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Calcium to Magnesium Ratio - many studies

Google Scholar: Calcium Magnesium ratio (NOT soil, water): 533,000 hits June 2023

Google Scholar

  • Dietary calcium and magnesium intake and risk for incident dementia: The Shanghai Aging Study - Dec 2022 https://doi.org/10.1002/trc2.12362 FREE PDF
  • Longitudinal Assessment of Calcium and Magnesium Levels in Women with Preeclampsia - Oct 2022
  • Pre-diagnostic dietary consumption of calcium and magnesium and calcium-to-magnesium intake ratio and ovarian cancer mortality: results from the ovarian cancer follow-up study (OOPS) - Oct 2022  
  • Magnesium Status and Calcium/Magnesium Ratios in a Series of Cystic Fibrosis Patients PDF
  • Magnesium-to-Calcium Ratio and Mortality from COVID-19 April 2022 https://doi.org/10.3390/nu14091686 FREE PDF
    • magnesium-to-calcium ratio ≤0.20 increased chance of COVID death by 6.9 X
  • Ratio of Serum Calcium to Magnesium Levels on Pregnancy with and without Preeclampsia - Sept 2021 doi: 10.12659/MSM.932032 FREE PDF
    • low calcium-magnesium ratio could be a risk factor for preeclampsia
  • Calcium, Magnesium, and Colorectal Cancer - 2013 - https://doi.org/10.1097/EDE.0b013e31824deb09 FREE PDF
  • Effects of Serum Calcium and Magnesium on Heart Rate Variability in Adult Women - Oct 2012 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12011-012-9518-2
  • Magnesium Status and Ca/Mg Ratios in a Series of Children and Adolescents with Chronic Diseases - July 2022 - https://doi.org/10.3390/nu14142941 FREE PDF
    • "Both Ca/Mg ratios were linked with the risk of developing other chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, syndrome metabolic, and even several cancers. "
  • Calcium to Magnesium Ratio Higher Than Optimal Across Age Groups (P10-100-19) - June 2019 https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzz034.P10-100-19 FREE PDF

VitaminDWiki - 27 studies in both categories Calcium and Magnesium

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VitaminDWiki - 26 studies in both categories Virus and Magnesium

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VitaminDWiki - Magnesium and health concerns

Bone 16,  Cardiovascular 17,   Diabetes 29. Depression 14,  Obesity 11,   Omega-3 38,  Zinc 24,  Pregnancy 11,  Headache 11,   Virus 26,   Calcium 27   Virus 26   Mortality 9   Hypertension 12   Inflammation 3   Pain 7 etc.

VitaminDWiki - Calcium category contains

Calcium often causes major health problems

  • Many studies have identified many health problems with Calcium supplementation
  • < 750 mg of Calcium supplement daily - VitaminDWiki has recommended for 7 years
  • Some believe that the health problems are due to the spike in blood Calcium from
    • taking the Calcium only once per day - [https://nutritionfacts.org/2018/03/22/if-calcium-supplements-arCalciumen't-safe-what-about-calcium-in-food/?utm_source=NutritionFacts.org&utm_campaign=09083c9570-RSS_BLOG_WEEKLY&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_40f9e497d1-09083c9570-25209481&mc_cid=09083c9570&mc_eid=b95641625a|Dr. Greger - March 2018 text and short video]
  • Perhaps there would be a shorter Calcium spike (and less of a problem) if take Calcium multiple times a day
  • Perhaps also less of a problem if the Calcium is plant-based
  • [https://nutritionfacts.org/video/are-calcium-supplements-safe/|Calcium from milk also causes 5+ major health problems] 2015 Dr. Greger
    • No apparent health problems from processed dairy products (cheese, yogurt, etc)
  • Calcium supplements are less of a problem if have adequate Vitamin K
    • which keeps Calcium from forming blood-system plaque
  • [http://gut.bmj.com/content/early/2018/01/29/gutjnl-2017-315242 |2.7X increase in rate of Colon polyps in 6-10 years] RCT March 2018
  • Calcium from food or supplements associated with more deaths (US Cohort of 31,000 people) – April 2019

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