- 23+ Personalization factors for Vitamin D treatment:
- VitaminDWiki – Vitamin D: not one size, type, form, route for all - Jan 2022
- VitaminDWiki – Increased Vitamin D response if take cofactors, etc
- VitaminDWiki – Reasons for low response to vitamin D
- VitaminDWiki – PTH and Vitamin D - many studies
- VitaminDWiki – How you might double your response to vitamin D
- Personalized dosing: 70 to 1 differences in doses for vitamin D treatment of Breast Cancer
- VitaminDWiki – Forms of Vitamin D category has
114 items - The Power of Vitamin D: Is the Future in Precision Nutrition through Personalized Supplementation Plans? - April 2024
- See also Vitamin D Binding Protein
178 items - Perhaps 100X difference in BLOOD-Level responses to identical Vitamin D dosing
- Perhaps a 500X difference in CELL-Level responses to identical Vitamin D dosing
23+ Personalization factors for Vitamin D treatment:
- Body size: less for youths, more for obese
- Have genes that reduce Vitamin D blood level (which can be measured)
- Have genes that restrict the amount getting to cells
Measurement of PTH may be a proxy for Vitamin D level in cells
One of the genes, that deactivates the Vitamin D Receptor, can be activated 16+ ways - Have a disease associated with Low Vitamin D
- Have a disease that consumes a lot of Vitamin D
- Have a disease that is associated with poor Vitamin D response ( Asthma, etc.)
- Have a disease that can only be fought by |high levels of Vitamin D (such as MS, psoriasis)
- Have a disease that deactivates the Vitamin D Receptor (COVID, Breast Cancer, etc)
- Have a poor gut – which decreases bio-absorption of Vitamin D (May need a gut-friendly form)
- Have had gallbladder removed – which decreases absorption of fat-soluble Vitamins
- Smoking
- Taking drugs that reduce Vitamin D
- Having a medical procedure that decreases Vitamin D level (Dialysis, surgery, etc.)
- Have a disease that is associated with low Vitamin D (Diabetes, etc.)
- Have a disease that is associated with a poor Vitamin D response (Asthma, etc.)
- Unable to or dislikes swallowing pills (powder, liquid, spray, and topical forms are available)
- Was born preterm or mother had low vitamin D while pregnant
increases the risk of many Vitamin D diseases up to 50 years later - Have diseases that run in the family that are associated with low Vitamin D
- Have little ability to get Vitamin D from the noonday sun
Concealing clothes, far from the equator, dark skin, avoiding the very hot sun, shift worker, nursing home, wheelchair - Are in a very stressful situation
- Have poor liver or kidney (needed to metabolize vitamin D in the bloodstream)
- Have a poor lymph system (required to get Vitamin D in the intestine into the blood)
- Loading dose if signs of improvement are needed in a month instead of within a fraction of a year
The above are all documented in VitaminDWiki - Solutions include:
different dose size, different form, UV lamp, cofactors, non-daily doseHope to have an interactive service on VitaminDWiki before the end of 2024 which will allow visitors to quickly and easily get personalized Vitamin D recommendations
Goal: for
95% of peopleAnnual Cost (guess)
for normal weight
& no health problems> 30 - 50 ng $5/year > 40 - 60 ng $30/year > 80 - 100 ng $150/year
(includes Vit. D testThe higher goals require
- More Vitamin D,
- 30% getting a different form of vitamin D ( gut friendly, topical, UV, etc)
- personalized co-factors
VitaminDWiki – Vitamin D: not one size, type, form, route for all - Jan 2022
VitaminDWiki – Increased Vitamin D response if take cofactors, etc
VitaminDWiki – Reasons for low response to vitamin D
VitaminDWiki – PTH and Vitamin D - many studies
PTH bottoming out shows that Vitamin D got to cells: not restricted by 5 genes nor Magnesium
VitaminDWiki – How you might double your response to vitamin D
Personalized dosing: 70 to 1 differences in doses for vitamin D treatment of Breast Cancer
Vitamin D needed to treat Breast Cancer varied by 70X – March 2024
VitaminDWiki – Forms of Vitamin D category has
114 items
The Power of Vitamin D: Is the Future in Precision Nutrition through Personalized Supplementation Plans? - April 2024
Nutrients 2024, 16(8), 1176; https://doi.org/10.3390/nu16081176
by Mladen Mavar 1,Tamara Sorić 1,*,Ena Bagarić 2,Ana Sarić 3 andMarijana Matek Sarić 4ORCID
1 Psychiatric Hospital Ugljan, Otočkih Dragovoljaca 42, 23275 Ugljan, Croatia
2 Almagea Ltd., Ulica Julija Knifera 4, 10020 Zagreb, Croatia
3 School of Medicine, Catholic University of Croatia, Ilica 242, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
4 Department of Health Studies, University of Zadar, Splitska 1, 23000 Zadar, CroatiaIn the last few decades, vitamin D has undeniably been one of the most studied nutrients. Despite our ability to produce vitamin D through sunlight exposure, its presence in several natural food sources and fortified foods, and its widespread availability as a dietary supplement, vitamin D deficiency is a serious public health problem, affecting nearly 50% of the global population. Low serum levels of vitamin D are being associated with increased susceptibility to numerous health conditions, including respiratory infections, mental health, autoimmune diseases, and different cancer types. Although the association between vitamin D status and health is well-established, the exact beneficial effects of vitamin D are still inconclusive and indefinite, especially when considering the prevention and treatment of different health conditions and the determination of an appropriate dosage to exert those beneficial effects in various population groups. Therefore, further research is needed. With constant improvements in our understanding of individual variations in vitamin D metabolism and requirements, in the future, precision nutrition and personalized supplementation plans could prove beneficial.
Clipped from PDF
Dose considering age and BMI = ‘Dose in IU = [(8.52—desired change in 25(OH)D) + (0.07 × age) – (0.20 × body mass index) + (1.74 × serum albumin) – (0.62 × starting 25[[OH]D concentration)]/(−0.002)’
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Study appears to deal with only 3 of the above 20+ concerns
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See also Vitamin D Binding Protein
178 items
Perhaps 100X difference in BLOOD-Level responses to identical Vitamin D dosing
Worst response
Worst form of vitamin D (oil-based and the person does not digest oils well)
Poor genes
Poor gut
Asthmatic, COPD
Not taken with the largest meal of the day (thus less time in gut for absorption
Best Response
Water-based vitamin D
Also have adequate co-factors: Magnesium, Omega-3, and Boron etc
Have good genes or use a form that by-passes a poor gene
Perhaps a 500X difference in CELL-Level responses to identical Vitamin D dosing
the following genes have been proven to restrict Vitamin D in blood from getting to cells
CYP3A4, CYP27B1, CYP24A1, Vitamin D Receptor, Vitamin D Binding Protein
There are many ways to bypass each of those restrictions
See Genetics for details- At the suggestion of VitaminDWiki, it is now possible to measure Vitamin D at the cell-level
But at $200 and with no data on the results
, virtually no one buys the test
Personalized treatment of Vitamin D8722 visitors, last modified 24 May, 2024, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)