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PhD working at VAERS on problems with vacc system - Masterjohn interview and transcript- Dec 27, 2021

Jessica Rose: VAERS, Myocarditis, COVID Vaccines, and So Much More Dec 27, 2021

Huge amount of background data and interview notes

Time Stamps

07:25 The interview starts
08:27 Her academic background
25:09 How she started analyzing VAERS data
31:14 Were the mandates a surprise or expected?
31:34 Raw milk persecution, Rawsome raids, National Animal Identification System, swine flu microchips and forced quarantining laws
38:45 Interpreting VAERS: how do we think about underreporting, overreporting, stimulated reporting, and causality?
52:08 Total adverse events are continuing to accumulate at the same rate even though the rollout is tapering, breakthrough infections, female reproduction issues
56:38 John Su misrepresents the data on 5-11-year-olds at CDC meeting
01:03:02 Hiding the children injected illegally
1:08:52 Severe adverse events in 5-11-year-olds
1:15:37 Back when 50 VAERS deaths would take a product off the market
1:18:04 We should be more cautious, not less cautious, when the data is poor quality
1:21:00 Hiding the all-cause mortality data
1:26:51 Can you get COVID twice? And what does it mean, exactly, to “get” COVID?
1:48:37 Widespread low-level inflammation throughout the population
1:53:14 Can the spike protein be written to the human genome?
1:57:31 Why is the risk/reward ratio so much worse for kids?
2:03:57 The effect of the vaccines on viral evolution in the era of omicron
2:12:18 Do we have an epidemic of hospitalizations for PCR-negative COVID-like illness in fully vaccinated people?
2:16:13 The saga of the retracted paper
2:20:14 Most myocarditis is severe by standard definition
2:27:13 Two approaches to language in peer-reviewed papers: raw honesty vs deference to the narrative.
2:32:58 What is a “vaccine” and are these injections technically vaccines?
2:42:48 The importance of precision
2:45:20 The potential future of widespread or even mandatory prophylactic gene therapy
2:50:00 Why risk-reward is the wrong way to thing about the vaccines
2:56:36 Blood transfusions and shedding
3:01:57 Her advice as a concerned citizen of the human species to us as we enter into a world wherein we are rapidly losing our freedoms.

Transcript (computer generated)

0:00:00.0 Rose: And I wanna be very clear about this. There's database is a government database, it's the brain child of the CC in the FDA, it's not a joke. It's incredibly difficult to get an entry submitted to PARS logistically, it is a federal crime to submit an entry to hers that is false, you can go to prison for doing that, so these people who are suffering adverse events in the context of a biological product that they got injected with or a pharmaceutical product, it may have ingested the context of 19, we're talking about experimental injective products. These are people... I'm analyzing this as a data set, but this is a group of people who sustained an injury in most cases, a very close temporal proximity to the injection, and if you're calling this database the set of people who filed reports, chunk, then you're actually really insulting a lot of people... And it's very, very wrong to call this junk data because those people don't have a voice. Most of these people don't have a voice. And again, I wanna be their voice. By the way, that's why I'm doing this.

0:01:30.0 Masterjohn: You are about to witness a fascinating and phenomenal three-hour conversation that I had with Dr. Jessica Rose, if you go to her website or her YouTube, you will know just arose primarily as an in list of the scene adverse event reporting system or Bears data. If you go to her sub-stack, she has a very simple bio, it says, I am a dissident, one of her more academic bios shows that she has tremendous credentials in the area of biology and infectious disease. Dr. Jessica Rose is a Canadian researcher with a bachelor's degree in applied mathematics and Master's degree in immunology from the moral University of Neufeld. Chose holds a PhD in Computational Biology from Bar-Ilan University and two post-doctoral degrees, one in molecular biology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and in bio-chemistry to the Technion Institute of Technology. She was also accepted for a two-month program as a senior researcher at the Wiseman is prior to completion of her latest Post-Doctoral Degree at the Technion. In this interview, I had mapped out a series of questions that I plan to ask her that were primarily around her data, how to think about under-reporting versus over-reporting versus stimulated reporting, and causality within the First Data, and what our key findings were about Myocarditis.

0:03:08.9 Masterjohn: Why the paper that she had been the lead author on that... Dr. Peter McColl was also an author, one was withdrawn and what the current status in that legal battle is, and how to think about the risk-reward ratio of scenes for different age groups, and what we had instead was a very dynamic free-for all conversation that did touch on all those things, but also ran into so many other areas, we talked about mandate, the history of raw milk persecution and previous efforts to voice Public Health totalitarianism on us, we talked about whether you could get twice... And she adjudicated between Dr. MCAS claim that that's not possible versus... My claim that I've had twice, we talked about the difficulty in separating infections from immune activations, the definition of a sea, and whether these injections fall into that category properly or not, whether to use different language to the narrative in peer-reviewed papers or to speak the truth as you see it, misrepresentations of the adolescent data at CC meetings, shocking numbers of kids injected at ages when it was illegal to inject them, the hiding of all Cosmo rarity data, the future of prophylactic gene therapy shutting and blood transfusions and why risk reward analysis is ultimately the wrong framework for thinking about the scenes with a final note and notes throughout about the importance of autonomy over our own bodies, after a brief message asking for your support, I bring you Dr.

