
Vitamin D reduces many Cardiovascular risk factors (provided doses are personalized) – meta-analysis July 2024

Modifiers of the Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

(Chinese) Engineering https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eng.2024.07.010 preprint
Peng An, Sitong Wan, Langrun Wang, Tiancheng Xu, Teng Xu, Yonghui Wang, Jin Liu, Keji Li, Xifan Wang, Jingjing He, Simin Liu

The inconsistent findings concerning the effects of vitamin D supplementation on cardiometabolic risk factors and the large heterogeneity in the published literature call for further research to identify sources of heterogeneity and potential effect modifiers. We performed a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published until March 2024 that reported estimates for the effects of vitamin D supplementation on cardiometabolic factors and relevant baseline covariates of RCT participants. A total of 17 656 participants from 99 RCTs were analyzed, and weighted mean differences (95% confidence intervals (CI)) for the intervention status were derived using random-effects modeling. Overall, compared with the placebo, vitamin D supplementation (median dose: 3320 IU·day−1; range 40–120 000 IU·day−1) had favorable effects on systolic blood pressure (SBP; −2.04 (−3.50, −0.59) mmHg; 1 mmHg = 0.133 kPa), diastolic blood pressure (DBP; −3.00 (−3.61, −2.39) mmHg), total cholesterol (TC; −0.12 (−0.21, −0.03) mmol·L−1), fasting blood glucose (FBG; −0.13 (−0.20, −0.05) mmol·L−1), hemoglobin A1C (A1C; −0.09 (−0.13, −0.05)%), and fasting blood insulin (FBI: −7.61 (−11.93, −3.30) pmol·L−1). The benefits of vitamin D were most evident in trials performed in non-Westerners, participants with baseline 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) lower than 15.0 ng·mL−1, non-obese (body mass index (BMI) < 30 kg·m−2), and older (age ≥ 50 years). The findings of this study underscore the need for personalized vitamin D intervention strategies that comprehensively account for individual patient characteristics (such as ethnocultural background, age, BMI, and circulating 25[OH]D level), intervention dosage, and intervention duration to optimize cardiometabolic health outcomes.
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VitaminDWiki – Cardiovascular category:

533 items In Cardiovascular category

Cardiovascular category is associated with other categories: Diabetes 31, Omega-3 31 , Vitamin K 25 , Intervention 22 . Mortality 20 , Skin - Dark 18 , Magnesium 17 , Calcium 14 , Hypertension 14 , Trauma and surgery 13 , Stroke 13 , Kidney 12 , Metabolic Syndrome 11 , Seniors 10 , Pregnancy 8 as of Aug 2022

Cholesterol, Statins

VitaminDWiki - 41 Cardiovascular Meta-analyses

This list is automatically updated

VitaminDWiki Personalized treatment of Vitamin D

Table of Contents as of July 2024
23+ Personalization factors for Vitamin D treatment:
VitaminDWiki – Vitamin D: not one size, type, form, route for all - Jan 2022
VitaminDWiki – Increased Vitamin D response if take cofactors, etc
VitaminDWiki – Reasons for low response to vitamin D
VitaminDWiki – PTH and Vitamin D - many studies
VitaminDWiki – How you might double your response to vitamin D
Personalized dosing: 70 to 1 differences in doses for vitamin D treatment of Breast Cancer
VitaminDWiki – Forms of Vitamin D category has 111 items
The Power of Vitamin D: Is the Future in Precision Nutrition through Personalized Supplementation Plans? - April 2024
   Study appears to deal with only 3 of the above 20+ concerns
   204 References
See also Vitamin D Binding Protein 177 items
Perhaps 100X difference in BLOOD-Level responses to identical Vitamin D dosing
Perhaps a 500X difference in CELL-Level responses to identical Vitamin D dosing