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  1. vit D 50,000 IU weekly helped kidney RCT
  2. Vit D deficiency likely in people needing kidney dialysis
  3. When vitamin D contraindicated for dialysis - 2009
  4. Vitamin D Supplementation Benefits Dialysis Patients
  5. Low vit K and D associated with poor Calcium and Kidney Disease
  6. Vitamin D and Chronic kidney - 2009
  7. The virtues of vitamin D—but how much is too much
  8. The virtues of vitamin D—but how much is too much?
  9. Table of Chronic Kidney Disease studies from: Virtues of vitamin D
  10. Deficiency All Cause TB Kidney Stone
  11. Vitamin D in Kidney Disease - June 2010
  12. Vitamin D and Kidney – with overview of 10 trials June 2010
  13. Vitamin D and Chronic Kidney Disease - 2009
  14. Vitamin D and Kidney pathways from Heaney April 2010
  15. Vitamin D with Kidney failure from Heaney April 2010
  16. therapeutic window for vitamin D and chronic kidney - June 2010
  17. Review of vitamin D and kidney - June 2010
  18. Virtues of vitamin D for Kidney disease - 2010
  19. Vitamin D expanding spectrum - Kidney June 2010
  20. Technical study of vitamin D reducing kidney and heart mortality - July 2010
  21. Vitamin D and Chronic Kidney Disease - June 2010
  22. Ways that vitamin D interacts with kidney disease
  23. High dose ACTIVE vitamin D chronotherapy with kidney
  24. Elderly vitamin D interactions
  25. Vitamin D reduced chronic kidney deaths 4X - Dec 2010
  26. crosstalk heart and kidney - July 2010.pdf
  27. potential role of vitamin D and kidney disease - 2007.pdf
  28. Kidney
  29. 1 in 10 have Chronic Kidney Disease (but only 5% are aware of it) – review Sept 2019
  30. 1,000 IU of vitamin D provides little benefit (Kidney transplant in this case) – April 2021
  31. 1700 IU of vitamin D not enough to help hemodialysis patients – March 2013
  32. 1700 IU per day of vit D2 was not enough to help dialysis
  33. 2.4 times more likely to die if have Chronic Kidney Disease and low vitamin D - Sept 2016
  34. 2.8X more likely to die of hemodialysis if low on vitamin D
  35. 2000 IU vitamin D3 was not enough for children with chronic kidney disease – Feb 2013
  36. 25,0000 IU vitamin D weekly only raised 60 percent on hemodialysis above 30 ng – Nov 2014
  37. 33 percent more likely to die of chronic kidney disease if less than 15 ng vitamin D – Aug 2011
  38. 4X fewer malignancies after kidney transplant if got active vitamin D – Prospective Score Sept 2012
  39. 4X more Chronic Kidney disease patients are now using vitamin D – March 2014
  40. 4X reduction in bone fractures following Kidney Transplant with monthly Vitamin D (100,000 IU) - RCT June 2019
  41. 50 percent of Chronic Kidney Disease treatments in Germany include vitamin D – Dec 2012
  42. 5700 IU of vitamin D helped half with chronic kidney disease if not having dialysis – July 2012
  43. 7100 IU (50000 weekly) restored vitamin D levels for those with Chronic Kidney Disease – July 2012
  44. Active vitamin D treats Chronic Kidney Disease by stimulating Klotho production – Dec 2012
  45. Adding Vitamin D decreased kidney deaths by 4x – Dec 2010
  46. All children with Chronic Kidney Disease had low Vitamin D (Pakistan hospital) Jan 2023
  47. Application to FDA for use of active Vitamin D for hemodialysis patients – July 2011
  48. Blacks have 4X more Kidney disease than whites – probably due to low vitamin D – March 2015
  49. Blacks have low vitamin D and have 50 percent more kidney failure – Sept 2011
  50. Calcitriol (active Vitamin D) prevents and treats COVID (with Chronic Kidney Disease in this case) June 2022

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