0:05:07.5 Masterjohn: Jessica rose, in a world increasingly dominated by censorship, we may have censored certain words in this video in order to protect the show and keep our community connected for the uncensored version. Please see the link in the description for uncensored material in general. Head to Chris Master John phd dot com, uncensored. To make sure we stay together as a community, please join my newsletter at Chris Master John PhD dot com newsletter, where I can guarantee you that I'll never de-platform myself. This interview was recorded during the live Zoom recording, were members of the CMJ master pass-at-in in Sitecore and questions in live chat. If you'd like to sit in on future interviews I conduct with the chance to contribute questions, you can sign up for the master passage, Chris Master, John Ph dot com master pass and use a code interview for 10% of the membership fee for as long as you remain a member during this critical time where our freedom of health and freedom of speech are both in imminent danger and where tens of thousands of people are facing imminent job losses as a result of medical mandates, I am devoting my analytical skills full-time toward the battle for health freedom, this includes working directly with lawyers in lawsuits over mandates lock-downs in the current standard of care, scientifically analyzing safety, efficacy and the risks of mandated medical treatments, you know what we're talking about, and their alternatives, as well as any way to mitigate their harms and publishing my findings and scientific journals and sharing them with you, it is my friend conviction, that this is the most important gift that I can offer the world right now, and I view this as a needed public service.

0:06:50.1 Masterjohn: I would be extremely grateful if you could support me during this time at Chris Master, John phd dot com support, you can purchase one of my information products in amounts ranging from 3 to 30, or take advantage of my consulting services for more. You can also make a purchase using one of my affiliate links to buy something you would have bought anyway, no extra cost to you, and finally at Chris Master John PhD dot com, so donate, you can make a donation in any amount. Don't forget to like, share and subscribe as well. And I thank you for your support. Thank you so much for coming on.

0:07:28.5 Rose: Thanks for having me, I'm happy to be here.

0:07:31.9 Masterjohn: Alright, so let's dig into this stuff, so you are currently best known for your analysis of the scene adverse event reporting system or data, and you're the lead author on analysis of myocarditis risk that Dr. Pere Macola had also contributed to... That's currently listed on PubMed as withdrawn. I wanna dig deep into all of that and more... Before we get started there, could you share a bit about your background? So my understanding is you have a PhD in Computational Biology. It looks like your work in that focused on infectious disease, so could you talk a little bit about what motivated you in that direction, what made you specifically get involved in infectious diseases, and how did that bring you to the point where now you're specializing and seeing safety...

0:08:20.1 Rose: And why is that what I'm told? Okay.

0:08:24.7 Masterjohn: If you look at... If you look at your website, it looks like that.

0:08:27.6 Rose: Yeah, it... It isn't it funny. You know, I have a similar story about my PhD. I didn't realize I was a computational biologist until the fourth year, right before I graduated, my colleagues sitting next to me are on... And he's like, You know, you're a computational... I don't know, we're having a conversation and he says, You know, you're a computational biologist too, and I'm like, What? And he's like, That's what you're doing here. And I'm like, What? And he explained it to me and I'm like, Oh, wow.

0:08:59.5 Masterjohn: What is computational biology? It sounds to me like a no is a computer modeling of biological processes, basically that is

0:09:12.7 Rose: Sort of... It's kind of like that versus bio-informatics, so computational biology is more geared toward modeling, but the modeling that I've always done is using systems of differential equations, ordinary and partial differential equations, which is just different from statistical model modeling, and it's different from other types of online I know how to describe it, it's more hands-on maybe, because you get to derive the equations based on biological assumptions that come directly from what we've learned or know about how certain... Say, cell populations function. So anyway, to answer your question about the background, so I started an applied mathematics where I learned how to build ordinary differential equation models to describe like say, viral pathogenesis. So that's where this all started. I'm kind of... Okay, so I'm okay at mass, but I wanted to apply it. And the thing that I love the most in the whole world are infectious pathogens and viruses in particular, for some weird reason, so the application, the applied part of the employed math degree was really up my alley, so that evolved to this computational biology PhD. So in between there, I did an immunology degree as well, where I did an interdisciplinary study on HIV in unopened, so half of my work was in the Level 3 lab and half was in the math lab because I had also built a mathematical model to...

0:11:16.9 Rose: While I was trying to show or to use the model, to show that something called structured treatment interruption was a viable option for people who were HIV positive, this is where you... You stagger your anti-retroviral treatment drugs on and off for three weeks on, three weeks off. Because they're really toxic, right?

0:11:39.5 Masterjohn: Was some of the current standard of care is just to be on them all the time.

0:11:45.2 Rose: You know what I think so, but I can't really say with certainty, 'cause I haven't looked into that for a while.

0:11:51.9 Masterjohn: I turn... That was the alternative. Right.

