Toggle Health Problems and D

Vitamin D might a risk factor of insulin resistance, diabetes, obesity, etc. (50 ng) – Oct 2021

Mechanisms Involved in the Relationship between Vitamin D and Insulin Resistance: Impact on Clinical Practice

Nutrients . 2021 Oct 1;13(10):3491. doi: 10.3390/nu13103491.
Victoria Contreras-Bolívar 1 2, Beatriz García-Fontana 1 2 3, Cristina García-Fontana 1 2 3, Manuel Muñoz-Torres 1 2 3 4



Genes can reduce Vitamin D getting to blood and cell

Vitamin D, Insulin Resistance and COVID

VitaminDWiki pages containing INSULIN in title

This list is automatically updated

Items found: 35
Title Modified
Insulin resistance in overweight youths treated Vitamin D (such as 50K IU weekly) – meta-analysis April 2024 20 Mar, 2024
High-dose Vitamin D reduced inflammation and insulin resistance (obese children) - Dec 2023 02 Jan, 2024
Pregnancies helped by Vitamin D (insulin and birth weight in this case) – meta-analysis Oct 2019 05 Dec, 2021
Vitamin D might a risk factor of insulin resistance, diabetes, obesity, etc. (50 ng) – Oct 2021 26 Oct, 2021
Insulin Resistance is associated with low Vitamin D (both diabetic and non-diabetic) – meta-analysis May 2021 30 Jun, 2021
Low bone mineral density is inversely associated with both Vitamin D and Resistin (resistance to insulin) 15 Jan, 2021
Excessive insulin decreases vitamin D in 4 ways – problems for diabetic COVID-19 – Dec 2020 12 Dec, 2020
How Vitamin D prevents Insulin Resistance – Sept 2020 17 Sep, 2020
How Vitamin D both prevents and treats insulin resistance (Diabetes) – April 2019 29 Dec, 2019
Insulin prices and usage are soaring 03 Apr, 2019
Insulin problems reduced by Curcumin if not also take Omega-3 – RCT Jan 2019 01 Feb, 2019
Omega-3 helps muscles and reduces inflammation, lipids, and insulin – Nov 2015 03 Mar, 2018
Off topic: Insulin spike cut in half if take 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil with meal – RCT June 2017 31 May, 2017
CDC confirms association between more vitamin D and less insulin – Jan 2011 31 May, 2017
Insulin resistance 35 percent less likely when vitamin D levels raised by 30 ng – Oct 2015 10 Jun, 2016
Insulin resistance during pregnancy improved with 50,000 IU of vitamin D every 2 weeks – April 2013 23 May, 2016
Insulin resistance during pregnancy improved with 50,000 IU of vitamin D every 2 weeks – RCT April 2013 23 May, 2016
Less muscle and insulin resistance for children of vitamin D deficient mothers – Jan 2011 05 May, 2016
Small for gestational age and insulin at age 6 – Sept 2012 21 Apr, 2016
1 night without sleep affects insulin resistance as much as 6 months of high fat diet (vitamin D not mentioned) – Nov 2015 05 Nov, 2015
Insulin sensitivity in obese adolescents greatly improved with 4000 IU of vitamin D - RCT April 2013 20 Mar, 2013
Insulin improvement in obese teens with 4000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Feb 2013 11 Mar, 2013
Insulin resistance helped with 50000 IU of vitamin D weekly – Feb 2013 11 Mar, 2013
Role of vitamin D in insulin resistance – Sept 2012 17 Jan, 2013
Scientific explanation of vitamin D relationship to insulin resistance– Dec 2012 08 Dec, 2012
8 weeks of 7000 IU vitamin D was not enough for seniors to improve insulin resistance – July 2012 08 Aug, 2012
Vitamin D genes and insulin resistance – MS Aug 2010 02 Jun, 2011
Overview of Vitamin D and Insulin – 2010 04 Feb, 2011
Vitamin D deficiency and insulin insensitivity in African Americans - 2010 05 Nov, 2010
Weight loss improves both vitamin D and insulin resistance – Sept 2010 09 Sep, 2010
Vitamin D reduced insulin resistance – Feb 2010 30 Aug, 2010
4000 IU vitamin D3 improves insulin resistance – Feb 2010 01 Aug, 2010
Vitamin D Improves Insulin Sensitivity and Helps Prevent Diabetes – March 2010 20 Jun, 2010
Insulin resistance correlated with low vitamin D levels in Arab Americans – June 2010 09 Jun, 2010
Insulin sensitivity associated with Vit D in A-A April 2010 13 May, 2010

