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  1. Vitamin D and Control of Infectious Diseases
  2. 5X less likely to get TB when have high level of vitamin D
  3. Vitamin D and Immune system after 30 years - June 2010
  4. TB for people with HIV - Garfein 2010
  5. TB asssocated with low level of vitamin D - May 2010
  6. TB by race from CDC
  7. TB and vitamin D review and meta-analysis - 2008
  8. Vitamin D RCT found reduction of TB - 2007
  9. TB doubled in 20 years - Wikipedia
  10. Infection TB and vitamin D - unsure 2010
  11. TB by ethnic group in UK - Grimes 2009
  12. TB white vs black - 1990
  13. TB vaccinations reduce vitamin D - Feb 2011.pdf
  14. Possibly reduce TB by vitamin D assisted autophagy - April 2011.pdf
  15. Impact_of_Vitamin_D_in_the_Treatment_of TB - June 2011.pdf
  16. Tuberculosis
  17. 79 percent of TB in East London less 20 ng vitamin D - April 2012
  18. 8 times less bacteria in blood of HIV patients if Vitamin D levels greater than 30 ng – April 2016
  19. 86 percent with TB did not have 30 ng of vitamin D and many were black – Sept 2010
  20. Anti-bacterial action of vitamin D – March 2010
  21. Big impact of Vitamin D in the Treatment of Tuberculosis – June 2011
  22. Boron and Granulomas (TB, Rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's, Rheumatic Fever etc.) - 2015
  23. Catching Tuberculosis from family member 2 X more likely if low vitamin D – meta-analysis Dec 2018
  24. Certain types of Tuberculosis are 2X more likely with a poor Vitamin D Receptor – April 2019
  25. Childhood TB prevention and treatment by vitamin D looks promising – 2012
  26. Children with active TB were 4.6X more likely to have low vitamin D – Dec 2014
  27. Dickensian diseases are returning – rickets, gout, whooping cough, TB, etc. (low vitamin D)
  28. Disease Database - nice links for TB
  29. Evaluating the vitamin D evidence - Heaney Dec 2010
  30. Every TB patient benefited from 2 doses of 600,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Jan 2013
  31. Gout, cholera, scarlet fever, TB all increasing in the UK (low vitamin D) – Feb 2019
  32. Higher rates of TB in Winter and further from Equator – Nov 2012
  33. Higher risk of pulmonary tuberculosis if any of 3 vitamin D genes are poor – April 2021
  34. HIV patients with low Vitamin A were 3.6 X more likely to get Tuberculosis – Dec 2022
  35. HIV, TB, Malaria more important than COVID to lower Africa - Dec 2021
  36. Immunologic Effects of Vitamin D on Human Health and Disease - Holick July 2020
  37. Increase immunity to TB-like bacteria if visit high altitude – Sept 2013
  38. Increased TB if less than 30 ng or greater than 56 ng of vitamin D – June 2010
  39. Latent Tuberculosis 44 percent less likely if Vitamin D more than 30 ng - 14th meta-analysis Jan 2022
  40. Less likely to catch Tuberculosis if have OK level of vitamin D – Nov 2014
  41. Low vitamin D is a risk factor for tuberculosis – meta-analysis Dec 2016
  42. Low vitamin D with HIV increases risk of infections – TB by 3.5X, CMV by 10.1X – Aug 2020
  43. Lung and Vitamin D – Special Issue Dec 2011
  44. Many reasons to believe that Tuberculosis is an Autoimmune disease – June 2022
  45. Million TB deaths annually, yet proven treatments of Vitamin D, sunshine, etc are not used – July 2017
  46. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis may be reduced with vitamin D – Sept 2012
  47. No tuberculosis if more than 80 ng of vitamin D (cattle) - Jan 2022
  48. Tuberculosis -100 percent cure rate with 10,000 IU of vitamin D daily – RCT 2006
  49. TB treatment helped by the addition of Vitamin D (100,000 IU bi-weekly) – RCT April 2024
  50. Oral Vitamin D, the lung microbiome and Tuberculosis – June 2019

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