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COVID-19 vaccine – no compensation if the problem occurs after 1 year (new US law) – Feb 2021

Click here for documentation
Note: From 1989 to 2020 the statute of limitations was 3 years
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) Does NOT apply to COVID-19 vaccines

Note: Many countries are objecting to provide any indemnification to vaccine manufactuers Mercola, March 8

    • Some countries refusing so far include: Argentina and Brazil
  • "Some liability protection is warranted, but certainly not for fraud, gross negligence, mismanagement, failure to follow good manufacturing practices. Companies have no right to ask for indemnity for these things. ~ Lawrence Gostlin, Law Professor"
  • The maximum conpensation is lowered to $250,000. Compensation does not cover legal costs

See also VitaminDWiki

See also web

As of Nov 2020   $4.4 billion had been awarded for non-pandemic Vaccine claims


New Court Created for COVID Vaccine Injuries Mercola Oct 2020

  • "Is the Government Expecting Significant Vaccine Injuries?"

Previous Vaccine Compensation program had no upper limit

Top compensations were $10 MILLION,   $11.5 MILLION.   $61 MILLION.   $101 MILLION
Average compendation $575.000
Those getting compendated did not have to pay attorney fees
For pandemic vaccinations, the top compensation will be $0.25 million

Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday March 22, 2021 14:44:27 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 19)

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