
3 proven ways to increase Vitamin D in eggs – Aug 2020

Naturally enhanced eggs as a source of vitamin D: A review

Trends in Food Science & Technology, Volume 102, August 2020, Pages 62-70, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tifs.2020.05.018

  • Three methods to produce eggs naturally enhanced with vitamin D was reviewed.
  • There is a linear inter-trial relationship between vitamin D3 in feed and vitamin D3 content in egg.
  • Feed is superior to UVB irradiation in regards to vitamin D enhancement in eggs.
  • Egg yolk can be vitamin D enhanced by direct exposure to UVB radiation.
  • Naturally enhanced eggs can contribute to increased vitamin D intake in the general population.

Adding Vitamin D to chickens has been know to improve chickens, meat, eggs, taste, etc. But for some reason, restoring the vitamin D levels of the chickens back to what they had been when outdoors is not permitted

Fortification with Vitamin D

136 items in Fortification category

Fortification works, even if food is cooked, but govts rarely fortifiy with enough
Govts, food producers, and families can fortify:
   milk,   yogurt,   beer,   bread,  cereals,  cooking oil,  soups,  jams,   jellys,   honey,   snack bars, etc.
Some interesting fortification articles

 Download the PDF from sci-hub via VitaminDWiki

It is estimated that on annual basis 40% of the European population is either vitamin D insufficient/deficient. A way to increase the vitamin D intake is to fortify a broader range of foods or by increasing the natural vitamin D content in food sources that already contain vitamin D. Eggs is once again considered part of a healthy varied diet and eggs contain a wide range of micro nutrients including vitamin D.

Scope and approach
Review of production methods to naturally enhance eggs with vitamin D, and discussion of the perspectives of vitamin D enhanced eggs as part of the strategy to increase the dietary intake of vitamin D.

Key findings and conclusions
There are three ways to naturally enhance the vitamin D content in eggs: feeding more vitamin D3/25(OH)D3 to the hens, exposing the hens to UVB and exposing liquid egg products to UVB. Naturally enhanced eggs can contribute to increased vitamin D intake. An inter-trial linear relationship between vitamin D3 in feed and vitamin D3 in eggs was found. Within the linear range a maximum of 20 μg/100 g yolk was obtained with feed contain 617.5 μg/kg feed. Feed can provide higher levels of vitamin D in eggs than UVB exposure of the hens. However, the European maximum for vitamin D in feed for layers at 80 μg/kg limits the beneficial effect. Vitamin D content in liquid egg products can be tailored by adjusting the UVB dose, however further research is needed.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Tuesday August 29, 2023 01:12:12 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 8)

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