
Is Vitamin D an antioxidant – more studies needed – Oct 2018

The controversial role of vitamin D as an antioxidant: results from randomised controlled trials

Nutrition Research Reviews https://doi.org/10.1017/S0954422418000197
Sara Tagliaferri (a1), Debora Porri (a2), Rachele De Giuseppe (a2), Matteo Manuelli (a2) matteo.manuelli at unimi.it



Vitamin D and Omega-3 both reduce Inflammation

Inflammation Intervention trials using Vitamin D:

Pages listed in BOTH the categories Omega-3 and Inflammation

Some studies published after the current study was submitted

  • The Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation on Biomarkers of Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in Diabetic Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials June 2018 doi: 10.1055/a-0630-1303 Free PDF "Overall, this meta-analysis shows that in diabetic patients, taking vitamin D had significant effects on hs-CRP and MDA levels, and significantly increased NO, TAC and GSH levels."
  • Effects of vitamin D on inflammatory and oxidative stress responses of human bronchial epithelial cells exposed to particulate matter Aug 2018 Free PDF https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0200040

Vitamin D: Oxidative Stress, Immunity, and Aging - 2016 Book 

Table of Contents
Vitamin D: An Overview
Vitamin D: A Fountain of Youth in Gene Regulation; Peter W. Jurutka, G. Kerr Whitfield, Ryan Forster...
Vitamin D Receptor: Genomic and Epigenomic Effects; Prashant K. Singh and Moray J. Campbell
Vitamin D Analogs and Their Clinical Uses; Glenville Jones
Extrarenal CYP27B1 and Vitamin D Physiology; Martin Hewison
Oxidative Stress
Vitamin D and Oxidative Stress; Huei-Ju Ting and Yi-Fen Lee
Vitamin D3 Upregulated Protein 1 (VDUP1): Roles in Redox Signaling and Stress-Mediated Diseases; ...
Vitamin D and Its Role in Photoprotection of the Skin; Clare Gordon-Thomson, Wannit Tongkao-on, and Rebecca S. Mason
Vitamin D and Adipose Tissue: 1α, 25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 (Calcitriol) Modulation of Energy Metabolism, Reactive Oxygen Species, and Inflammatory Stress; Antje Bruckbauer and Michael B. Zemel
Membrane Receptors for Vitamin D Metabolites and the Role of Reactive Oxygen Species; Ramesh C. Khanal and Ilka Nemere
Immunity and Disease
Vitamin D and Human Innate Immunity; Eun-Kyeong Jo, Dong-Min Shin, and Robert L. Modlin
Vitamin D and Autoimmune Disease; Colleen E. Hayes, Corwin D. Nelson, and Justin A. Spanier
Vitamin D: Anti-Inflammatory Actions to Prevent and Treat Diseases; Jun Sun
Vitamin D and Infection; Jim Bartley and Carlos A. Camargo, Jr.
Potential Role of Vitamin D and Fibroblast Growth Factor 23–Klotho System in Aging; Nasimul Ahsan, Syed K. Rafi, ...
Vitamin D and Cardiovascular Disease; Jared P. Reis and Pamela L. Lutsey
Vitamin D, Aging, and Chronic Diseases; Pentti Tuohimaa
Vitamin D: Defending the Aging Nervous System; Cédric Annweiler

VitaminDWiki pages with ANTIOXIDANTS in title

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Items found: 6

Increased oxidative stress has been implicated as a potential causal factor in the development of several diseases. In the last decade, an extensive literature has been produced on vitamin D, not limited to its well-known function like a steroid hormone on skeletal tissue, but for its potential pleiotropic role in human health. Several researchers have suggested relationships between vitamin D intake and health outcomes such as cancer prevention and increased immunity, or possible role in preventing diabetes, and in inflammation. Little is known about its antioxidant effect. The aim of the present review was to explore major evidence regarding the potential scavenger capacity of vitamin D in high-evidence human studies. Studies considered by the present review suggest that the potential role of vitamin D as an antioxidant could not be confirmed. Current literature showed controversial effects about the ability of cholecalciferol to prevent or ameliorate oxidative stress biomarkers, and there is need of further and high-quality studies testing the antioxidant effect of vitamin D supplementation.


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