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Breast Cancer prevention with vitamin D might reduce number of mammograms by 4X – Aug 2022

4X fewer mammograms when there are far fewer Breast Cancers

What Kind of Breast Cancer Research Could Make the Biggest Impact?

"According to a study published in 2015, among 1,000 women who start screening at age 50 and are screened for 20 years, 2 to 3 will avoid dying from breast cancer and 200 women will have at least one false positive test, 30 will undergo a biopsy, 3 will be diagnosed with an interval cancer, and breast cancer will be over-diagnosed in 15. The rough estimate of the financial impact of excess testing and overtreatment following a false positive is close to 4.1 billion dollars each year."

"Meanwhile, getting everyone’s vitamin D level up to at least 40-60 ng/ml, assuming an 80% reduced risk of incidence, is a safe and cost-effective intervention that could result in around 225,000 people who would be saved the trauma of breast cancer this year – both the disease itself and the horrific treatment."


20 minute analysis of cost of Vitamin D needed to get women in BC age-range in the United States to >40 ng
Guess that 50% of all women would be in the age-range to get Breast Cancer
Biweekly 50,000 IU of vitamin D cost $5 per year (non-obese) 70%
Weekly 50,000 IU of Vitamin D costs $10 per year (obese) 30%
so 70% @ $5 + 30% @10) = $6.50 per woman treated
times 75 million women = $500 million/year

Current cost of mamograms
Direct cost: $150 each X 20 million women annually = $3 billion
Direct cost: $4.1 billion."
Total cost $7.1 billion

Guess that mamogram rate can be cut in half by having > 40 ng of vitamin D
Costs savings by reduced mamograms = $3.5 Billion
Cost of vitamin D = $500 million
Net Cost savings = $3 billion

Perhaps $10 billion costs savings if Women had higher Vitamin D levels (far more than Breast Cancer) *Vitamin D is indispensable for the health of women - editorial June 2022

VitaminDWiki - Cost savings with Vitamin D contains

156 items include:

Less sun ==> more disease?

Less Sun Less D Less Health
Click on chart for details

Vitamin D also Treats Breast Cancer

VitaminDwiki - Chemotherapy might be amplified by vitamin D

Increased Vitamin D might allow decreased Chemotherapy
Chart by VitaminDWiki
see wikipage: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=396

Warning: Vitamin D can increase potency of some Chemo, resulting in death if doses are not reduced

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