Danes Don't Like Vitamin D Fortified Food - Because It's Less Natural
1,263 Danes online survey
See also VitaminDWiki
- Schizophrenia increased 40 percent for Spring births after Danes stopped vitamin D fortification – April 2014
- Sweden proposes to increase Vitamin D fortification to US levels - May 2015
- Vitamin D fortification of milk helps (proven in Gemany this time) – RCT Dec 2013
- Typically takes a century for govts to fortify food with nutrients (like vitamin D)
- Type 1 diabetes starting to decrease in Finland, they started Vitamin D fortification in 2003 – July 2013
- Danish study of childhood diseases vs vitamin D fortification – May 2013 has the following chart
3 to 55 X more likely to have these health problems if low Vitamin D has the following
- Many health problems associated with low vitamin D
click to read the studies - 55 X more likely to have bone fracture requiring surgery
- 30 X more likely for COPD becoming suddenly worse
- 25 X more likely to have senior moment
- 23 X more likely to have vertigo
- 19 X more likely to get dementia
- 17 X more likely to have muscle inflammation
- 14 X more likely to die after first cardiovascular event
- 14 X more likely for dark-skinned children to get T1 diabetes
- 12 X more likely to die from elderly pneumonia
- 11 X more likely to be allergic to peanuts
- 10 X more reactions to flu vaccine
- 10 X more likely for stroke patients to become depressed
- 9 X more likely to have Gastric Cancer
- 8 X more likely to have Autoimmune Hepatitis
- 8 X more likely for alcoholic to have Alcoholic liver disease
- 8 X more likely to get lupus
- 7 X more likely to have low birth weight infant
- 7 X more likely for pregnant teen to have anemia
- 7 X more likely to have leg pain
- 7 X increased chance of death from coronary artery disease
- 6.5 X more likely for infant to be Small for Gestational Age
- 6 X worse outcome following Sudden cardiac arrest
- 6 X more likely to get hip fracture after stroke
- 6 X more likely to die after coronary bypass
- 6 X more likely to have allergic rhinitis
- 6 X more likely to get diabetes if abdominal obese
- 6 X more likely to get cancer in children
- 5.8 X more likely to have coronary artery disease
- 5.8 X more likely to get ovarian cancer if have a specific gene
- 5.5 X more likely to have low bone mineral density
- 5 X more likely to have facial skin aging
- 5 X more likely to get urinary tract infection
- 5 X more likely to get restless leg syndrome
- 5 X more likely to get vaginosis during pregnancy
- 5 X more likely for Ischemic stroke to recur
- 5 X more likely to have bad outcome after Hip Fracture
- 5 X more likely to have Active Rheumatologic disease
- 4.7 X more likely to get a common superbug
- 4.7 X more likely to have schizophrenia
- 4.7 X more likely to need feeding help in nursing home
- 4 X faster ALS decline
- 4 X more likely to have Autism if low Vitamin D during pregnancy
- 4 X more likely to have preeclampsia during pregnancy
- 4 X more likely to have C-section
- 4 X more likely to have Cognitive Impairment
- 4 X more likely to have psychiatric disorders as a teen
- 4 X more likely to have childhood asthma
- 4 X more likely to have metabolic syndrome
- 3.9 X more likely to get non-TB lung disease
- 3.7 X more likely to be frail when elderly
- 3.5 X more likely to get type 1 diabetes
- 3.5 X more likely for black children to get forearm fractures
- 3.5 X more likely to have psychosis if dark-skinned
- 3.3 X more likely to have full-on multiple sclerosis
- 3 X more likely to die of Pneumonia acquired in hospital
- 3 X more likely to get triple-negative breast cancer
- 3 X more likely to have advanced-stage cancer
- 3 X more colds when overweight
- 3 X more likely to have bedwetting
- 3 X more risk of pelvic inflammation following cancer radiation
- 3 X more likely to have wet AMD
- 3 X more likely to die after being in ICU for 2 days
- These are typically the ratios between groups having > 30 ng/ml and those having < 10 ng/ml
- Have not listed the many diseases with 2X - 3X decrease - list got to be too long
- More than half of all senior men take baby aspirin to get a 10% reduction of getting a second heart attack
1.1 X more likely to get heart attack if NOT take BABY Aspirin
Wish that there was $100 million to market Vitamin D the way Bayer marketed baby aspirin