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Sunlight on skin has decreased 9X while melanoma has increased 30X – Feb 2020

Post by Marc Sorenson on Facebook

Squamous cell carcinoma is not one of the more dangerous skin cancers. That dubious distinction goes to melanoma, which can be deadly. When you say that the number-one way to prevent skin cancer is to avoid sun exposure, you are not correct.
Here are a few facts about melanomna:

  • •In the past four decades, sunscreen use has increased by 400%, and melanoma has increased by 400%!
  • •75% of melanomas occur on areas of the body that are seldom or never exposed to sunlight
  • •In the U.S., as sun exposure has decreased by about 90% since 1935, melanoma incidence has increased by 3,000%.
  • •As in the US, while sun exposure in Europe has profoundly decreased, there has been a spectacular increase in melanoma.
  • •Men who work outdoors have about half the risk of melanoma as men who work indoors.
  • •Outdoor workers, while receiving 3-9 times the sun exposure as indoor workers, have had no increase in melanoma since before 1940, whereas melanoma incidence in indoor workers has increased steadily and exponentially.
  • •The advent of sunscreens, along with their steadily increasing use, has not reduced the risk of melanoma.
  • •Increasing melanoma incidence significantly correlates with decreasing personal annual sunlight doses.
  • •Outdoor workers do get numerous sunburns but still have a dramatically lower risk of contracting melanoma.
  • •New melanoma cases are several times higher per capita in states like Utah, Vermont and New Hampshire than in Texas, which has the lowest rates of new melanoma.

So, since melanoma increases as sun exposure decreases, should we continue to blame the sun?
For more information: http://sunlightinstitute.org and read the new book, Embrace the sun.

See also VitaminDWiki

Embrace the Sun – benefits of the sun (Nitric Oxide etc.) – book June 2018
extensive review, description of contents, and links to associated material

No – 10 minutes per day of sun-UVB is NOT enough contains the following summary

Noontime sun and D category starts with

Noontime sun and D has 329 items

see also
No – 10 minutes per day of sun-UVB is NOT enough
Vitamin D Myths - SUN
Optimize vitamin D from the sun
Overview Suntan, melanoma and vitamin D
Overview UV and vitamin D
50 ng of Vitamin D - 100 hours of noon sunbathing OR 3 dollars of Vit D
3.3 X more likely to be Vitamin D deficient if wear long-sleeves – Oct 2022
Sun and UV
Avoiding the sun may be as bad as smoking - many studies
Vitamin D from the sun without the heat (silver-coated plexiglass)
Opinion: sun better than UV better than vitamin D
Fewer cognitive problems if more sun or Vitamin D
Which Is Worse - Avoiding Sunlight or Vitamin D Deficiency – April 2019
Have We Gotten Sunscreen Totally Wrong - Jan 2019
People who get little noon-day sun must supplement with Vitamin D – systematic review June 2017
The Greatest Public Health Mistake of the 20th Century (sunscreen block Vitamin D) - 2017
Does Less Sun mean More Disease 5 minute video
340,000 US deaths annually due to insufficient sun (some due to low vitamin D) – July 2020
Health benefit of Sunlight is more than Vitamin D in the blood - many studies
5 Amazing Properties of Sunlight You've Never Heard About
Vitamin D and Sun conference – Germany June 2017

Items in both categories Noontime sun and Cancer are listed here:

Items in both categories UV and Cancer are listed here:

The above DO NOT include any of the specific types of Cancer - such as Breast, Lung, Skin, etc.

VitaminDWiki pages with MELANOMA in title (41 as of Jan 2022)

