
Chemo reduced leukemia patients vitamin D levels – Jan 2013

Vitamin D levels in patients of acute leukemia before and after remission-induction therapy.

Pak J Med Sci. 2013 Jan;29(1):10-4. doi: 10.12669/pjms.291.2764.
Naz A1, N Qureshi R2, S Shamsi T3, Mahboob T4.

Objectives: To determine the levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin [25(OH)D3] in patients with acute leukemia and the effect of remission-induction chemotherapy.

Methodology: This study was case control, all newly diagnosed patients of acute leukemia between the age of one to sixty years and residents of Pakistan were enrolled and evaluated. Those who were unwilling or unable to provide written informed consent were excluded. All selected patients (n=86) were grouped in to acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). AML was further categorized as A1 before remission-induction (n=17) and B1 after remission induction (n=13), ALL was further categorized as A2 before remission-induction (n=31) and B2 after remission induction (n=25). The 25-hydroxyvitamin [25(OH)D3] levels were measured in the sera of all patients (before and after remission-induction) by one step delayed chemiluminescent micro particle immunoassay (CMIA).We compared 25(OH)D3 levels in all patients before and after the remission-induction chemotherapy.

Results: A total of 86 patients were analyzed, in which 60 patients were male. Mean age was 24.39 years (range, 1 to 60 years); the mean levels of 25(OH)D in group A1 (n=17) was 17.70±3.2 ng/ml, in group B1 (n=13) 14.06±2.4 ng/ml, 19.07±7.08 ng/ml in group A2 (n=31), while 10.59±3.9 ng/ml found in group B2 (n=25).

Conclusion: 25(OH)D3 insufficiency was evident subnormal in majority of patients with acute leukemia and 25(OH)D3 were further reduced after remission-induction as compared to untreated group, difference was statistically significant when compared with each group.

PMID: 24353499

PDF is attached at the bottom of this page

Before ChemoAfter Chemo
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 19 ng 11 ng
Acute Myeloid Leukemia 18 ng 14 ng


See also VitaminDWiki


see wikipage: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=396


Attached files

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7633 Leukemia.jpg admin 08 Jan, 2017 52.18 Kb 889
3413 Leukemia.pdf admin 20 Dec, 2013 1.06 Mb 954