Unaware of any country on Earth where home fortification is illegal
One vitamin D supplier is looking into home fortification (as of June 2014)
A water-soluble packet of 400,000 IU of vitamin D might be added to various food stuffs:
salt, sugar, fruit juice, jams, syrup, flour (wheat, rice, soy, . . ), vegetable oils, spices, egg replacer (64 eggs/package), ghee, etc
Sales price for a single packet might be $1 for 4 man-months @ 3,500 IU per person
Several billion people on the globe do not take vitamin D because of one or more of the following reasons
- Not afford it
(even people just earning $1/day can afford $1 for 4 man-months of supplementation) - Not remember/ or be bothered to take it regularly
- Uncomfortable or unable to swallow a capsule
(especially true for the young and the very old)
A capsule/packet with 10 mg of Vitamin D would solve all of those reasons
The powder would provide
- 4 months of vitamin D for a single adult,
- 1 month of vitamin D for 4 adults
- 1 month of vitamin D for 2 adults and 4 adolescents (based on weight)
- etc.
Note: a bottle of 12 packets taken in a single day, should not toxic
Note: A toxic reaction is NOT the same as deadly reaction
A toxic reaction to vitamin D is treated by just stopping taking the vitamin D
- the body clears out the excess vitamin D naturally over a period of weeks.
Is there ANY food/drink which would not be toxic/deadly if you take 1,000 the daily amount? (5 million IU vs 4,000 IU)
4,000 liters of water, 100 bottles of wine, 2 million calories of food, 1 kilogram of vitamin C, 500 aspirin tablets,
See also VitaminDWiki
- Vitamin D content of over 400 types of food
- Should NZ and Australia increase vitamin D fortification - June 2012
- Vitamin D can fortify a variety of food and drinks – even beer – March 2012
- Vitamin D fortification of foods, cosmetics, by mfg and at home (India) - Sept 2014
- Rationale and Plan for Vitamin D Food Fortification - July 2018
- A review of vitamin D fortification: Implications for nutrition programming in Southeast Asia - June 2013
Veg. oil a good possibility - but this study did not fortify with enough vitamin D
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki. - Add vitamin D to animal feed to fortify the resulting human food – Oct 2012
- All items in category Fortification with vitamin D
136 items - Vitamin D review from Ireland
- Improved health due to vitamin D fortification in Finland
- A balanced diet is no longer enough – supplements needed - VitaminDWiki Oct 2012
Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Omega-3- All items in Veterinary and vitamin D
155 items - Overview Veterinary and vitamin D
Vitamin D costs the owner $1/cow for an entire year for a dose which is effectively 10,000 IU for a normal weight human.- Can fortify food with 1000 IU of vitamin D - Italy, March 2013
- Overview Toxicity of vitamin D 2 million IU DAILY for a week is toxic = 14 million IU
- Typically takes a century for govts to fortify food with nutrients (like vitamin D) which has the folllowing chart
See also web
- FDA 2012 policies on food fortification attached at the bottom of this page
- List of vegetable oils Wikipedia
Coconut, Corn, Cottonseed, Olive, Palm, Peanut, Rapeseed/Canola, Safflower, Sesame, Soybean, Sunflower
Note some oils are much better than others to take with vitamin D - Fortification Overview Project Health Children
The Copenhagen Consensus estimates that every $1 spent on fortification results in $9 in benefits to the economy.
- Global Food Fortification May 2014 - some failures mentioned in abstract
In Jordan, fortified wheat flour delivers sufficient iron to improve status in children but not in women, while vitamin A may behave in the inverse order.
In Chile, wheat flour provides folic acid amounts equivalent to 400-μg folic acid per day to women of child-bearing age and therefore it explains the reduction of neural tube defects, but this practice places the population at large at risk of excessive intakes - Home fortification Technical Advisory Group
- Multiple micronutrient powders - WHO 2011 attached at the bottom of this page
short url = http://is.gd/fortifyd
Vitamin D home fortification- don't wait 100 years for your govt31849 visitors, last modified 05 Jan, 2025, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 4567 A review of vitamin D fortification.pdf admin 10 Nov, 2014 132.90 Kb 2240 4084 Multiple micronutrient powders WHO.pdf admin 27 Jun, 2014 166.40 Kb 3235 3375 FDA food fortification June 2012.pdf admin 13 Dec, 2013 4.68 Mb 2238 2645 fortification methods.jpg admin 24 Jun, 2013 97.05 Kb 8129