Toggle Health Problems and D

Liver transplant needs Vitamin D (actually semi-activated, not regular) – May 2017

Nutritional Vitamin D in Renal Transplant Patients: Speculations and Reality

Nutrients 2017, 9(6), 550; doi:10.3390/nu9060550
Piergiorgio Messa 1,2,* , Anna Regalia 2 and Carlo Maria Alfieri 1
1 Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milano 20122, Italy
2 via Festa del Perdono, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano 20122, Italy

See VitaminDWiki

The medical community is still amazed that regular vitamin D does not help poor livers.
Regular vitamin D is semi-acivated by the liver into Calcidiol, so if poor liver, little Calcidiol
Need to used Calcidiol or topical, but not oral vitamin D, when the liver is not functioning well

See also VitaminDWiki

VitaminDWiki pages containing TRANSPLANT in content

Items found: 37
Title Modified
Vitamin D would probably help both CKD and Kidney transplant (PDF behind paywall) – Sept 2024 03 Sep, 2024
Fecal transplants finally approved to fight C.difficile – July 2024 22 Jul, 2024
Autism risky if low vitamin D during pregnancy and early life (mice, fecal transplant reversed it) – March 2024 27 Mar, 2024
Vitamin D helps organ transplant - many studies 30 Nov, 2023
Liver transplant failure 2.7X more-likely if low vitamin D - Nov 2023 30 Nov, 2023
Vitamin D 100,000 IU loading dose and stem cell transplants – RCT Oct 2023 31 Oct, 2023
Fecal transplants - many studies 26 Apr, 2023
Fracture 4X less likely following kidney transplant if high-dose Vitamin D (100,000 every 2 weeks) – RCT Jan 2023 25 Jan, 2023
Fecal transplant from young reduced age-associated defects in old (mice so far) – Aug 2021 27 Aug, 2021
Liver transplants in children more likely to be rejected if insufficient vitamin D – Aug 2021 07 Aug, 2021
Very low Vitamin D levels after Liver transplant in children (need Calcitriol or topical) – May 2021 03 Jun, 2021
Kidney transplant rejection 1.8X more likely if low vitamin D – May 2021 22 May, 2021
1,000 IU of vitamin D provides little benefit (Kidney transplant in this case) – April 2021 22 Apr, 2021
Organ Transplant patients probably need more UV and or vitamin D April 2010 24 Mar, 2021
If you are getting a lung transplant you must have vitamin D - April 2012 24 Mar, 2021
Omega-3 reduced pancreas transplant failure by 3X and sepsis by 2X – review Dec 2019 18 Dec, 2019
Stem cell transplant (HSCT) patients are dying due to lack of vitamin D – Oct 2019 28 Oct, 2019
Stem Cell Transplants consume vitamin D – July 2011 23 Oct, 2019
Stem cell transplant (HSCT). death 28 percent less likely for each 10ng higher vitamin D level – Oct 2019 23 Oct, 2019
4X reduction in bone fractures following Kidney Transplant with monthly Vitamin D (100,000 IU) - RCT June 2019 17 Jun, 2019
Fecal transplants increased Vitamin D levels (germ-free mice) – March 2018 29 Jun, 2018
Liver transplant needs Vitamin D (actually semi-activated, not regular) – May 2017 27 May, 2017
Bone marrow transplant – like other traumas – lowers vitamin D levels – July 2011 17 Apr, 2017
Vitamin D may help after organ transplant – if can give enough – Jan 2011 25 Mar, 2017
4X fewer malignancies after kidney transplant if got active vitamin D – Prospective Score Sept 2012 25 Mar, 2017
Kidney transplant patients advised to avoid the sun, then 90% have very low vitamin D levels – Sept 2012 25 Mar, 2017
Vitamin D and biophospates are needed after organ transplant – Aug 2011 25 Mar, 2017
Calcitriol (active Vitamin D) recommended after kidney transplant – March 2014 28 Apr, 2016
Active form of vitamin D (calcitriol) cut in half the fractures following organ transplant – meta-analysis Aug 2011 26 Jul, 2015
Gut, Alzheimer, autism, disease, fecal transplant, etc - Dr. Perlmutter, May 2015 18 May, 2015
400,000 IU barely raised liver transplant candidate vitamin D levels (no surprise) – March 2015 26 Mar, 2015
Even with vitamin D supplementation Kidney transplant patients were deficient – Jan 2011 28 Aug, 2012
Babies Receive Heart Transplants Instead of Vitamin D Treatment 25 Jun, 2012
Kidney transplant worked better if initially have high level of vitamin D – April 2012 28 Apr, 2012
Vitamin D levels low both before and after organ transplant July 2011 27 Apr, 2012
Heart transplant 19 ng vitamin D vs liver transplant 13 ng – April 2009 12 Nov, 2011
Many Organ transplants cause skin cancer – what is the role of UV – Feb 2012 No value for 'modification_date_major'

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Reduced levels of nutritional vitamin D are commonly observed in most chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients and particularly in patients who have received a kidney transplant (KTx). In the complex clinical scenario characterizing the recipients of a renal graft, nutritional vitamin D deficiency has been put in relation not only to the changes of mineral and bone metabolism (MBM) after KTx, but also to most of the medical complications which burden KTx patients. In fact, referring to its alleged pleiotropic (non-MBM related) activities, vitamin D has been claimed to play some role in the occurrence of cardiovascular, metabolic, immunologic, neoplastic and infectious complications commonly observed in KTx recipients. Furthermore, low nutritional vitamin D levels have also been connected with graft dysfunction occurrence and progression. In this review, we will discuss the purported and the demonstrated effects of native vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency in most of the above mentioned fields, dealing separately with the MBM-related and the pleiotropic effects.

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