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Fully Vaccinated Are COVID 'Superspreaders,' says Inventor of mRNA Technology - Oct 13, 2021

GreenMedinfo - text and video

"The idea that if you have a workplace where everybody's vaccinated, you're not going to have virus spread is totally false. A total lie." Dr. Robert Malone,


Do not know if vaccinated are superspreaders, but it is a possibility.
- - - VACCINATED - - -
1) Are 100X more infectious when infected
2) Are infectious for 4X longer time
3) Tend to no longer wear masks, so spread the infection more than unvaccinated
4) Have more access to public places - resturants, airplanes, international travel, etc

The number of COVID-19 cases are almost independent of the amount of vaccination
Vertical axis = COVID-19 cases
Horizontal axis = vaccination of US counties - from <5% to >70%


VitaminDWiki pages with SUPERSPREADER in title

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Items found: 4

VitaminDWiki pages with VACCIN in the title

VACCINation,    VACCINations,    VACCINes,    VACCINe,    VACCINated, etc.
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Items found: 284
Title Modified
Many problems with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine – Nov 9, 2020 09 Nov, 2020
Vaccination increased risk of getting (previous) Coronavirus infection by 1.36 X – Dept. of Defense Oct 2019 23 Sep, 2020
Perhaps the influenza vaccine will increase the risk of COVID-19 (it did by 2X for COVID-2009) - Sept 2020 08 Sep, 2020
Towards a COVID-19 vaccine - France April 14,2020 21 Apr, 2020
Vaccine antibody generation not change with Vitamin D – 21 ng or 44ng – RCT Feb 2019 08 Jan, 2020
Flu vaccinations during pregnancy should NOT be the standard of care until tests show it is OK – Nov 2019 16 Nov, 2019
Appears that the CDC has shut down GreenMed email due to vaccination data – June 2019 20 Jun, 2019
Does a vaccine increase the risk of Autism – March 2019 17 Mar, 2019
Measles outbreak in California in 2015 – 1 in 3 was actually a Vaccine outbreak – March 2019 05 Mar, 2019
Vitamin D 10 x better than Flu Vaccine if you have very low vitamin D – Feb 2017 04 Feb, 2019
Dr. Coimbra interview covering Vitamin D, Magnesium, Folate, Vaccines - Oct 2018 24 Nov, 2018
Flu vaccine effectiveness and side effects 30 Sep, 2018
More US infants die in 1st day than in all other developed countries COMBINED (and US gives vaccine in first day) – May 2013 25 Sep, 2018
Autism 2.75 X more likely in Hib vaccines containing Mercury – May 2018 21 Sep, 2018
Influenza virus might be prevented and treated by Vitamin D, if no vaccination – Aug 2018 16 Aug, 2018
Vitamin D Effective in Preventing Flu if not vaccinated - June 2018 04 Jul, 2018
Autism and ADHD type disorders were 14X more likely in survey of extreme preterm vaccinated infants - April 2017 04 Jul, 2018
2017 Vaccine may prevent only 10 percent of influenza, Vitamin D prevents 70 percent 16 Feb, 2018
10X reactions to flu vaccine when vitamin D deficient 09 May, 2017
TB vaccinations greatly increased vitamin D – Feb 2011 27 Feb, 2017
Vaccinations might be improved with vitamin D booster – March 2015 09 Oct, 2016
Influenza virus vaccine for pregnant woman does not protect a fetus for very long – July 2016 01 Aug, 2016
Influenza virus vaccine for pregnant woman does not protect an infant for very long – July 2016 01 Aug, 2016
CDC: Influenza vaccinations not expected to work well this year (but vitamin D should) – Dec 2014 24 Mar, 2015
Vaccine vs vitamin D 23 Feb, 2015
Influenza vaccine meta-analysis found moderate protection – Lancet Oct 2011 16 Oct, 2014
Off topic: CDC deleted a 3X increase in black male autism due to vaccination – whistle blowing Aug 2014 26 Aug, 2014
Vaccine and 1000 IU of vitamin D started concurrently, vitamin D did not help – RCT Jan 2013 18 Jan, 2013
Title change made Nov 2021 caused the visitor count to reset.
There have actually been 3262 visitors to this page since it was originally made

Created by admin. Last Modification: Saturday November 20, 2021 20:42:58 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 19)