0:11:54.3 Rose: Right. Yeah, it's really a rigorous daily multi-drug that now that's probably changed, maybe it's a single drug, but I actually haven't looked at it in a long time, and I'm sure it's evolved a lot since then when I was... Back in the day, it was at least three drugs, all highly toxic, and everyday side effects are numerous, so ideally it would be nice for the people who have to take these dunks if they could stop taking them for a little while, very much, and the ongoing hypothesis was that you can use this as a strategy to boost CDT cell responses, about half of the population of people in this field believe that it was possible, and the other half didn't. So I was one of the believers, but I didn't end up... I ended up showing that it probably wasn't gonna work fun, that's not to say that I was right. It's just, I was so... So anyway, that's the long answer about the PhD, so

0:13:09.8 Masterjohn: Just to carry understanding you were basically working with assumptions and mathematical models in one lab and then going into the bio-lab and testing that out in cell culture or something like that. Is that what you're doing?

0:13:25.2 Rose: Yeah, I was doing, for the most part, at least for says, and I don't even know if I remember what that means anymore, so I was testing the quality and the quantity of certain responses associated with CD8 positive T-cells like interferon gamma and interleukin too. So I used five genes, HIV genes, in order to kind of isolate the signal, I did some totally phase assay CTL assays to remember, but basically I was just trying to figure out... Let me think back. Our cohort of individuals who are HIV positive was about... Well, gosh, I don't remember. I was over 100 anyway, so we had two people in our cohort who were considered long-term non-progresses, which are people who just don't seem to show the typical T-cell depletion and high viral loads that are consistent. So it's like they have HIV, but it's like they don't have HIV functionally. They're not coming to the 4 positive T cell depletion. So those are the people I was really interested in. So every Thursday, I think it was, we had a shipment of their blood that would come in and so we would process it, I would process it with the lack tech and we would isolate the lymphocyte population using this sugar solution.

0:15:10.7 Rose: And then you can take out the lymphocyte C for CD that, and you also have the plasma, which has also some interesting things in it, and then you can run whatever assets that you want, so... Yeah, I was most interested in the C populations and the associated mediators and what they were doing with regards to these two long-term... It's not a large enough group, but in these two people that I've had versus the others, like what was going on from week to week, and we didn't get everyone every week, that was a... Human work is very hard. You literally have to ask these people to donate their blood every week, and most people don't wanna do that, especially if they're not feeling good, but the data was first, but yeah. That was the most fun I've ever had. In a lab, I really, really loved it, and then I would run over to the math lab and in us make parameters and stuff. So yeah, it was really fun.

0:16:22.7 Masterjohn: So that was the applied math part of your... That was the 000. Okay, and then so then you're on to... You then you did your PhD in Computational Biology?

0:16:36.0 Rose: Well, I did the BC and applied math, and then I did the MS in immunology, and then I did the PhD in Computational barley, which was another virus. I actually came to Israel to pursue my PhD in HIV-related stuff, but when I got here, there wasn't enough HIV data that was interesting, but there was a huge study on a new pro drug related to cytomegalovirus called valinor, this worldwide study had been done. So he needed... My PI needed someone to analyze this data and to try and you discover some patterns are based on genotypes, Lala, so I was like, Well, you know, it's still a virus, so I guess I'll do it. So yeah, that was the PhD was pretty interesting. That also involved ordinary differential equation morning, no lab stuff though. And then I... Erdogan, I was just gonna say, I moved on to a post-doc where it was a lot of lab, it was molecular biology or petiole, so I was like, Yeah. There was this large scale project that they needed someone to head up where they wanted to find out which our species of hard shell ticks in Israel were carrying, which kinds of pathogenic for kept Sue species, which they cause in Canada.

0:18:22.8 Rose: The analog illness is Rocky Mountain spotted fever, it's quite serious, it can kill you if it's the right... Species of recaps canarian way. So yeah, I went from driving a piece of cloth across the ground of the entire country of Israel to the real-time PCR machine and back, and it was... Actually, it was also really, really fun. So a nice combination of bench work and field work, and also I did some GIS modeling there, but mostly it was just data and... Sorry, what's GIS? Geographic Information System, so it's like You can super impose layers of data on maps, so you can cross-reference like... Okay, sorry, my... It always has to be involved. Goshen.

0:19:29.3 Masterjohn: This goes up on YouTube. We'll get more used because of the cat.

0:19:31.7 Rose: Of course, yeah.

0:19:32.7 Masterjohn: That's why he me, we'll start out in the thumbnails names, checkpoint with your PCR work on gene, relative gene expression stuff, or was it on diagnosis and detection of the infection...

0:19:51.8 Rose: You mean the post-

0:19:53.6 Masterjohn: Doc? With the ratio work? Yeah. In the post-doc? Yeah.

0:19:56.9 Rose: Yeah, so it was basically just literally pointing on a... In Israel, where these pathogenic species identifying where the... Well, first we have to denote species because only certain hard shell tick species were carrying a species of Bekasi, which was interesting all on its own. And so I actually go located a region not far for me actually, which we had known as... What's the right word? A cesspool for a pathogenic species called Masi racecar, if anyone in Israel is listening to me right now, this is all in the paper that I published, so anyway, yeah, it was just about finding out where these pathogenic species were living in the country. So when people go hiking in April, for example, when The tick start coming out in questing and grabbing on to your trousers, we know from that work what to tell them in terms of what to avoid, war to avoid, what to look for in terms of symptoms, if you've been on a high and all of a sudden your comms have a rash on it or something anyway, so it was more about that. It was like public health... Where is of where the bad recess were living.

