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  1. Less risk of pelvic flood disorders when vitamin D greater than 30 ng– April 201r
  2. Age of Menarche and menopause - latitude affect 2001.pdf
  3. 2.3 X more weight loss in those who had low vitamin D levels and took some – Dec 2019
  4. 2400 IU raised both black and white women to 40 ng of vitamin D – RCT 2013
  5. 2X increased chance of anemia (low iron) associated with low vitamin D – Sept 2013
  6. 2X less urinary incontinence in senior women when vitamin D greater than 30 ng– April 2010
  7. 4 cups of coffee increases risk of fracture - meta-analysis 2014
  8. 450,000 IU of vitamin D over 9 weeks given to 100,000 teenage Iranian girls helped their livers – Feb 2019
  9. Age of menopause increases if add vitamin D or UVB
  10. ALL of the top 10 health problems of women are associated with low vitamin D
  11. All older women need vitamin D supplementation to get to even 20 ng (results of modeling) – May 2018
  12. American College of Nurse‐Midwives continues to state that 600 IU Vitamin D is enough – March 2019
  13. An Exploratory Study of Postpartum Depression and Vitamin D - May 2010
  14. Autoimmune diseases occur more often in women than men
  15. Autoimmune disorders associated with low vitamin D during pregnancy – Nov 2019
  16. Bacterial vaginosis reduced 10 times by 2,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT June 2015
  17. Being on “the pill” increases low vitamin D levels by about 20 percent – Sept 2013
  18. Benefits of Omega-3 plus Vitamin D were additive – RCT Sept 2021
  19. Blood in urine of postmenopausal women 1.6X more likely if low vitamin D – May 2019
  20. Bone loss reduced in women by vitamin D supplementation - Meta-analysis Jan 2024
  21. Breast Cancer again associated with low vitamin D – 15th meta-analysis Sept 2020
  22. Breast cancer in blacks – 5X increased risk of triple negative if low vitamin D – Oct 2017
  23. Breast Cancer prevention with vitamin D might reduce number of mammograms by 4X – Aug 2022
  24. Breast Cancer risk factor is a virus in dairy products - March 2022
  25. Calcium and vitamin D appear to be among the few ways to prevent ovarian cancer – 2010
  26. CDC vitamin D statistics for women: including blacks and high BMI – March 2012
  27. Cervical lesions (precancerous, identified by pap smear) treated by bi-weekly 50,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Feb 2017
  28. Coronary Artery Disease 2.9 X more likely in postmenopausal women if Vitamin D deficient – March 2020
  29. Coronary Heart Disease 3 times more likely if endometriosis before age 40 (vitamin D not mentioned) – March 2016
  30. Dairy improved bones of senior women – if they also had enough vitamin D – Jan 2019
  31. Death of women from cancer 24% less likely if 20 ng more vitamin D – meta-analysis Sept 2013
  32. Deficiencies of iron and vitamin D are interrelated in women – March 2013
  33. Depression 13X more likely with polycystic ovary syndrome if low vitamin D – Sept 2015
  34. During basic training white females decreased vitamin D but non-whites increased – Aug 2012
  35. Dysmenorrhea substantially reduced by Ginger, just 1,000 IU Vitamin D also helped – RCT Nov 2019
  36. Early puberty in girls 60 percent more likely if less than 32 ng of vitamin D – Aug 2017
  37. Endometriosis 24 percent less likely if high predicted vitamin D level – Feb 2013
  38. Endometriosis treated by Vitamin D (50,000 IU bi-weekly) – RCT Jan 2021
  39. Endometriosis, Endometrial Cancer, and poor Vitamin D or Receptor – Aug 2018
  40. Endometriosis: 2.7 X more likely if with low vitamin D (trend of 9 studies)– meta-analysis May 2020
  41. Estradiol, vitamin D, Omega-3 – RCT Feb 2019
  42. Estrogen contraception pill doubled the response to 1,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Sept 2017
  43. Estrogen supplements may cut COVID-19 deaths by half (no surprise - more E, more Vitamin D) - Feb 2022
  44. Every one of top 10 female health problems is associated with low Vitamin D
  45. Excess body hair in women (hirsutism): not much evidence that vitamin D helps – June 2014
  46. Female Athlete health problems may be due to lack of vitamin D and Iron – July 2012
  47. Female mortality predicted better by vitamin D than by C-Reactive Protein – Dec 2013
  48. Half of Women Over 50 Desperately Need This Potent Nutrient (Vitamin D) – April 2018
  49. Heart Disease 40 percent more likely in women having poor Vitamin D Binding Protein – Sept 2017
  50. Hormonal contraceptives associated with higher vitamin D levels - 2013, 2018

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