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  1. More evidence for vitamin D
  2. status of evidence for vitamin D
  3. Evidence-based Brazil overview of vitamin D - 2010
  4. 1 in 3 died after hip fracture but only 1 in 14 if add Vitamin D and exercise – RCT April 2017
  5. 1,000 IU of vitamin D provides little benefit (Kidney transplant in this case) – April 2021
  6. 1,000 IU of Vitamin D while pregnant helped a little bit (4,000 IU helps a lot) – RCT Dec 2016
  7. 10,000 IU of Vitamin D for 3 years found to help bone by two measurement methods – RCT Feb 2022
  8. 10,000 IU of Vitamin D taken daily for 3 years is safe – RCT Nov 2019
  9. 100 years since Vitamin D discovery, proof that supplementation works – June 2022
  10. 100,000 IU of vitamin D monthly decreases use of NASIDs by 13 percent if low vitamin D – RCT May 2018
  11. 100,000 IU of vitamin D monthly was not enough for 30 percent of the women – Dec 2014
  12. 1000 IU of vitamin D not enough to increase teen blood levels – RCT Oct 2013
  13. 1000 IU per kg Vitamin D for autoimmune diseases – Coimbra Aug 2013
  14. 100000 IU vitamin D monthly helps COPD patients – 3 RCT
  15. 1200 IU vs 400 IU of vitamin D did not improve bone health or immunity of children who were sufficient – RCT July 2018
  16. 140,000 IU vitamin D monthly reduced probability of diabetes – Nov 2011
  17. 14000 IU vitamin D (50000 twice a week) often stops Sickle Cell pain
  18. 150,000 IU vitamin D reduced pain in immigrants – RCT Dec 2012
  19. 1600 IU vitamin D was enough to get all (white, non-obese) elderly to 20 ng – RCT Dec 2012
  20. 1700 IU vitamin D (50000 monthly) helped antarctic explorers – RCT Jan 2012
  21. 1700 IU vitamin D for a year provided no cardiovascular benefit (no surprise) – RCT Oct 2014
  22. 18 fewer hospital days if given 500,000 IU of vitamin D while ventilated in ICU – RCT June 2016
  23. 2,000 IU of vitamin D and Omega-3 reduced Cancer death rate bv 40% (normal weight) – VITAL RCT Nov 2020
  24. 2,000 IU of vitamin D daily helped 80 percent of adolescents – Dec 2020
  25. 2,000 IU of Vitamin D per kg of food – best growth, bone strength, etc. (pig trial) – Dec 2022
  26. 2,000 IU of vitamin D reduced schizophrenia chance by 77 percent (male infants) - 2004
  27. 2.3 X more weight loss in those who had low vitamin D levels and took some – Dec 2019
  28. 2.4 X fewer lower respiratory track infections in infants getting 400 IU of Vitamin D – May 2022
  29. 2.5 X reduced risk of cancer in 70 year-olds by a small amount of Vitamin D, Omega-3 and exercise – RCT April 2022
  30. 20,000 IU of Vitamin D weekly gave many benefits – RCT Aug 2019
  31. 200,000 IU restored levels in HIV children having low vitamin D - Nov 2014
  32. 2000 IU daily raised vitamin D levels by 5 nanograms while on submarine patrol – July 2014
  33. 2000 IU of vitamin D for just 2 weeks helped in many ways – RCT June 2016
  34. 2000 IU of vitamin D should improve toddlers health in winter – RCT almost completed Feb 2014
  35. 2000 IU vitamin D during pregnancy and 800 IU to infant resulted in less use of antibiotics – RCT April 2014
  36. 21 fewer days in hospital with ARDS (COVID) if 10,000 IU of Vitamin D daily after enter hospital – RCT April, 2022
  37. 24 ng lower response to Vitamin D due to obesity, low initial Vitamin D, and genetics – RCT Feb 2015
  38. 25 minutes of daily sun provided less than half of the response as 500 IU of vitamin D (Korea) – RCT March 2019
  39. 2800 IU of vitamin D before and after parathyroid surgery helped a lot – RCT Jan 2014
  40. 2X fewer Senior falls in group getting 100,000 IU vitamin D monthly via Meals-on-Wheels – RCT Aug 2015
  41. 3,200 IU of daily not help much in population already having 30 ng of Vitamin D – RCT Jan 2022
  42. 3,800 IU Vitamin D during pregnancy did not help much – RCT Jan 2017
  43. 300,000 IU injection loading dose of vitamin D3 stopped gestational diabetes in RCT – Oct 2011
  44. 300,000 IU of Vitamin D is not enough during pregnancy – RCT May 2018
  45. 3000 IU reduced hypertension for the vitamin D insufficient – RCT Aug 2012
  46. 35,000 IU vitamin D daily for 6 months helped ALL psoriasis suffers (106 ng) – Brazil March 2013
  47. 35,000 IU vitamin D weekly during 3rd quarter pregnancy – RCT March 2013
  48. 39% fewer falls with 2000 IU than 800 IU – RCT June 2010
  49. 4,000 IU of vitamin D for 1 month does not help (muscles in this case) – RCT Jan 2020
  50. 4,000 IU raised vitamin D levels during pregnancy – July 2014

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