This list is automatically updated

Items found: 46
Title Modified
Melanoma risk reduced by Vitamin D and other nutrients - 2023 27 Jun, 2024
Melanoma death risk 0.63 X lower if poor Vitamin D Binding Gene – July 2023 26 Aug, 2023
Metastatic Melanoma survived 2X longer if adequate level of Vitamin D – July 2023 03 Aug, 2023
Melanoma is 1.4X more-likely if low Vitamin D – meta-analysis May 2023 18 May, 2023
Melanoma might be suppressed by Vitamin D - many studies 25 Nov, 2022
Melanoma Cancer detected more often (perhaps due to infrequent intense UVA) – Oct 2022 07 Oct, 2022
Overview Suntan, melanoma and vitamin D 28 Nov, 2021
Melanoma not treated by small doses of vitamin D (100,000 IU every 50 days) – RCT June 2021 30 Jun, 2021
Melanoma huge increase - perhaps due to use of sunscreen or lower vitamin D - Aug 2014 26 Apr, 2021
Melanoma associated with vitamin D less than 30 ng (9X) – March 2021 13 Mar, 2021
Recurrence of malignant melanoma may be reduced by 100,000 IU of vitamin D monthly – trial underway 2017 13 Mar, 2021
Melanoma 25 X more likely if low vitamin D – Feb 2018 13 Mar, 2021
Sunlight on skin has decreased 9X while melanoma has increased 30X – Feb 2020 20 Feb, 2020
Melanoma 2.1 X more likely if low vitamin D – meta-analysis Jan 2020 11 Jan, 2020
Melanoma cancer growth slowed by increased Vitamin D Receptor (yet again) – Oct 2019 06 Nov, 2019
Melanoma Is a Disease of Office Workers - Dec 2018 12 Dec, 2018
Better Cancer survival if higher vitamin D a decade earlier (esp. Melanoma, Kidney, Prostate)– Aug 2018 20 Nov, 2018
UVB improvements to Vitamin D receptor appear to improve melanoma survival – Oct 2017 09 Oct, 2017
Non-melanoma skin cancer varies with latitude, melanoma does not – April 2017 23 May, 2017
Malignant melanoma may be reduced by skin-activated vitamin D – Nov 2016 27 Jan, 2017
People with metastatic melanoma and initially Vitamin D deficient had 4.7 times worse outcome if not get enough D – Dec 2016 31 Dec, 2016
Vitamin D being considered for Melanoma – active vitamin D is produced by skin – Nov 2016 01 Dec, 2016
Melanoma survival doubled with Vitamin D binding protein polymorphism – Nov 2015 18 Nov, 2015
Will vitamin D loading dose and 50,000 IU monthly will help after melanoma surgery – Oct 2014 24 Oct, 2014
Melanoma REDUCED by those getting the most UV, unless 5 blistering sunburns while in teen years – June 2014 05 Jun, 2014
Death from melanoma (without ulcers) greatly decreased if have lots of vitamin D receptors – May 2014 28 May, 2014
Melanoma and Vitamin D genes - multiple papers 22 Mar, 2014
Subsequent melanomas associated with BsmI gene variation of VDR– May 2011 22 Mar, 2014
Melanoma risk 2X to 4X higher if Vitamin D receptor genes had morphed – March 2014 19 Mar, 2014
Decreased risk of non-melanoma skin cancer by working outdoors in Europe – April 2013 22 Dec, 2013
UV and Melanoma: are they related – 2013 19 Dec, 2013
The Protective Role of Vitamin D Signaling in Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer - Nov 2013 14 Dec, 2013
Melanoma is 44 percent LESS LIKELY if get sun on the job – Nov 2013 01 Dec, 2013
Melanoma not as thick if recently had a sunny vacation – Nov 2013 14 Nov, 2013
UVA most likely causes melanoma to progress– Sept 2011 10 Nov, 2013
Prostate Cancer increased melanoma rate by 2X (vitamin D not mentioned) Nov 2013 09 Nov, 2013
Melanoma and Vitamin D - association is not certain - 2012 14 Jul, 2013
Melanoma reduces by half the amount of vitamin D activated by the skin – March 2013 17 Apr, 2013
Melanoma less likely when far from equator – Oct 2012 07 Dec, 2012
Red-haired mice can get melanoma without UV - Oct 2012 29 Nov, 2012
Hypothesis – worldwide increase in Melanoma due to UVA – Oct 2011 17 Oct, 2012
Sun exposure is associated with increased survival from melanoma – 2005 07 Oct, 2012
No association found between melanoma and low vitamin D levels – Sept 2012 12 Sep, 2012
UVB, Smoking and second cancers after melanoma – Jan 2012 06 Mar, 2012
Perhaps 28-40 ng of vitamin D would be good for Melanoma patients – Feb 2011 06 Mar, 2011
Study Suggests Indoor Tanning Boosts Chances of Melanoma 27 May, 2010

Created by admin. Last Modification: Tuesday December 27, 2022 16:41:35 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 6)