by each of the nutrients which have decreased over the past 50 years. I do not know which is "best". Perhaps they work synergistically.
   I personally take Vitamin D + Vitamin K + Omega-3 + Magnesium.
   Henry Lahore, founder of VitaminDWiki

Measure Arterial Velocity at home - $150 iPad (SW version: 3+), or iPhone (SW version: 4S+),Android (SW version: 5.0+)

I purchased a product to go with my iPad to measure my Arterial Velocity. Clips on the finger and makes the measurement in about 1 minute. Seems to be supported by good science. The iPad displays your realtive Arterial Velocity, etc. I have the Arterial Velocity of a person who is 20 years younger (51 instead of my actual 71)




120,000 IU Vitamin D monthly for 4 months ==> 10% better blood flow - RCT Nov 2017

Dose responses of vitamin D3 supplementation on arterial stiffness in overweight African Americans with vitamin D deficiency: A placebo controlled randomized trial Dec 2017
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Items in both categories Cardiovascular and Omega-3 are listed here:

Items in both categories Cardiovascular and Vitamin K-2 are listed here:

Items in both categories Cardiovascular and Magnesium are listed here:

See also web

Created by admin. Last Modification: Saturday December 7, 2019 00:06:12 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 42)

Attached files

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9135 Jr high.pdf admin 05 Jan, 2018 269.50 Kb 1085
9129 AS Meta.jpg admin 05 Jan, 2018 56.41 Kb 1559
9128 AS Korea.jpg admin 05 Jan, 2018 23.84 Kb 1565
9127 AS Korea.pdf admin 05 Jan, 2018 355.84 Kb 721
9126 iheart and ipad.jpg admin 05 Jan, 2018 11.54 Kb 1602
9125 goiheart display.jpg admin 05 Jan, 2018 17.03 Kb 1628
9124 Arterial Stiffness Mg.pdf admin 05 Jan, 2018 538.08 Kb 756
9123 Arterial Stiffness A-A RCT.jpg admin 04 Jan, 2018 27.77 Kb 1755
9122 Arterial Stiffness A-A RCT.pdf admin 04 Jan, 2018 1.16 Mb 741
9115 Review Adv Disadv.jpg admin 03 Jan, 2018 102.44 Kb 326
9114 Potassium content.jpg admin 03 Jan, 2018 10.46 Kb 1610
9113 Potassium.pdf admin 03 Jan, 2018 2.34 Mb 752
9112 Review 2015.pdf admin 03 Jan, 2018 1.05 Mb 686
9111 Meta May 2016.pdf admin 03 Jan, 2018 438.48 Kb 686
9110 Nutrient crosstalk.pdf admin 03 Jan, 2018 640.06 Kb 727
9109 Significance of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in human health.pdf admin 03 Jan, 2018 1.47 Mb 492