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Predicted US Cancer statistics for 2024 - Feb 2024

Cancer statistics, 2024

CA Cancer J Clin. 2024;74:12–49 DOI: 10.3322/caac.21820
Rebecca L. Siegel MPH1© | Angela N. Giaquinto MSPH1© | Ahmedin Jemal DVM, PhD2
1 Surveillance Research, American Cancer Society, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
2 Surveillance and Health Equity Science, American Cancer Society, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Portions of a few tables in the study



Each year, the American Cancer Society estimates the numbers of new cancer cases and deaths in the United States and compiles the most recent data on population- based cancer occurrence and outcomes using incidence data collected by central cancer registries (through 2020) and mortality data collected by the National Center for Health Statistics (through 2021). In 2024, 2,001,140 new cancer cases and 611,720 cancer deaths are projected to occur in the United States. Cancer mortality continued to decline through 2021, averting over 4 million deaths since 1991 because of reductions in smoking, earlier detection for some cancers, and improved treatment options in both the adjuvant and metastatic settings. However, these gains are threatened by increasing incidence for 6 of the top 10 cancers.

Incidence rates increased during 2015-2019 by 0.6%-1% annually for breast, pancreas, and uterine corpus cancers and by 2%-3% annually for prostate, liver (female), kidney, and hu­man papillomavirus-associated oral cancers and for melanoma. Incidence rates also increased by 1%-2% annually for cervical (ages 30-44 years) and colorectal cancers (ages <55 years) in young adults.

Colorectal cancer was the fourth-leading cause of cancer death in both men and women younger than 50 years in the late-1990s but is now first in men and second in women.

Progress is also hampered by wide persistent cancer disparities; compared to White people, mortality rates are two-fold higher for prostate, stomach and uterine corpus cancers in Black people and for liver, stomach, and kidney cancers in Native American people. Continued national progress will require increased investment in cancer prevention and access to equitable treat­ment, especially among American Indian and Alaska Native and Black individuals.
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

VitaminDWiki – Cancer category contains:

Cancers get less Vitamin D when there is a poor Vitamin D Receptor

VitaminDWiki – Overview Breast Cancer and Vitamin D contains

VitaminDWiki – Cancer - After diagnosis category contains

  • Most cancers reduce vitamin D levels
  • Most cancer treatments (chemo, radiation) further lower Vitamin D
  • Higher levels of vitamin D minimize many side-effects of cancer therapy
  • High levels of vitamin D augment many chemotherapies
  • High levels of vitamin D augment cancer immunotherapies
  • High levels of vitamin D can kill some cancer cells 1,720 items 12/2023
  • Some cancers deactivate the vitamin D receptor

Example VitaminDWiki Studies

Breast Cancer

VitaminDWiki – Cancer - Colon category

VitaminDWiki – Cancer - Pancreatic category:

55 items in Cancer-Pancreatic

Risk of Pancreatic Cancer significantly reduced by each of:
Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Vitamin D Receptor Activators, and Omega-3
Perhaps the combination would reduce PC risk by >90%
   if taken for at least 2, and perhaps 5 years

Pancreatic Cancer trials using Vitamin D and viral therapy – Nov 2018 contains:

Omega-3 helps

Other supplements of interest

VitaminDWiki – Cancer - Skin category:

121 items in Cancer-Skin

see also Overview Suntan, melanoma and vitamin D
Overview Skin and vitamin D
Cancer and Vitamin D - many studies
Melanoma might be suppressed by Vitamin D - many studies
Vitamin D from the sun reduces the risk of internal cancers, but increases some skin cancers – Nov 2021
The Greatest Public Health Mistake of the 20th Century (sunscreen block Vitamin D) - 2017
Cancers reduced by Vitamin D (Skin cancer in this review) – Dec 2022
Melanoma associated with vitamin D less than 30 ng (9X) – March 2021

