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Poor chemotherapy results if low vitamin D (leukemia in this case) – May 2022

Preinduction Serum Vitamin D3 Levels and Induction Chemotherapy Remission Rates in Patients with Acute Leukemia

Nutrition and Cancer – https://doi.org/10.1080/01635581.2022.2077389 PDF behind paywall
Shweta Maurya. Anil Kumar Tripathi, Shailendra Prasad Verma

Vitamin D deficiency(<20 ng/mL) is a common condition, associated with an inferior prognosis in some cancers. However, the prognostic significance of vitamin D deficiency in acute leukemia is largely unknown. The present study aimed to assess the baseline status of vitamin D [25-(OH) D3] and find its association with induction remission rate and mortality using standard chemotherapy in patients with acute leukemia. In this prospective observational study, blood samples were collected from 73 newly diagnosed patients before starting induction chemotherapy to measure serum vitamin D [25(OH)D] levels along with routine investigations.44/73 (60.3%) patients were acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), and 29/77 (39.7%) were acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. Descriptive statistics and frequency distribution were used in SPSS software, and Pearson’s chi-squared test compared the categorical variables. Post-induction remission status (complete and incomplete remission) and induction-related mortality were correlated with vitamin D levels. 44/73 patients (60.3%) included in this study were males, and the remaining were females. The mean age of the participants was 30.32 ± 14.95 years. The mean serum vitamin D level in the cohort was 15.74 ± 28.14 ng/mL. Vitamin D deficiency was observed in 59/73 (80.8%) patients, whereas 14/73 (19.2%) had normal levels (≥20ng/mL) of the vitamin. Vitamin D deficiency is common among acute leukemia patients. Herein, we observed that low vitamin D level is associated with higher rates of incomplete remission in acute leukemia patients (P = 0.016). Vitamin D deficiency is common among acute leukemia patients and is associated with poor short-term outcomes.

VitaminDWiki pages with CHEMOTHERAPY in title (27 as of Aug 2022)

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Items found: 29
Title Modified
Cisplatin-Based chemotherapy greatly increased by vitamin D supplementation - Dec 2023 16 Aug, 2024
Breast Cancer chemotherapy improved if able to suppress a vitamin D gene (CYP24A1) – May 2023 18 Mar, 2023
Chemotherapy might be amplified by vitamin D 05 Mar, 2023
Poor chemotherapy results if low vitamin D (leukemia in this case) – May 2022 17 Aug, 2022
Trial: Can 50,000 IU of Vitamin D weekly help with Breast Cancer Chemotherapy - Early 2021 21 Dec, 2020
3X reduction in Chemotherapy dose by Photodynamic Priming of Vitamin D Receptor (mice) – March 2020 30 Mar, 2020
Chemotherapy hair loss – prevented or treated by Vitamin D, US patent application – Nov 2019 24 Nov, 2019
increased Chemotherapy survival if OK vitamin D (Hodgkin Lymphoma 1.8 X in this study) – Nov 2019 20 Nov, 2019
Relapses of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) – 1 in 5 are due to genes mutated by chemotherapy – Nov 2019 10 Nov, 2019
Omega-3 reduced by 4X the interruption of Cervical Cancer chemotherapy due to toxicity – RCT June 2019 18 Jun, 2019
Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer lowers Vitamin D levels – Oct 2018 25 Sep, 2018
Vitamin D prevents breast cancer, reduces BC mortality, and reduces BC chemotherapy problems – Sept 2018 21 Aug, 2018
Chemotherapy drugs often reduce Vitamin D levels, restoring levels helps– Aug 2018 16 Aug, 2018
Cisplatin chemotherapy dose size might be reduced by Omega-3 – Jan 2018 06 Jan, 2018
Breast Cancer chemotherapy 2.7 X less likely to work if low vitamin D – Dec 2017 22 Dec, 2017
Breast Cancer Chemotherapy initially decreases vitamin D levels – May 2012 13 Dec, 2017
Breast Cancer chemotherapy 2.7 X more likely to be successful if not vitamin D deficient – Dec 2017 13 Dec, 2017
Cancer Chemotherapy and vitamin D – Review March 2013 14 Jul, 2017
Chemotherapy might be augmented with Vitamin D – Jan 2017 14 Jul, 2017
Breast Cancer Chemotherapy dropped Vitamin D levels by 6 nanograms – Nov 2015 14 Jul, 2017
Hypothesis – Chemotherapy can be aided by Vitamin D – March 2016 14 Jul, 2017
Breast cancer chemotherapy benefits from highest vitamin D levels – June 2014 03 Mar, 2016
Off Topic: Cannabinoids as Cancer chemotherapy – Sept 2014 26 Jan, 2016
If vitamin D levels were not changed, toxicity to chemotherapy did not vary with levels – May 2012 11 Jan, 2016
Aromatase inhibitor chemotherapy after breast cancer not associated with vitamin D levels – Dec 2011 24 May, 2015
Vitamin D2 patent granted to prevent hair loss during chemotherapy – 2002 11 May, 2015
Chemotherapy (cisplatin) and vitamin D synergistically stop stomach cancer – Feb 2014 28 Feb, 2014
Vitamin D levels dropped 3 ng during cancer chemotherapy – May 2012 08 Jan, 2014
Vitamin D Shows Potential in Natural Chemotherapy April 2010 30 Apr, 2010

VitaminDWiki pages with CHEMO in title (10 as of Aug 2022)

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Items found: 10

See also in VitaminDWiki

Overview Leukemia and Vitamin D

Chemotherapy might be amplified by vitamin D
Increased Vitamin D might allow decreased Chemotherapy
Chart by VitaminDWiki
see wikipage: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=396

Warning: Vitamin D can increase Chemo potency - possible death if chemo dose is not reduced

Created by admin. Last Modification: Wednesday August 17, 2022 23:23:57 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 10)