Toggle Health Problems and D

Bulk supplementation of Vitamin D, Magnesium, Zinc, B-12, K2, Boron etc. - lower cost and easier than pills

Neat features of bulk supplementation

  1. Nothing to have to remember to take daily
  2. Far lower cost than pills ($0.18/day + Omega-3)
  3. Much easier to supplement for those who dislike or are unused to taking pills
  4. Takes about 20 minutes to prepare for 10 days = 12 hours for preparation/year
  5. Great for families having a variety of weights - the dose size is proportional to a person's weight.
  • The XLS spreadsheet is at the bottom of this page
    • Henry Lahore, founder of VitaminDWiki, Aug 2018



  • Krupps Coffee/Spice Grinder $15 Amazon
    • grinder is especially needed for the Silica (horsetale twigs) and Potassium Iodide (hard crystals)
    • Also needed to re-mix the supplements before adding to granola - it appears to cake-up after a month
  • AWS Kitchen scale with 10 microgram resolution $13 Amazon
    • scale is not essential if you use the teaspoon row on the spreadsheet
  • Borax  - Prescribed for Life - Amazon

Created by admin. Last Modification: Friday February 21, 2020 00:02:36 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 21)

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
10495 bulk picture.jpg admin 06 Sep, 2018 69.50 Kb 6669
10424 spreadsheet late Aug 2018.jpg admin 27 Aug, 2018 139.01 Kb 8233
10336 Bulk supplements May 2018.xls admin 10 Aug, 2018 21.50 Kb 935