0:21:30.1 Masterjohn: Alright, so you basically are carving out this career in viruses, Public Health, computational biology, all around infectious disease and whatnot, this... What happens at that point?

0:21:45.5 Rose: I did another postdoc in between that, which was also found in biochemistry, so this is the part where I learned the most about being organized. I think I had an excellent PI from her second postdoc, and he insisted on presenting data from Ben work in a particular way, so I really, really love how hard he was on making sure that I went from, say, culturing bacteria to this gorgeous single slide that summarized exactly how I got from here to here. So I think that was actually instrumental in helping me get where I am now... Just to fill in that blank. Yeah, I did a lot of work for that project and it also included modeling, but it was... It kind of tied everything up in a nice little package because ultimately, if we're researchers and scientists and we're doing excellent work, if we're not able to package it and get it out there, it's not really helping use it. So I think that's really important to be able to convey an easy-to-understand way, very hard things to understand to as many people as you can, so... Yeah, that was an intermediate...

0:23:16.0 Masterjohn: I noticed in some of your recent writings on their database, you have these updates that are mostly pictorial in nature, so here's the series of 20 graphs that demonstrate will be down in the ER database on last week. Is that the PhD in biochem that's shining there maybe.

0:23:38.8 Rose: But everyone knows that a good picture is worth a thousand words and a really good pictures worth more than that, and I are also quite artistic, so I just like generating pretty pictures. So yeah, I was meant to travel to Australia for an indefinite amount of time, right before they declared this pandemic in March. Everything was bought and paid for, and I ended up not going, so I just needed something to do. And I didn't wanna go back to a lab right away, and I'd always been interested in trying to use the more logical part of my brain rather than the artistic are... And not that I don't love it, both sides, but... So yeah, I'm absolutely intrigued by computer programming and computer programmers and how they think, so I want it to be more like that. So I also was getting raised by my partner all the time about using Excel and throwing my computer out the window and doing some... 'cause I'm hating so is like us or so that began my journey into using or... It's more about graphics and programming, but it's a nice segue for me, I think, and in order to teach myself, or aid in the process of teaching myself how I get comfortable with this statistical package, I chose their data because I figured with everything that I learned about what these injections were all about, I just kind of anticipated that we were gonna see a lot of adverse reactions and yeah, it didn't in...

0:25:40.5 Masterjohn: Is that something you started after the scenes were released or was that...

0:25:46.4 Rose: I started collecting the data from there the moment they started releasing them into the States.

0:25:54.2 Masterjohn: So what were you working on between... Australia gets derailed. You're doing something on Excel and you really get into the PARS database in, I guess, December 2020. What were you working on? In between them?

0:26:11.5 Rose: Yeah, so I had started looking at what I was going to endeavor to learn, I was doing some Python, I like prison, but it's not really... I don't know. It wasn't a perfect fit. I know a little bit of math lab. And so I was just playing around, I was surfing a lot. I were in search of a project... Yeah, well, actually, I didn't really care about much work at that point, I was kinda crushed that I didn't get to go to new 'cause... Yeah, I've been planning that for 40 years, and I literally just finished my post-doc and I was freely really like, you know, I wanna get out of your butt. Yeah, so I was just filling the time with surfing and not really stressful, seeking what I was going to put most of my energy into next, and so it was like, I don't know, it was a few months after year until I kinda figured our would be the best way to go. I'm really kinda slow to party, but once I get there on the table dancing, so yeah, it took me a while to create the space that made me feel comfortable enough to do this, so yeah, that's the...

0:27:49.8 Masterjohn: And then just at the right moment in time, the scenes get released and suddenly you have inspiration for a project.

0:27:56.7 Rose: Yeah, yeah, I looked into the uterus system and the card system. Thank you from Jill crews. That's very nice. Somebody just said something really nice... Yeah, I looked into a bunch of diverse event data... Okay, so here's some history, right, if I'm in Israel, and we're kind of... The testing grounds were almost shit... Basically, we got sold out, millions and millions, millions of doses, adviser products were bought... Contractor signed between our former PM and the company, Pfizer, and we didn't really have a choice in the matter. And what I mean by that is, for those of you who don't know a... Well, everybody knows now, Israel is like a really weird place in terms of more stuff. So basically, when the government, when you hear sirens and the government tells you to run and hide, you've run a kid, because there actually are things coming down from the sky, and most people don't wanna get by them, so there's this pre-existing framework of compliance and it's well, into it.

0:29:20.1 Masterjohn: That's really interesting. That's really interesting. I never really thought about... Yeah, I never really thought about how that... The current call, 'cause I've had people really wonder, given the past history of the Jewish people, how are they so easily compliant with this, but what you said about the current framework of the fear really puts out perspective... Yeah.

0:29:46.4 Rose: For me, it was immediately recognizable, it's not a mystery at all why I think Israel was chosen, and definitely I believe that now, after what I've learned over the last two years... So yeah, it's a real shame. Or beyond the shame isn't even the word, but now the onus is on the people, you know, I turn it back to that because there's so much data out there now and there's so much information, there's per reviewed literature, there are reach researchers, scientists, doctors, nurse practitioners, professors there's this huge group of people, real experts in the world right now, and you don't have to look hard to find what we're saying, raising serious concerns about the safety and the efficacy of these products, and the fact that there's this really strange push to get these things into everyone, to the point where they're mandating shit, installing passports, digital passports, and in some places for injecting people, this is bizarro world. So what we've shifted from, we have to protect the public, and this is the best way to do it, to complete literary. This is about a lot of freedoms, oligopoly and some people they...

