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  1. Chart Diabetes and UVB vs latitude
  2. type 2 diabetes meta-analysis
  3. Vitamin D Deficiency and type II diabetes
  4. Can vitamin D reduce type 1 diabetes in Finland
  5. Diabetes and Finland
  6. Vitamin D and cardiometabolic such as diabetes hypertension and obesity
  7. Low UVB assocated with type 1 diabetes
  8. Vitamin D Receptor and diabetes
  9. Can Diabetes be Prevented with Vitamin D -Garland 2008 2 charts
  10. UVB predicts incidence of type 1 diabetes in Newfoundland
  11. Diabetes and Vitamin D3
  12. Vit D and autoimmune
  13. Garland Diabetes Finland
  14. Vit D protects against type 1 diabetes
  15. Glucose Intolerance from Emedicine
  16. Vitamin D vs risk of diabetes
  17. Prevalence of Diabetes among Men and Women in China
  18. Prevention of Type 1 Diabetes
  19. Vitamin D and diabetes
  20. An estimate of the economic burden and premature deaths due to vitamin D deficiency in Canada
  21. Insulin sensitivity and vit D for A-A April 2010
  22. 5 Reasons Why Type One Diabetes is on the Rise - May 2010
  23. Chart - Less Diabetes if have enough Calcium and Vitamin D - April 2010
  24. Chart Finland 4000 IU for 10 years - resulted in less diabetes
  25. Commentary on diabetes - May 2010.pdf
  26. Vitamin D probably prevent and treat T1 & T2 Diabetes – June 2010
  27. Vitamin D and Immune system after 30 years - June 2010
  28. Diabetes high risk is low vitamin D
  29. Single dose 100000 or 200000 IU vitamin D helped some aspects of diabetes – June 2010
  30. Review Diabetes and vitamin D - Sept 2010
  31. Diabetes less for those taking more vitamin D
  32. Diabetes vs latitude from review Sept 2010
  33. Association found between sun protection and T2 diabetes - July 2010
  34. To reduce diabetes probably need vitamin D - Review July 2010
  35. Diabestes risk and Vitamin D - Jan 2011.pdf
  36. 7X less diabetes for children taking more than 2000 IU - Hypponen May 2011.jpg
  37. Diabetes increasing CDC
  38. blood pressure- cholesterol - diabetes venn diagram
  39. Vitamin D deficiency, T2 Diabetes and 2 others - Oct 2010.pdf
  40. 1 in 10 Chinese adults are diabetics and 15 percent prediabetic - Mar 2010
  41. 1 night without sleep affects insulin resistance as much as 6 months of high fat diet (vitamin D not mentioned) – Nov 2015
  42. 11 Diabetes problems are associated with low Vitamin D – review May 2023
  43. 12700 IU daily vitamin D3 did not stop prediabetic minorities from becoming diabetic – June 2012
  44. 140,000 IU vitamin D monthly reduced probability of diabetes – Nov 2011
  45. 2000 IU of vitamin D helped Type 2 diabetic women, but was not enough – July 2012
  46. 25 ng Vitamin D reduced chance of diabetes by 43 percent -review July 2011
  47. 25 percent reduction in diabetes risk if vitamin D great than 30 ng - June 2011
  48. 27 percent less likely to develop diabetes if prediabetic and have adequate vitamin D – Mar 2012
  49. 300,000 IU injection loading dose of vitamin D3 stopped gestational diabetes in RCT – Oct 2011
  50. 300000 IU of vitamin D every 3 months may not have been enough – July 2010

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