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Suicide attempts by males 3.7 X more likely if poor Vitamin D gene (CYP24A1) – Oct 2021

Psychiatric Genetics, Volume 31, Number 6, 22 October 2021, pp. 230-238(9)
https://doi.org/10.1097/YPG.0000000000000295 PDF is behind a $52 paywall
Wei, Yan-Xin; Liu, Bao-Peng; Qiu, Hui-Min; Zhang, Ji-Yu; Wang, Xin-Ting; Jia, Cun-Xian

Emerging evidence suggests that vitamin D might protect from attempted suicide. The study aimed to investigate the associations between single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) related to vitamin D levels identified in a large genome-wide association study and attempted suicide in rural China.

This 1:1 matched case–control study included altogether 510 suicide attempters and 510 community controls.
Genotypes of four target SNPs (

  • DHCR7-rs12785878,
  • CYP2R1-rs10741657,
  • GC-rs2282679, and
  • CYP24A1-rs6013897)

were determined, and a genetic risk score (GRS) was constructed to evaluate the combined effect of them. Demographic and psychological information was acquired through face-to-face interviews.

The A allele of CYP24A1-rs6013897 was significantly associated with attempted suicide (OR = 1.27, 95% CI, 1.03–1.58, P = 0.029), even after adjusting for demographic and psychological confounders (adjusted OR = 1.53, 95% CI, 1.01–2.30, P = 0.043). The GRS analyses revealed a significantly higher risk of attempted suicide with a greater number of low vitamin D alleles (adjusted OR = 1.33, 95% CI, 1.13–1.58, P < 0.001).

Subgroup analyses stratified by sex indicated that the genetic associations were only significant among males with adjusted ORs of 3.77 (95% CI, 1.56–9.10) for the A allele of rs6013897 and 2.04 (95% CI, 1.32–3.17) for GRS.

Our findings identity CYP24A1-rs6013897 as a potential biomarker for attempted suicide and indicate that a genetic predisposition to lower vitamin D levels may contribute to attempted suicide. It suggests the possibility that vitamin D may have the preventive potential for attempted suicide.

VitaminDWiki - Suicide associated with low vitamin D - many studies

33+ pages have CYP24A1 in VitaminDWiki title

This list is automatically updated

Items found: 39
Title Modified
Suppression of CYP24A1 gene got more Vitamin D to cells to fight Breast Cancer – March 2023 10 Aug, 2024
Schizophrenia associated with low Vitamin D and CYP2R1, CYP27B1, and CYP24A1 – June 2024 31 Jul, 2024
Acupuncture of scalp activates Vitamin D genes CYP27a1, CYP27b1, and CYP24a (rats with strokes) – May 2024 23 May, 2024
Cancers are sometimes associated with poor CYP24A1 gene (Vitamin D) (Bladder Cancer in this case) – April 2024 23 Apr, 2024
Rare mutation of CYP24A1 gene results in Vitamin D accumulating 19 Jul, 2023
CYP24A1 gene and Vitamin D - many studies 16 May, 2023
Get Multiple Sclerosis while younger if have a poor CYP24A1 vitamin D gene – May 2023 16 May, 2023
Breast Cancer chemotherapy improved if able to suppress a vitamin D gene (CYP24A1) – May 2023 18 Mar, 2023
No response to vitamin D 7X more likely if poor CYP24A1 or VDBP genes - Feb 2023 11 Feb, 2023
Vitamin D non-responders may have one or more poor genes: GC, LIPC, CYP24A1, and PDE3B – Oct 2022 10 Feb, 2023
Vitamin D resistant genes (CYP24A1, SMRT, SNAIL) – July 2022 13 Dec, 2022
Increased Phosphorus increases Vitamin D getting to cells (CYP24A1, pigs) - Aug 2022 25 Aug, 2022
Poor genes (DBP, CYP24A1, CYP2R, etc.) restrict Vitamin D to cells, increasing COVID hospitalization – May 2022 18 May, 2022
Suicide attempts by males 3.7 X more likely if poor Vitamin D gene (CYP24A1) – Oct 2021 08 May, 2022
Vitamin D Metabolite Profiling and genes (CYP24A1, CYP27B1)– Nov 2021 08 Dec, 2021
3X higher risk of oral cancer if CYP27B1 and CYP24A1 genes were different – May 2012 22 Jan, 2021
Hypertension 2X more likely if poor CYP24A1 vitamin D gene (China) – Jan 2020 10 Jan, 2020
Eye vitamin D may not be associated with blood VitD, but is associated with CYP27B1 and CYP24A1 – Nov 2019 18 Nov, 2019
Kidney Stones are related to poor genes – example of CYP24A1 (Vitamin D) – Nov 2019 16 Nov, 2019
Prostate Cancer associated with various genes, including Vitamin D Receptor and CYP24A1 – Nov 2019 15 Nov, 2019
Acute Coronary Syndrome is associated with poor Vitamin D genes (CYP27B1, CYP24A1) – Nov 2019 15 Nov, 2019
Increased risk of weight gain when gene restricts Vitamin D getting to tissues (CYP24A1 in this case) – Nov 2019 07 Nov, 2019
CYP24A1 gene in cancer cells may actually remove vitamin D from the blood – Oct 2012 16 May, 2019
Hepatitis C 1.4X more likely if poor CYP24A1 gene – May 2019 08 May, 2019
Natural pregnancy 4X more likely if sperm had a lot of CYP24A1 – April 2019 10 Apr, 2019
Vitamin D accumulation in 1 in 300 people due to gene (CYP24A1) can cause Calcium problems – June 2018 31 Dec, 2018
CYP24A1 gene mutation is a cause of rare infant vitamin D toxicity – Aug 2011 31 Dec, 2018
Maternal diabetes with poor Vitamin D gene (CYP24A1) increases risk of diabetes in female offspring by 40 percent – Jan 2018 24 Jan, 2018
Vitamin D gene (CYP24A1) changes decrease breast and pancreatic cancers – meta-analysis Nov 2017 20 Dec, 2017
Calcium problems associated with CYP24A1 (a Vitamin D gene) – Oct 2017 08 Nov, 2017
If Lupus in family – 5 times more likely to get Lupus if low vitamin D and poor CYP24A1 – June 2016 07 Jun, 2017
Breast Cancer rate reduced 72 percent by vitamin D gene polymorphism CYP24A1 – Nov 2014 30 Mar, 2016
Colon cancer 30 percent more likely if problems with Vitamin D genes CYP24A1 or CYP27B1 – Nov 2015 16 Nov, 2015
Prostate Cancer – Vitamin D – CYP27B1 – CYP24 – June 2011 16 Nov, 2015
Genes such as CYP27B1, CYP24A1 and Vitamin D – JAMA Nov 2012 16 Nov, 2015
Mutations in CYP24A1 gene (vitamin D) associated with kidney problems – Jan 2013 16 Nov, 2015
Activation (methylation) of CYP2R1 and CYP24A1 predict response to dose of vitamin D – Oct 2013 24 Feb, 2015
Breast cancer and Vitamin D receptors, CP27B1, and CYP24A1 – Sept 2010 26 Nov, 2014
CYP24A1 gene, kidney disease, and vitamin D - May 2011 02 Nov, 2012

Blood test does not notice when a poor CYP24A1 gene stops Vitamin D from getting to cells

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