Poultry Feed Recalled July 2012
The supplier had failed to include vitamin D in a batch of feed
Inadequate levels of vitamin D in a bird's diet for more than two or three weeks may cause bone weakness, fractures or joint problems, and potentially death in birds not exposed to direct sunlight daily, according to a press release from the FDA.
Reminder: Before the 1940's all poultry had access to the sunshine.
Then farmers learned that by supplementing the poultry with vitamin D that they could be 'cooped up
Wonder when it will be realized that 'cooped up humans also need vitamin D supplements
See also VitaminDWiki
- Overview Veterinary and vitamin D
- If cows weighed 150 lbs they would get 10,000 IU of vitamin D DAILY
- Reptiles, birds, and pets all require vitamin D if they do not have access to sunlight
- Chicken bones, eggs, and activated vitamin D in eggs increased with 2 hours of daily UVB – Dec 2019
- Swine need sunshine or 500-2800 IU vitamin D3
- Lambs get 12000 IU vitamin D per lb of milk replacer much more than RDA for humans
- Why should animals need more vitamin D than humans Merck Manual 1998
Note: farmers and vets give animals about 3X the RDA that the FDA recommends - Primate Nutrient Requirements – 2003 US Govt
- Swine with extra vitamin D more likely to get pregnant and have more and larger piglets – June 2012