0:31:14.2 Masterjohn: Let me ask you, were you in mid-2020, were you kind of waiting for that to happen or were you shocked that it happened so fast, as we still share fast it happened. So I feel like I... I think my perspective is shaped a little bit by the fact that back in 2008, I was living in the United States, that I happened to drink raw milk at that time, because a lot of the people who in my community who drink like fresh un pastries milk from grass-fed farmers were finding the government kind of militaristic ally attacking them. So at that time in the United States, on 2000, around 2008-ish, the federal government started arming federal bureaucracies where you would be asking questions like, What is a post office getting these shipments of guns and this and that, and... Weird stuff happening like that. And then there were people who were trying to basically take control of their food by forming a private co-op and saying, Okay, within this co-op, we're all owners of this cow, so no one's gonna tell us what we're buying and selling because we just own all this collectively...

0:32:44.0 Masterjohn: And so there were armed raids in the de Rawson Food Co-op in 2008, if you just... If you Google, do a Google image search for Rawson rad guns drawn, you'll see that there were armed rates of this food co-op, and the feds had guns out pointed at people like they were ready to shoot, and they just confiscated hundreds of thousands of dollars of food and destroyed it. And around that time, and around that time, the year after that was when swine flu hit, and I was... Because I was involved with these farmers, because I was involved in these farmers, the USDA was trying to make the National Animal identification system where every single farm animal in the United States would have an RFID tag that was either implanted in it, we're hanging from its ear at the farmer's expense, and they were trying to roll it out as a voluntary system, but then the states would mandate it, and so the farmers that I was involved with were so concerned about this that I was acutely aware of how... At the same time, berisha was making implantable microchips for your medical in dental records and for GPs, and they also made one for the detection of swine flu infection ordination, and they were trying to make this Wiseman ER came out.

0:34:12.3 Masterjohn: But in my home state of Massachusetts, they pass forced quarantining laws, and it just looked like what they wanted to do in 2009, if they could get away with it, was set up a system where everyone had an implantable Microchip where the cops could scan you and see if you were scented and could throw you in the concentration camp if you hadn't done... And so to me, I wasn't expecting everything to go that fast in 2020, but when it started going that fast, it was not remotely surprising to me at all, I was like, Actually, this is somewhat tame compared to what they were trying to do in 2009, it's just in 2009, they didn't get away with anything that they wanted to do because swine flu just wasn't bad enough to justify it and the scene didn't roll out the way they wanted it to, and so it seems like they just kind of withdrew for a while and we're like, Well, let's wait to the next time, and they spent the next 10 years planning how they could much more aggressively get Sayan effective enrolled out and then just build this detainment camp passport system around that.

0:35:25.5 Masterjohn: But I just happened to be in the right environment in 2008, 2009, where I was paying attention to these things that I think would have just went way over the head of the average person, an average person is almost anyone who wasn't in that niche. Interesting. So anyway, you're in...

0:35:43.4 Rose: No. Wow. I don't have any doubt in my mind at this time. But I don't believe in coincidences. I do believe in Evolutionary Biology and dynamics. Yeah, it's just really hard to believe for me, even now, this is gonna sound a bit ACO, I'm not even sure this is about the injections, I actually doesn't sound... Workload said this before. I think the end game here is the control of the digitization... The social credit system. So I think that's where this is going. I think it's very clear. That's where it's going. Once these, it's really on how many governments... Not all of them, but many governments across the world, I have subscribed to the same recipe of the lock downs, the idiotic mandates, the masks, the injections, everyone has to go to the... The constant evolution of the variant, so the story keeps going and going, It's hard in tonight to... I'm losing my thought here. But

0:37:15.0 Masterjohn: Yeah, I think what you're saying is the way that there were so many copycat Ed rollouts, despite it being so logical, really seems like they were put a lot of effort into rolling it out that way. Have you gotten the chance to read Bobby Kane's new book on South? I was one of the proof readers, so I read the last chapter, that book really sort of... Even to me, before I read the book, I was kind of... I'm thinking like this, this really seems reminiscent of all this stuff 10 years ago that I was seeing at... But I had no idea how systematic they had, he outlines These 16 scenario planning, war game, pandemic panning planning scenarios where they progressively got more and more other countries involved or state and local authorities and hospitals involved as it went on. And I just put in such a clear perspective how systematic they had been planning, enrolling that out in a way that was not as behind the scenes as I thought it was, but... Yeah, anyway.

