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Ischemic Stroke risk reduced by 2.5 if have good level of vitamin D – meta-analysis Feb 2018

Lower Vitamin D Status Is Associated with an Increased Risk of Ischemic Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Nutrients 2018, 10(3), 277; doi:10.3390/nu10030277
Ren Zhou 1, Mengying Wang 1OrcID, Hui Huang 1, Wenyong Li 1, Yonghua Hu 1 and Tao Wu 1,2,
1 School of Public Health, Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing 100191, China
2 Key Laboratory of Reproductive Health, Ministry of Health, Beijing 100191, China

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In recent years, accumulating evidence has supported the hypothesis that lower vitamin D status is associated with several known risk factors of stroke. However, the relationship between vitamin D and stroke is still uncertain. To explore if there was an association between vitamin D status and the risk of stroke, a systematic review and a meta-analysis were conducted by searching three databases: Pubmed, Embase, and the Cochrane Library. Following the application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, the relative risk estimates of all the included studies were pooled together to compare the risk of stroke between the lowest and the highest category of vitamin D. The Newcastle–Ottawa Scale (NOS) and the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool were used to assess the risk of bias, and the publication bias was detected by using a funnel plot and Egger’s test.

Nineteen studies were included and the pooled relative risk was 1.62 (95% CI: 1.34–1.96).

Further analysis found that vitamin D status was associated with ischemic stroke (relative risk = 2.45, 95% CI: 1.56–3.86), but not with hemorrhagic stroke (relative risk = 2.50, 95% CI: 0.87–7.15).

In conclusion, our meta-analysis supported the hypothesis that lower vitamin D status was associated with an increased risk of ischemic stroke. Further studies are required to confirm this association and to explore the association among different subtypes.

VitaminDWiki – Stroke category contains

130 items in stroke category - see also Overview Stroke and vitamin D,
Overview Hypertension and Vitamin D  Overview Cardiovascular and vitamin D

Stroke more likely if low Vitamin D

Post-Stroke worse if low Vitamin D

Post-Stroke better if add Vitamin D

Post-Stroke better if Vitamin D actually gets to cells

10 studies in both categories of Depression and Stroke

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Stroke and Meta-analysis

23+ VitaminDWiki Stroke pages have ISCHEMIC OR ISCHAEMIC in the title

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Items found: 25
Title Modified
Ischemic Stroke and Vitamin D - many studies 11 Aug, 2024
Deep Vein Thrombosis during ischemic stroke rehab was 4.7 X more likely if low vitamin D – July 2018 11 Aug, 2024
High Omega-3 reduced risk of Ischemic stroke by 18% - Dec 2023 05 Jan, 2024
Elderly vaccinated for COVID were 2X more likely to die of ischemic stroke (2930 vs 1180 deaths)– Nov 2021 22 Nov, 2021
Ischaemic stroke – Vitamin D doubled survival (Injection followed by monthly 60,000 IU) – RCT Aug 2016 05 Mar, 2021
Poor Ischemic stroke outcome (END) 2.6 X worse if low vitamin D – March 2019 26 Nov, 2019
Death after Ischemic Stroke 2.5 X more likely if less than 10 ng of Vitamin D – May 2019 02 May, 2019
Improved recovery from ischemic stroke with Vitamin D (300,000 IU injection) – RCT June 2018 29 Jun, 2018
Ischemic Stroke risk reduced by 2.5 if have good level of vitamin D – meta-analysis Feb 2018 28 Feb, 2018
Ischemic strokes half as large if had good level of vitamin D (mice) – Feb 2018 24 Feb, 2018
Ischaemic Stroke has less impact in animals supplemented with Omega-3 – Jan 2018 13 Feb, 2018
Vitamin D levels drop after ischemic stroke – Dec 2017 20 Jan, 2018
Ischemic stroke 17 X more likely if low vitamin D – April 2017 13 Jan, 2018
Large vessel Ischemic Stroke 13 X more likely if low vitamin D – Nov 2017 04 Jan, 2018
Intracranial arterial calcification in 85 percent of ischemic strokes (Vitamin K and Vitamin D should help) – Oct 2017 27 Oct, 2017
Ischemic stroke and low vitamin D – 3X higher risk of poor outcome, 6 X higher risk of a second stroke, Oct 2017 04 Oct, 2017
Better outcome following Ischemic stroke if injected with 600,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Feb 2017 01 Aug, 2017
Death within 2 years of surviving an ischemic stroke 10X less likely if high vitamin D – July 2017 01 Aug, 2017
Risk of Ischemic Stroke doubles if take more than 1 gram of Calcium daily for years – May 2017 20 May, 2017
Ischemic Stroke risk best predicted by Vitamin D, including PTH improves the prediction – Feb 2017 02 Mar, 2017
Ischemic Stroke with low vitamin D resulted in larger lesions – May 2015 11 Mar, 2016
Vitamin D associated with 50 percent less ischemic stroke – meta-analysis Aug 2012 12 Jul, 2015
Ischemic Stroke 3X more likely if Vitamin D Receptor gene change (Fok 1) – Jan 2014 29 Dec, 2014
Ischemic stroke 2X more likely if Vitamin D Receptor gene problem – Dec 2014 17 Dec, 2014
Acute ischemic stroke 19 percent more likely if even lower vitamin D – Sept 2013 14 Sep, 2013


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