
DNA and VDR tests - 100 to 200 dollars

Many DNA gene testing services (most only provide ancestry info.)

VDR tests the gene you were born with, not it's activation

Many diseases such as Cancers such as Breast, and Viruses such as COVID, have learned to deactivate the VDR to protect themselves.

Vitamin D Receptor test $119

You must go somewhere to get your blood drawn

Vitamin D Receptor test $86 + ship to Greece


Varous companies can post-analyze DNA tests (such as 23andMe) to discover VDR, etc.

See also VitaminDWiki

Vitamin D Receptor category has the following

536 studies in Vitamin D Receptor category

Vitamin D tests cannot detect Vitamin D Receptor (VDR) problems
A poor VDR restricts Vitamin D from getting in the cells

See also: 49 studies in the Resveratrol category

It appears that 30% of the population have a poor VDR (40% of the Obese )
Several diseases protect themselves by deactivating the Vitamin D receptor. Example: Breast Cancer
- - - - - - - -
The Vitamin D Receptor is associated with many health problems

Health problems include: Autoimmune (19 studies), Breast Cancer (24 studies), Colon Cancer (14 studies), Cardiovascular (23 studies), Cognition (16 studies), Diabetes (25 studies), Hypertension (9 studies), Infant (22 studies), Lupus (6 studies), Metabolic Syndrome (4 studies), Mortality (4 studies), Multiple Sclerosis (15 studies), Obesity (17 studies), Pregnancy (24 studies), Rheumatoid Arthritis (10 studies), TB (8 studies), VIRUS (39 studies),   Click here for details
Some health problems, such as Breast Cancer, Diabetes, and COVID protect themselves by reducing VDR activation

55 health problems associated with poor VDR

A poor VDR is associated with the risk of 55 health problems  click here for details
The risk of 48 diseases at least double with poor VDR as of Jan 2023  click here for details
Some health problem, such as Breast Cancer reduce the VDR

VDR at-home test $29 - results not easily understood in 2016
There are hints that you may have inherited a poor VDR

How to increase VDR activation

Compensate for poor VDR by increasing one or more:

1) Vitamin D supplement  Sun
Ultraviolet -B
Vitamin D in the blood
and thus in the cells
2) MagnesiumVitamin D in the blood
 AND in the cells
3) Omega-3 Vitamin D in the cells
4) Resveratrol Vitamin D Receptor
5) Intense exercise Vitamin D Receptor
6) Get prescription for VDR activator
   paricalcitol, maxacalcitol?
Vitamin D Receptor
7) Quercetin (flavonoid) Vitamin D Receptor
8) Zinc is in the VDRVitamin D Receptor
9) BoronVitamin D Receptor ?,
10) Essential oils e.g. ginger, curcuminVitamin D Receptor
11) ProgesteroneVitamin D Receptor
12) Infrequent high concentration Vitamin D
Increases the concentration gradient
Vitamin D Receptor
13) Sulfroaphane and perhaps sulfurVitamin D Receptor
14) Butyrate especially gutVitamin D Receptor
15) BerberineVitamin D Receptor

Note: If you are not feeling enough benefit from Vitamin D, you might try increasing VDR activation. You might feel the benefit within days of adding one or more of the above

Far healthier and stronger at age 72 due to supplements Includes 6 supplements that help the VDR
Genetics category listing contains the following

345 articles in the Genetics category

see also

Vitamin D blood test misses a lot
in Visio for 2023

  • Vitamin D from coming from tissues (vs blood) was speculated to be 50% in 2014, and by 2017 was speculated to be 90%
  • Note: Good blood test results (> 40 ng) does not mean that a good amount of Vitamin D actually gets to cells
  • A Vitamin D test in cells rather than blood was feasible (2017 personal communication)   Commercially available 2019
    • However, test results would vary in each tissue due to multiple genes
  • Good clues that Vitamin D is being restricted from getting to the cells
    1) A vitamin D-related health problem runs in the family
        especially if it is one of 51+ diseases related to Vitamin D Receptor
    2) Slightly increasing Vitamin D shows benefits (even if conventional Vitamin D test shows an increase)
    3) DNA and VDR tests - 100 to 200 dollars $100 to $250
    4) PTH bottoms out ( shows that parathyroid cells are getting Vitamin d)
       Genes are good, have enough Magnesium, etc.
    5) Back Pain
       probably want at least 2 clues before taking adding vitamin D, Omega-3, Magnesium, Resveratrol, etc
      • The founder of VitaminDWiki took action with clues #3&5

VDR test : muscle mass and bone strength (Dec 2016)

One of the VDR tests of the founder of VitaminDWiki

CT - Normal, Normal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TT - Normal, Low

How the same gene can have two different results?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CC - Great, Great


There have been 18867 visits to this page

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
7495 VDR Bone strength CT.jpg admin 15 Dec, 2016 37.85 Kb 3671
7494 VDR Bone strength TT.jpg admin 15 Dec, 2016 37.09 Kb 3606
7493 VDR Bone strength CC.jpg admin 15 Dec, 2016 44.80 Kb 3491
7492 VDR Muscle Mass TT.jpg admin 15 Dec, 2016 51.17 Kb 3627
7491 VDR Muscle Mass CT.jpg admin 15 Dec, 2016 45.36 Kb 3757
7490 VDR Muscle Mass CC.jpg admin 15 Dec, 2016 44.07 Kb 3593