0:38:44.9 Rose: So right, you'v

0:38:47.6 Masterjohn: It. So you've gotten this part system to fall in your lap, I'd like, have you comment on introducing us to the concept of her... I was listening to a Soho forum debate, which is a New York City-based libertarian-oriented debate between two libertarians for and against seen mandates, ironically held in a venue that required senate to be at the debate, but anyway, the pro-mandate side. Well, to be fair, the person who ran the debate had a private live-streaming event at his house that didn't require passwords that they sold tickets do, because the... In New York City, it's mandated at the city level, so... Anyway, so the pro Mandy. Yeah, the pro and guy says... You could say there is well-known to be a junk database, and other people that when there's sort of almost like an automatic response, if you say anything about her on social media, for example, you invariably get people saying... Ardent mean anything, anyone can submit something there, you could be struck by lightning and submit it as a scene-related death in PARS, and yet he can a trust it enough to certain signals from it and come up with warnings on the same product.

0:40:20.0 Masterjohn: So could you kind of put us in perspective, what is a person should... How should we think about these issues of, is it under-reported or over-reported or media stimulated reported... Can we assume it's causal or should we be more careful or can you help us think about yours...

0:40:39.4 Rose: Yeah, sure. I addressed that dumpster diving comment, that's what people are... That there was a whole thing about, it's part of this ridiculous safe and effective campaign and your clear killing grandma if you don't wear a mask... It's the same line of thinking. That PARS is dumpster-diving. So I addressed this when I spoke to every hacker who's a lovely person who I interviewed with cost... She was like two months ago or something. And I wanna be very clear about this. There's databases on database. It's the brain child of the CC in the FDA. It's not a joke, it's incredibly difficult to get an entry submitted to affairs, logistically, it's a series of online forms that you have to fill out completely and thoroughly in time, or you get booted off, if you don't complete it in 30 minutes, you have to start again. So if you actually get as entry submitted, your good, then it gets better. There are people whose job it is to make sure that there are no duplicates in Ursa doctor and a family member submits the US report for the same person, say for the family member or the daughters or whatever, those duplicate entries are merged and only one ID representative idea of that person submitted the report, we'll end up in the front end, it is a federal crime to submit an entry Tubers, that is false.

0:42:23.1 Rose: You can go to prison for doing that, to satisfy the people who think that everyone considers that that a large proportion of the entries are fake... No, there's a peer-reviewed paper out that actually calculated what percentage of the reports are made by GPs, and it's something like 67... Don't call me on that, but it's a high percentage nurse practitioners, and other people are in the list as well, but

0:42:54.2 Masterjohn: The main point I wanna make a GP is a general practitioner. North PCP we use here sometimes primary care, but the emergency room doctors, and so these people who are suffering adverse events

0:43:14.3 Rose: In the context of a biological product that they not injected with or pharmaceutical product, they have ingested in the context of 19... We're talking about experimental injective products, these are people... I'm analyzing this as a data side, but this is a group of people to sustained an injury, in most cases, a very close temporal proximity to the injection, and if you're calling this database, the set of people who filed reports, junk, then you're actually really insulting a lot of people... And the reason why that makes me really angry because there are a lot of elders in this database who've been marginalized and treated like absolute crap throughout this pandemic, and it really makes me angry because those are the very people that were supposed to be protecting and that the purchase signals are going around saying that we need to protect by wearing masks, those people... Some percentage of those people even died, that's what report they filed pairs, a death report, and it's very, very wrong to call this junk data because those people don't have a voice... Most of these people don't have a voice. And again, I wanna be their voice. By the way, that's why I'm doing this.

0:44:42.5 Rose: One of the reasons, and again, this doesn't consider the real number of people who are suffering or first events, this is just a small percentage of the people who manage to get their... Into this reporting front-end site, there's websites, there are estimates of what this under reporting factor is, it's somewhere between 1 00, it's astonishing how many entries are...

0:45:12.8 Masterjohn: To comment a little bit on how would you go about determining what the under-reporting factor is, because if those are the only reports that we have, how do you make an inference about what the background earnings...

0:45:27.4 Rose: For sure, yeah. I did this in a paper that I published on the pharmacovigilance, and it's really easy to do. Well, it's an estimate. Okay, and whenever you're talking about an under-reporting factor, you really should talk about it in terms of a range, I think because each adverse event type is gonna have its own, but death isn't gonna have the same under-reporting factor as a cost, for example. So you...

0:45:53.2 Masterjohn: Death would be smaller. A smaller under-reporting factor for death.

0:45:58.6 Rose: I always get this wrong. Death is less... Under-reported the case. Yeah, so I had... No, yes. Sorry, it's one of those.

0:46:13.9 Masterjohn: The more intense, the more intense and objective that something went wrong, the more or some spill out the report. Right. Yeah.

0:46:24.3 Rose: So I made this calculation, my estimate is 31 times, which means whatever numbers I report for anyone reports from years, you have to multiply by 31, and I came to this estimation by using the Pfizer phase three clinical trial data, the original one with the 18000 members in the CIBA group versus John group, they estimated 07% rate of severe adverse event occurrence in the drug group, So I multiplied that rate by the number of people who had been injected by a certain date with one dose of the Pfizer product, and then I divided that by the number of reported severe adverse events in cars, and I got 31. So Steve curse has also done this using a different base data set, and an anaphylaxis is a proxy for death, and he came up with 41 more recently, a buddy of ours use CMS data, came up with 44 as a base data set, and Ronald Costas also estimated this, and This is 100, so it's somewhere between 31 and 100, we think. But

0:47:34.8 Masterjohn: That's a fairly narrow range for using so many diverse ways of calculating it, and basically coming up with a less than three for roughly three-fold difference in under-reporting factor. That's pretty narrow.

