
Better bones again associated with higher vitamin K intake – Nov 2015

Dietary intake of vitamin K in relation to bone mineral density in Korea adults:

The Korea J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2015 Nov;57(3):223-227. Epub 2015 Oct 17.
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2010-2011).
Kim MS1, Kim ES1, Sohn CM1.
1Department of Food and Nutrition, Wonkwang University, Iksandae-ro, Iksan, Jeonbuk 570-749, Korea.

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Note: Only K1 was considered by this study due to lack of K2 information

Low vitamin K nutritional status has been associated with increased risk of fracture, however inconsistent results exist to support the role of vitamin K on bone mineral density depending on ethnic difference and gender. Our objective was to determine vitamin K intake in Korean adults, examine correlation between vitamin K intake and bone mineral density. This study analyzed raw data from the fifth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey for adults (2,785 men, 4,307 women) aged over 19 years. Cross-sectional analyses showed only positive association between vitamin K intake and femur bone mineral density in men after adjusting bone-related factors. However, women in high tertiles of vitamin K intake had a significantly higher bone mineral density both in femur and lumber as compared to women in lowest tertiles (p<0.05). The risk for osteoporosis was decreased as vitamin K intake increased in women, but this effect was not persisted after adjusting factors. The findings of this study indicate that low dietary vitamin K intake was associated with low bone mineral density in subjects. From these results we may suggest an increase in dietary vitamin K intakes for maintaining bone mineral density. (2010-02CON-21-C, 2011-02CON-06-C).

PMID: 26566308

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