I experimented with bulk supplements from about 2015 to 2020.
Problems with the process
- Had to put the bulk powder into pills to escape the Magnesium sour taste
- It did not allow my taking the water-soluble form of 4 of the supplements
- It took too much effort each month to grind the supplements and make the pills
Click here for what I am doing now
Neat features of bulk supplementation
- Nothing to have to remember to take daily
- Far lower cost than pills ($0.18/day + Omega-3)
- Much easier to supplement for those who dislike or are unused to taking pills
- Takes about 20 minutes to prepare for 10 days = 12 hours for preparation/year
- Great for families having a variety of weights - the dose size is proportional to a person's weight.
- The XLS spreadsheet is at the bottom of this page
- Henry Lahore, founder of VitaminDWiki, Aug 2018
- Krupps Coffee/Spice Grinder $15 Amazon
- grinder is especially needed for the Silica (horsetale twigs) and Potassium Iodide (hard crystals)
- Also needed to re-mix the supplements before adding to granola - it appears to cake-up after a month
- AWS Kitchen scale with 10 microgram resolution $13 Amazon
- scale is not essential if you use the teaspoon row on the spreadsheet
- Borax - Prescribed for Life - Amazon