0:47:52.5 Rose: Yeah, it's not bad. But you know what I wanna stress a point here, even though the under-reporting factor is very much a real thing, and it should be considered when considering the actual numbers, people suffering, but we don't even need it. In this case, if we're talking about reasons why these rollouts should have stopped back in January in terms of safety, because we're... I'm never gonna find it. I have too many pieces of paper. And one, I was good, Sweetland, this is only for the domestic Ashot, such that you can download instech week, there's domestic and foreign and foreign is too many question marks around it for me, so I don't analyze it.

0:48:42.9 Masterjohn: So is foreign, just to clarify as foreign, US citizens who develop a reaction abroad, or does it include people that don't live in the US at all? So

0:48:58.5 Rose: I've heard both of those stories, so I think it is actually both, which is why... Okay, and the field data, like the entries in the column vector fields, there are too many empty fields, so I...

0:49:13.2 Masterjohn: AHAR, to have a denominator for that, you wouldn't even know what to use for the number of Senate people... Right.

0:49:19.2 Rose: Right. So yeah, I don't pay any attention to it. I literally put no thought into it, but there's enough in the domestic data set for me to sound the alarms. I...

0:49:32.2 Masterjohn: Do you remember that one or two days where the CPC had on there, if you Google her death, there's... The first result, there was a descriptive thing, it was 6000, then it was changed to 12000 for like a day and a half, and then 10-6000. And what I heard is an explanation for that was there they changed it to include the foreigners or the foreign reports, and then they said, Wait, it's like We're not doing that, and they went back to the testing... That actually makes sense. You're also excluding the foreign ones because it's just too complicated to try to grapple with... Yeah.

0:50:06.1 Rose: It's not too complicated. It's just, I don't like having incomplete data sets if I... I didn't know complicated so much as unresolved, what do acceded to draw conclusions from if they're just counting things, then that's fine, but I'm doing more than that to do, but we're almost a 700000 Adverse Event Reports, and hers were 6960446 and this... Can I share my screen?

0:50:38.1 Masterjohn: I believe you can. I just do it there.

0:50:45.5 Rose: Oh, I don't know, just you or my screen, and then forget that I asked you Buckingham here, I'm just looking through my website as well, I'm like, No, you host disabled participant screen sharing, so you have to Antonis. Okay, I'll just use my descriptive language.

0:51:09.2 Masterjohn: Well, if this is from your website, you could also put the link in the chat and I can share my screen, what if I'm figuring out how to be a second way, I just changed it. Who can share

0:51:26.7 Rose: It? It's good. Okay, cool. Alright, so you see that? Yep, so everyone, this is my very low brow, low-tech website, so this is part of my or endeavor. I didn't wanna just be sitting in front of my computer... Good. Mulling over data, I wanted to be able to share what I was finding. I found that the only way I could find to do this was to convert her to go through GitHub and then push it to this web thing called and that line. So anyway, it looks a bit strange, but it's the best that I can do for now. So what I wanted to show you guys is this... The absolute number of adverse event reports in hers has been on a steady incline, and you can see here that there's kind of this point around... I can't see that. What was it, July? When I kind of thought we were gonna start seeing the second as part of the logistic curve shape, like starting to take hold, and what that would have meant was that because the injection roots were cheaper ing off and Putin, that the adverse event reports would also have to necessarily do this, unless there was some kind of delayed effects from the injections.

0:53:04.0 Rose: So anyway, that didn't happen. It started to go up again here and it's still increasing, that was...

0:53:11.2 Masterjohn: Can you go back there for a second, are are there any events that explain the inflection points in this line because there's... I see the dates from here, but there's obviously that first part where the slope suddenly, right there, where the slip suddenly goes in a, sorry 5 degree angle that it loved Denali off and then there's another inflection point. Is that reflecting just aggressive roll-out rates during those times or those when certain age categories or... What explains the inflection points in those lines.

0:53:54.0 Rose: I think the thing that explains it most is the booster, first of all, that started to go around here... That's the second point. Okay, yeah, so I think it was a combination of that and a resurgence of new adverse reports being filed as a result of the third shot, and I think it was also this thing that I just made a joke about the delay things, 'cause I know that that's happening, right? Like people who got on the first two shots, even if they didn't get a third one, starting to report some kind of adverse gentle months later, like research

0:54:30.2 Masterjohn: Too, and so do we... Have you done... Have you separated out that data by what's the rate in third shot people? What's the post six months?

0:54:40.1 Rose: Yeah, 'cause I don't think there's enough data for the third shot yet, so

0:54:44.0 Masterjohn: I'm looking at it so that actually... Yeah, yeah. So that's gonna be really interested

0:54:51.1 Rose: To know, so... Yeah, so just on that subject of trends, these are the breakthrough infections, the so-called cases that occur in people who are injected and there's no sign of stopping here. That's the point. Female reproductive issues, which shouldn't be a thing, it never has been in

0:55:16.4 Masterjohn: The stat looks like the slope of the line is when it shoots up in the first inflection point shoots up much more vertical and the other one does it... There

0:55:29.2 Rose: We can do with this. You're absolutely right. So it's one of the things that's on the back burner, but you're absolutely right, but there in mind that there are so many confounding factors here from bad date entries, and to mean the plethora of are the reasons why we might be seeing this... But you're right, if you take this at face value, this is almost a vertical slope, that's crazy for easing opened in June.