Overview Diabetes and vitamin D contains

  • Diabetes is 5X more frequent far from the equator
  • Children getting 2,000 IU of vitamin D are 8X less likely to get Type 1 diabetes
  • Obese people get less sun / Vitamin D - and also vitamin D gets lost in fat
  • Sedentary people get less sun / Vitamin D
  • Worldwide Diabetes increase has been concurrent with vitamin D decrease and air conditioning
  • Elderly get 4X less vitamin D from the same amount of sun
        Elderly also spend less time outdoors and have more clothes on
  • All items in category Diabetes and Vitamin D 545 items: both Type 1 and Type 2

Vitamin D appears to both prevent and treat diabetes

Number of articles in both categories of Diabetes and:

  • Dark Skin 24;   Intervention 56;   Meta-analysis 38;   Obesity 35;  Pregnancy 44;   T1 (child) 39;  Omega-3 11;  Vitamin D Receptor 24;  Genetics 13;  Magnesium 29    Click here to see details

Some Diabetes studies

50 ng of Vitamin D fights Diabetes

T1 Diabetes


Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Magnesium - many studies

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Recent evidence has revealed anti-inflammatory properties of vitamin D as well as extra-skeletal activity. In this context, vitamin D seems to be involved in infections, autoimmune diseases, cardiometabolic diseases, and cancer development. In recent years, the relationship between vitamin D and insulin resistance has been a topic of growing interest. Low 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) levels appear to be associated with most of the insulin resistance disorders described to date.
In fact, vitamin D deficiency may be one of the factors accelerating the development of insulin resistance. Vitamin D deficiency is a common problem in the population and may be associated with the pathogenesis of diseases related to insulin resistance, such as obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome (MS) and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
An important question is the identification of 25(OH)D levels capable of generating an effect on insulin resistance, glucose metabolism and to decrease the risk of developing insulin resistance related disorders. The benefits of 25(OH)D supplementation/repletion on bone health are well known, and although there is a biological plausibility linking the status of vitamin D and insulin resistance supported by basic and clinical research findings, well-designed randomized clinical trials as well as basic research are necessary to know the molecular pathways involved in this association.
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Unsolved Questions and Conclusions (clipped from PDF)

Diseases associated with insulin resistance are becoming increasingly common. Recent findings suggest that the molecular background to the development of insulin resistance may be related to vitamin D deficiency.
Taken together, the results of basic and clinical studies reveal that vitamin D deficiency may be a key factor triggering the insulin resistance. In this review, a large body of findings on vitamin D and its association with disorders related to insulin resistance such as obesity, T2D, MS, and PCOS has been analyzed, with controversial results. So far, numerous observational studies and randomized trials involving very heterogeneous populations have been conducted, differing in design, duration, and in the types and doses of vitamin D.

In addition, there are factors, such as glutathione deficiency, which could play a role in the action of vitamin D on insulin resistance. This review highlights the need to clarify the level of vitamin D required to obtain a tangible benefit, if any. This concentration is probably higher than the current recommendations focused mainly on achieving bone metabolism benefits. Although currently there is no consensus as to whether vitamin D supplementation is needed in the general population to improve health outcomes, vitamin D supplementation at doses approaching 600-4000 IU/day could be an option to increase 25(OH)D levelsclose to 50 ng/mL to improve insulin resistance and the associated disorders.
Establishing whether specific populations such as those with obesity, MS, prediabetes, T2D, and/or PCOS could benefit significantly from nutritional recommendations regarding vitamin D intake has become a matter of particular interest. However, what does seem to be clear is the need to determine the level of 25(OH)D in high-risk subjects and to supplement in case of deficiency, which will undoubtedly bring a benefit and provide more data to draw more solid conclusions.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Thursday October 28, 2021 06:00:52 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 8)

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16498 Insulin chart.jpg admin 26 Oct, 2021 82.19 Kb 441
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