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  1. 1700 IU daily average restored HIV vitamin D levels (50000 monthly) – Aug 2012
  2. 200,000 IU restored levels in HIV children having low vitamin D - Nov 2014
  3. 7000 IU of vitamin D restored most HIV youths to above 32 ng - RCT March 2014
  4. 8 times less bacteria in blood of HIV patients if Vitamin D levels greater than 30 ng – April 2016
  5. After HIV infection, Vitamin D levels drop for years (not a surprise)– Oct 2021
  6. Animal study: vitamin D as an adjunct therapy for the treatment of Pneumocystis pneumonia - Jan 2015
  7. Blacks with HIV were 3.5X more likely to be vitamin D deficient than whites – May 2012
  8. Cats with feline HIV and hospitalized cats have low levels of vitamin D – Nov 2015
  9. Children in Uganda have low vitamin D, and lower still if severe malaria - Dec 2014
  10. Cognitive problems 2X more likely if HIV and low vitamin D – June 2019
  11. Coronary artery calcification associated with low vitamin D
  12. HIV – lower vitamin D if Black, higher if PI monotherapy – Oct 2013
  13. HIV – recommend 100,000 IU vitamin D monthly to get levels 30 ng – May 2013
  14. HIV associated with low vitamin D and high C-reactive protein – Sept 2012
  15. HIV children in UK – Vitamin D recommendations – Feb 2014
  16. HIV increases Calcium in soft tissues and reduces Calcium in bones – Aug 2013
  17. HIV inflammation markers associated with vitamin D less than 10 ng – Jan 2013
  18. HIV interactions with low Vitamin D - May 2013
  19. HIV leads to low vitamin D which leads to osteoporosis – a growing problem May 2012
  20. HIV patients had bone loss and less than 20 ng of vitamin D – Sept 2010
  21. HIV patients having EFC therapy were 3X more likely to have low vitamin D levels – Sept 2012
  22. HIV patients helped by monthly 120,000 IU of Vitamin D – RCT Oct 2017
  23. HIV therapy reduces Vitamin D levels, supplementation helps - Nov 2019
  24. HIV treatment augmented by high-dose vitamin D, daily or weekly – Dec 2021
  25. HIV vaccine effectivity perhaps increased and side effects reduced if higher Vitamin D - Dec 2021
  26. HIV, TB, Malaria more important than COVID to lower Africa - Dec 2021
  27. Immunity increased by Vitamin D via cells and genes (HIV etc.) – March 2018
  28. Infant HIV, Malaria, and high vitamin D – Jan 2015
  29. Low vitamin D increases the risk of hepatitis, influenza, Covid-19, AIDS and other viral diseases – Sept 2020
  30. Low vitamin D with HIV increases risk of infections – TB by 3.5X, CMV by 10.1X – Aug 2020
  31. Off topic: HIV drug developed and patented by US govt costs 1780 dollars but only 8 in Australia - May 2019
  32. Osteoporosis risk due to HIV gut and HIV drugs (gut-friendly Vit D can help)- Jan 2022
  33. Treatment of HIV in youths helped by 7,000 IU of vitamin D for 1 year – RCT July 2014
  34. Pregnant women in HIV therapy adding Vitamin D had 3X fewer deaths - RCT April 2022
  35. TB lowers vitamin D, then HIV lowers it even more - 2014
  36. Those with HIV who doubled their vitamin D levels reduced their chance of death by 47 percent – Oct 2013
  37. Use of Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (Hepatitis-B, AIDS) requires more vitamin D – Sept 2018
  38. Vertebral fractures 9X more likely in HIV patients having low vitamin D – Dec 2017
  39. Vitamin D deficiency in HIV-infected and un-infected women in the US – April 2011
  40. Vitamin D levels of HIV and non HIV equally restored with 50,000 IU twice a week - July 2015
  41. Overview HIV and vitamin D
  42. HIV

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