Toggle Health Problems and D


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  1. Less Bladder Cancer if more sunshine
  2. UVB correlated with rate of bladder cancer in 174 countries
  3. UVB and bladder cancer in 174 countries
  4. Ultraviolet B Irradiance and Incidence Rates of Bladder Cancer in 174 Countries
  5. Cancer - Bladder
  6. 1200 IU of vitamin D did not have any impact on bladder cancer – June 2010
  7. 13 Cancers are helped by Vitamin D – Biobank July 2023
  8. 80 percent more likely to have bladder cancer if have low level of vitamin D – Oct 2012
  9. Bladder Cancer deaths – 2.9X more likely if low Vitamin D, no death if more than 30 ng – July 2020
  10. Bladder Cancer, Vitamin D, and Fibroblast Growth Factor – Oct 2012
  11. China has documented that less UV results in more cancer – June 2010
  12. Deaths from many types of Cancer associated with low vitamin D- review of meta-analyses Sept 2020
  13. Free vitamin D (VDR) may be more important than total for bladder cancer – March 2013
  14. Getting little UV is associated with 15 types of Cancer – Jan 2012
  15. Good Vitamin D receptor reduced bladder cancer and cisplatin deaths – April 2019
  16. Higher levels of Vitamin D assocated with bladder cancer survival by veterans – Feb 2013
  17. Hypothesis: Vitamin D or UV will decrease bladder cancer – Feb 2013
  18. Increased incidence of 7 cancers if live far from equator (if not take vitamin D) – March 2019
  19. Less than 20 ng of Vitamin D increases bladder cancer by 70 percent – Oct 2010
  20. Molecular Link between Vitamin D and Cancer Prevention – Oct 2013
  21. Cancers are sometimes associated with poor CYP24A1 gene (Vitamin D) (Bladder Cancer in this case) – April 2024
  22. Bladder cancer modifiable risk factors include low vitamin D – meta-analysis March 2016
  23. Bladder cancer 60 percent less likely if have high vitamin D – meta-analysis Dec 2015
  24. Bladder cancer 25 percent less likely if have high vitamin D – meta-analysis April 2015
  25. Bladder cancer in muscles 2.7 times more-likely if vitamin D less than 20 ng -meta-analysis May 2024
  26. Bladder cancer 25 percent less likely if have high vitamin D – meta-analysis Oct 2014
  27. Cancer - Bladder
  28. Off Topic: Cannabinoids as Cancer chemotherapy – Sept 2014
  29. Poor Bladder Cancer survival associated with poor Vitamin D receptor – Oct 2015
  30. Urinary Bladder Cancer survival is associated with vitamin D receptor: 14 months vs 53 months – Oct 2015
  31. Vitamin D and Risk of Rarer Cancers – Jan 2013

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