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  1. 2.5 X more health compaints in children and youths if low vitamin D – Jan 2021
  2. Acute Migraine 35 times more likely if low Magnesium levels – May 2016
  3. Childhood migraine in Vitamin D deficient children reduced 6X by addition of daily 5,000 IU and amitriptyline – April 2014
  4. Children with headaches had less vitamin D – Oct 2017
  5. Chronic migraine headaches 1.4 X more likely with low vitamin D – July 2018
  6. Cluster Headaches treated by high-dose Vitamin D, etc. (interview and transcript) - Feb 2022
  7. Cluster headaches virtually eliminated in 7,000 people with high-dose vitamin D and cofactors - Feb 2022
  8. Dark skin people in Norway 2X more deficient and have 3X more headaches if low on vitamin D – July 2010
  9. Fewer headaches and other benefits of higher vitamin D – Jan 2017
  10. Global burden of brain disorders surpasses cardiovascular disease and cancer - July 2023
  11. Headache 20 pcnt more likely if low vitamin D, even after adjusting for vitamin D problems – Nov 2012
  12. Headache with vitamin D may mean you need Magnesium
  13. Headaches (chronic tension) 3X more likely to have low vitamin D – also muscle weakness and bone tenderness – May 2017
  14. Headaches 3 X as often if Obese – March 2018
  15. Headaches decreased by Vitamin D, Magnesium etc. – Review March 2022
  16. Headaches helped by Vitamin D in 7 studies – Jan 2020
  17. Headaches related to latitude and season – perhaps vitamin D - May 2010
  18. Headaches vary with latitude and season and perhaps vitamin D as well -May 2010
  19. Hypothesis– Chronic headache and musculoskeletal pain both result from low vitamin D – Oct 2013
  20. Magnesium in Healthcare (Rickets, Stones, Pregnancy, Depression, etc.) with level of evidence – Sept 2017
  21. Magnesium Pidolate may be a good form to reduce headaches – Aug 2020
  22. Many Neurological Diseases fought by Vitamin D - Dec 2022
  23. Migraine headache 5X less likely if optimal level of vitamin D – Oct 2018
  24. Migraine Headache association with poor gut – Feb 2020
  25. Migraine headaches cut in half by 4,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Sept 2018
  26. Migraine headaches quickly reduced with Magnesium – Meta-analysis Jan 2016
  27. Migraine headaches reduced with 50,000 IU vitamin D weekly – RCT July 2015
  28. Migraine headaches treated by Vitamin D – meta-analysis Jan 2021
  29. Migraines double the risk of strokes (both are associated with low vitamin D) – Jan 2018
  30. Migraines have low vitamin D, Migraines plus Restless Leg have far lower vitamin D (no surprise) – Dec 2021
  31. Migraines in youths with low Vitamin D wonderfully treated by Vitamin D – June 2019
  32. Migraines may be due to lack of lack of Magnesium in half of sufferers – May 2012
  33. Migranes not reduced by those having a fraction of a nanogram more vitamin D (no surprise) – Jan 2014
  34. Migraine and Vitamin D
  35. Cluster and Migraine headache treatment protocol - Sept 2023
  36. Headache
  37. Water-soluble form of vitamins are needed for some health problems
  38. Hypothesis - Dysfunction of Autonomic Nervous System is associated with low vitamin D – April 2017
  39. Pain not reduced by vitamin D (only used 1,000 IU) - RCT Dec 2014
  40. Vitamin D and Migraine – Nov 2010
  41. Why Do Multiple Sclerosis and Migraine Coexist – Jan 2020
  42. Widespread pain, arthritis pain and muscle pain are associated with low vitamin D – meta-analysis March 2018
  43. High Vitamin D reduces the risk of headaches by 15% (Mendelian randomization analysis) – July 2024
  44. People with Cluster headaches take 2X more days of sick leave – Feb 2020
  45. Comparing High-dose vitamin D therapies

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