30+ VitaminDWiki Dark Skin pages have CANCER in the title

This list is automatically updated

Items found: 31
Title Modified
Dark skinned people: higher risk of Prostate, Colon, and Breast Cancers (yet again) - April 2024 15 Apr, 2024
Prostate cancer patients in Jamaica were 5X more likely to die of PC if low vitamin D - Sept 2022 01 Oct, 2022
Newly diagnosed Children with Cancer have low vitamin D, especially if black - May 2022 16 Jun, 2022
Cancer continues to be more deadly for Blacks than Whites (hint – low Vitamin D) – May 2022 30 May, 2022
Cancer of breast is highest in dark-skinned women (low Vitamin D: dark skin and obese) - Feb 2022 12 Feb, 2022
Cancers and Vitamin D Receptors, including change with race – Feb 2021 24 Oct, 2021
Those with recent cancer diagnosis had 7X increased risk of COVID-19 (more if A-A )- Dec 2020 19 Feb, 2021
Deaths after Cancer Surgery higher in blacks (probably low vitamin D) – Dec 2020 10 Jan, 2021
Blacks are more obese, have lower Vitamin D, and have more Cancer etc. than whites – Feb 2018 03 May, 2018
Hypothesis: Blacks get more cancer than whites due to lower levels of vitamin D – June 2012 03 May, 2018
Prostate Cancer risk in black men increased 2X having poor Vitamin D Binding Protein – July 2017 20 Nov, 2017
Breast cancer in blacks – 5X increased risk of triple negative if low vitamin D – Oct 2017 01 Nov, 2017
Breast cancer worse for black women – Sept 2011 19 Aug, 2017
Prostate cancer in black men is 1.6 times more likely if a poor Vitamin D Receptor – Feb 2017 06 Mar, 2017
Aggressive Prostate Cancer in blacks with low vitamin D – 7X more likely if added Calcium – Jan 2017 28 Dec, 2016
Head and Neck Cancer associated with low vitamin D, especially with blacks - April 2012 17 Nov, 2016
2X less prostate cancer in A-A with low Calcium is due vitamin D receptor gene – July 2013 14 Nov, 2016
Higher rate of prostate cancer in AA may decrease if take vitamin D – July 2016 07 Jul, 2016
Prostate Cancer incidence and death 2X more often among black men (vitamin D not mentioned) - July 2015 30 Jul, 2015
Kidney Cancer differences with skin color probably due to vitamin D differences – May 2015 25 May, 2015
Tanning potential predicts risk of Prostate Cancer in Blacks – Nov 2014 02 Jan, 2015
Cancer patients at high risk of vitamin D deficiency were not tested as often (paradoxically) – July 2014 12 Aug, 2014
Colon cancer more likely in blacks due to differences in Vitamin D genes (wonder if more Vitamin D would help) – May 2014 21 May, 2014
Barefoot on mega doses of vitamin D and his book on Cancer 10 Apr, 2014
Hypothesis - Dark skin evolved to avoid skin cancer - Feb 2014 02 Mar, 2014
Breast cancer more deadly for blacks than whites 13 Feb, 2014
Skin cancer risk and vitamin D from sun both decrease with darker skin – March 2013 10 Nov, 2013
Hypothesis: Vitamin D is related to breast cancer racial disparities in the US - Sept 2012 08 Jul, 2013
Genes may account for some of AA Breast Cancer – April 2012 08 Jul, 2013
More US deaths due to cancer than heart if dark skinned – Sept 2012 18 Sep, 2012
Low vitamin D in blacks increases colorectal cancer deaths 40 percent – Cancer Oct 2010 23 Oct, 2010

Predicted US Cancer statistics for 2024 - Feb 2024        
1493 visitors, last modified 25 Feb, 2024,
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ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
20858 survive 5 years.png admin 25 Feb, 2024 92.47 Kb 53
20857 Percent chance of cancer.png admin 25 Feb, 2024 111.88 Kb 48
20856 Cancer 2024.png admin 25 Feb, 2024 125.00 Kb 48
20855 Cancer statistics 2024_CompressPdf.pdf admin 25 Feb, 2024 1.32 Mb 30