Toggle Health Problems and D

Common drugs as vitamin D disruptors – 2020

Journal of Translational Science doi: 10.15761/JTS.1000378

Uwe Gröber AMM - Academy of Micronutrient Medicine, Essen, Germany uwegroeber at gmx.net

In the past, interactions between drugs and vitamin D have received only little or no attention in the health care practices. However, since more and more drugs are used for the treatment of patients, this topic is increasingly relevant. Several drugs can interfere with the vitamin D and bone metabolism. Drugs that activate the pregnane X receptor can disrupt vitamin D metabolism and vitamin D function. Beside this, the medication oriented supplementation of vitamin D can ameliorate the pharmacologic action of some drugs, such as bisphosphonates, cytostatics and statins.

PXR-Ligands Examples
Antiepileptics Phenytoin, carbamazepine
Antineoplastic drugs Cyclophophamide, epirubicin, taxol, tamoxifen
Antibiotics Clotrimazole, rifampicin
Anti-inflammatory agents Dexamethasone
AntihypertensivesNifedipine, spironolactone
Antiretroviral drugs Efavirenz, ritonavir, saquinavir
Endocrine drugs Cyproterone acetate

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This study only looks at only one of the 6 genes that reduce Vitamin D getting to cells

VitaminDwiki - Interactions with Vitamin D contains

Interactions with Vitamin D has 125 items

Various drugs decrease Vitamin D
Drug interactions with Vitamin D - many studies - Feb 2024
Antidepressants reduce cellular Vitamin D, increasing fractures, CVD, etc. - Oct 2022
Medications that appear to lower Vitamin D – Aug 2021
24 drugs that typically reduce Vitamin D levels – Review Aug 2021
Proton pump inhibitors decrease Vitamin D and Magnesium – Dec 2018
Statins and Vitamin D - many studies
Glyphosate decreases Vitamin D getting to cells in many ways
Antibiotics and Vitamin D are associated with many of the same diseases
More colas lower vitamin D by 3 ng– July 2014
A few Drugs increase Vitamin D
Contraceptives,   Probiotics
Vitamin D can decrease/increase impact of drugs
be careful of Chemotheraphy and Vitamin D
Vitamin D generally improves the efficacy of drugs while reducing their adverse effects – Jan 2020
Some Drugs decrease Vitiamin D co-factors or limit vitamin D getting to cells
Drugs which create deficiencies in Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, etc. – Sept 2017
Drugs Deplete Magnesium
Interaction of drugs with Vitamin D cofactors
Non-drugs also decrease vitamin D levels in blood and cells
Plastics, BPA, PCB and Vitamin D deficiency
Air pollution, toxins, heavy metals and smoking each result in lower Vitamin D levels – Nov 2018
Air Pollution reduces Vitamin D production - many studies
Pesticides increase risk of Cancers, Alz, ALS, Asthma, ADHD, etc. (all related to low vitamin D) – Oct 2016
Smoking   Coffee
Cooked dried beans or peas

See also CYP24A1 gene and Vitamin D - many studies

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18552 Common drugs - chart.jpg admin 03 Oct, 2022 111.74 Kb 448
18551 JTS-6-378.pdf admin 03 Oct, 2022 440.03 Kb 216