Drugs Deplete Magnesium Dean Jan 2013
- varenicline that is used for smoking-cessation;
- anti-depressants;
- antipsychotics;
- pain medications;
- diabetes drugs;
- statins;
- anti-inflammatories;
- cancer chemotherapy
and many more.
Magnesium Makes Drugs Look Good! Dean Nov 2012
- . . . when you take a drug, magnesium, like the true heroine she is, will rush in to help offset the drug. In doing so, you can experience some magnesium benefits. IN FACT, the so-called "beneficial" effects of many drugs may be due to this flood of magnesium. Of course, that can only happen for so long before a person's magnesium stores are totally depleted. THEN, after 6-8 weeks the drug side effects really take hold.
- The following commonly used drugs can create magnesium deficiencies.(15)
Common diuretics (for high blood pressure)
Bronchodilators, such as theophylline (for asthma)
Birth control pills
Digitalis (for some heart conditions)
Corticosteroids (for asthma)
Drugs containing fluoride: Prozac, Cipro (anti-biotic), etc.
- Magnesium is required for the body to use Vitamin D
- Of 5,000 labs in the U.S. only about 140 perform the Ionized Magnesium Test
See also VitaminDWiki
- Overview Magnesium and vitamin D
- Heart problems such as Afib related to little Magnesium, Omega-3, Vitamin D getting to tissues
- A balanced diet is no longer enough – supplements needed - VitaminDWiki Oct 2012
- Migraines may be due to lack of lack of Magnesium in half of sufferers – May 2012
- Very low on micronutrients such as vitamin D and Magnesium – NHANES data Aug 2011
- Headache with vitamin D may mean you need Magnesium
- Drugs which create deficiencies in Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, etc. – Sept 2017
- Vitamin D may help absorb magnesium – Pauling 2009
- Drugs which interact with vitamin D generally reduce D
125 items - Magnesium and Vitamin D - similar, different and synergistic has the following table
In the upper left they may be synergistic, that is, increasing one helps the other. / decreasing one hurts the otherMagnesium not Magnesium Vitamin D Magnesium or Vitamin D
Aging, Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Alzheimer's Disease;
Asthma, Attention Deficit Disorder; Autism, Cancer, Cerebrovascular,
Chronic Fatigue, Diabetes, Hearing Loss, Heart Disease. Heart Attack, Atherosclerosis,
Cardiovascular Disease, HIV, AIDS; Hypertension; Kidney Stones,
Migraine Headache, Multiple Sclerosis, Obesity, Osteoporosis; Peripheral vascular disease;
Pregnancy-related problems,Rheumatoid Arthritis; Sports-related problems,Vitamin D only
Acne, Allergy, Autoimmune, Bone, Breathing,
Celiac, Cognition, Colds and Flu, Cystic Fibrosis,
Dental, Fertility, Hyperparathyroid, Immunity, Kidney,
Liver, Lupus, Osteoarthritis, Pain - chronic, Parkinson,
Psoriasis, Rickets, Strokes, Sarcoidosis, Thyroid, Parathyroid,
Tuberculosis, Vision, Hair, Skin, SportsNot Vitamin D Magnesium only
Aggressive Behavior, Alcoholism, Arrhythmia, Cerebral Palsy,
Chemical Sensitivity, Cluster Headaches; Cocaine-related Stroke; Constipation,
Cramps, Fluoride Toxicity; Head Injuries, Central Nervous System Injuries,
Magnesium Deficiency; Menopause, Mitral Valve Prolapsee,
Nystagmus, Psychiatric Disorders; Repetitive Strain Injury, Sickle Cell Disease, SIDS,
Stress, Stuttering, Tetanus; Tinnitis, Sound Sensitivity; TMJ; Toxic Shock; ViolenceNeither
ALL OTHER DISEASESDrugs Deplete Magnesium13986 visitors, last modified 13 Nov, 2017, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category) - Magnesium and Vitamin D - similar, different and synergistic has the following table