
Vitamin D both prevents and treats Breast Cancer – 2019

Vitamin D and Breast Cancer - Chemoprevention or Therapy?

Vitam Miner,Volume 8 • Issue 3 • 1000184
Gruber-Bzura BM
Department of Biochemistry and Biopharmaceuticals, National Medicines Institute, Chelmska, Poland


Overview Breast Cancer and Vitamin D contains the following summary and sections

Pages listed in BOTH Breast Cancer AND Genetics

Pages listed in BOTH Breast Cancer AND Vitamin D Receptor

Cofactors also prevent Breast Cancer

Chemotherapy and Breast Cancer

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Most evidence studies have concluded that there is an inverse association between blood levels of calcidiol and cancer incidence and survival. These findings especially apply in colorectal and breast cancer (BC). The phenomenon of the multidirectional activity of vitamin D is possibly due to the presence of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) in most non-skeletal human cells including cancer cells. The crucial is that a wide range of the genes regulated by VDR are related with cell proliferation, differentiation, angiogenesis and metastasis. The aim of this paper was to present recent data on the possible role of vitamin D as an chemopreventive or therapeutic agent against BC through considering the anticancer mechanisms induced by this vitamin as well as presenting the results of clinical studies on the impact of vitamin D status on BC incidence, survival and response to therapy. This review is based on an electronic search of articles in the PubMed database, including papers published mostly within last five years in that field and selected according to the following criteria: well commented studies concerning the association between vitamin D status and BC risk, response to therapy or survival, with the vitamin D supplementation outline and statistical data.

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ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
12933 BC T1.CA.jpg admin 08 Nov, 2019 199.78 Kb 655
12932 BC T1B.jpg admin 08 Nov, 2019 267.27 Kb 676
12931 BC T1A.jpg admin 08 Nov, 2019 357.13 Kb 670
12930 Breast Cancer prevented and treated by vitamin D.pdf admin 08 Nov, 2019 314.79 Kb 611