0:56:02.1 Masterjohn: So if a lot of those are pregnancy-related, there might be patterns in the EL over children and stuff like that too, right. And there would be a delay too, if you miss Carrie might be... You have a nine-month window, I guess, in which you could mis-carry.

0:56:20.4 Rose: But most women who do mis carry an association with getting injected with these products do. So in the first one, I can try mister.

0:56:29.1 Masterjohn: Once you make it, but even still, that's a kind of a six-month window then... Right.

0:56:34.0 Rose: Yep, yep, yep. Absolutely. Interesting. Yeah, it's very interesting. And morbid. Yeah, and yeah, I don't have one for the kids, but I'm doing a lot of deeper diving into the kids data now, like what's happening to the 50 to 11-year-olds because you wouldn't believe how many freaking reports there are for them already, I just... Actually, that's what I was talking about when I first got on with you, I literally just completed the update of a substantial... I wrote David Wiseman, who's another one of our freedom fighting members, he wrote me an email to ask me if I could confirm or deny the most recent aid presentation by John. So was a guy who works with the CDC who's representing the first, just to see if what he had presented to the panel, the voting panel was accurate and... No, it's not... Not cared a ball. There were some components that were so...

0:57:38.0 Masterjohn: What did he present at... What was the inaccurate thing... I'll show you.

0:57:45.5 Rose: Sure. One second. So it was in reference to the 5 to 11-year-olds, and he was presenting preliminary data as reported to fairs and also visit... I don't touch me. Say if I'm only doing hers, and so, first of all, I...

0:58:06.5 Masterjohn: Orbis there a reason you don't... To to be safe as it just two or the scope of what you...

0:58:13.0 Rose: No, no, I just... I haven't done it yet because they're so... Versus too exciting and it's updated every I...

0:58:19.0 Masterjohn: There's enough nurse.

0:58:21.0 Rose: I can't keep up with her. So maybe one day I'll move on to... I actually have moved on to different data sets, but... Yeah, no, I don't even know enough about that yet to even answer a question about... I

0:58:38.6 Masterjohn: Got it.

0:58:39.9 Rose: So yeah, this meeting also was like one of these flash meetings, they announced it, and then they had it in such a short time span that was almost impossible for anyone to know what was happening, let alone prepare evidence to show the voting panel why it might not be a good idea to keep injecting these things into 50 to 11-year-olds, I've spoken at two of these a advisory meetings already, and you have to know about it first, and then prepare and then get selected to be a speaker, and then you know if there's a process. So in this case, there wasn't really. It was very sweepstakes done. I know this because... Like I said, I've done this twice. So first of all, the numbers, the absolute counts of the adverse events reported for the five to 11-year-old enters wrong, it's not much lower, but it's lower, and any discrepancies have to be explained, that would be my point that I would make to him... This is... I'm just gonna go slide by slide and show you what the differences were, so I wrote another article about this earlier, about two weeks after they started injecting the five to 11-year-olds, there were just over a million of them in two weeks that had been injected and there were already thousands of adverse vent reports filters just in those two weeks, but that wasn't the staggering thing, the staggering thing was that 80-something percent, I think at the time it was 82%, but the reports were filed immediately...

1:00:29.9 Rose: I mean, immediately. So that's what this chart shows, the zero here is the difference in the time between the injection and the onset of the symptoms, most of them... Like 88% of them. And John so actual does corroborate this, so... Good job. The numbers are wrong though that...

1:00:51.9 Masterjohn: I don't care. What's the difference between the left and right? Graph there.

1:00:55.6 Rose: This is his Gezi.

1:00:59.1 Masterjohn: This is your back. Comparing his on the left and yours on the right, that's right.

1:01:04.6 Rose: So that's how I like to do things I like to... That makes sense. Reproduce, 'cause that's what we do in science. If it's not reproducible. Let me say, I don't know how to get out of this.

1:01:18.6 Masterjohn: He probably hit a step... Yeah, I did. You go into full screen, or if you... Are you in a...

1:01:32.9 Rose: Oh, I know, I went to... It was in a new window. How crazy. That was so cool. Okay, no, I know about that. Okay, and so the next two things he did were present tables of the top 10 non-serious adverse event reports and the top 10 series in her event reports. So in the non-serious, the left is, is the right, is mind... The point here is that what he reports is not what's there, I'm very, very thorough and minimal in my analysis, all I do is download the data, merge the files, so that I have complete lists of sector column data parity. I remove duplicates and I count. So it's very, very basic. And I know that he's not telling the truth here, or he's being non-transparent, I don't know what's going on here. I know this because I also present at this point here, this last number 10 point

1:02:36.0 Masterjohn: To the advisory council, the verbal... Some of the people are gonna be listening to audio, so we should just say the number 10 is product administered the patient of inappropriate age. Right. So that's the punchline. So it's like... So he has 5%, you have 28%, and that's the biggest difference in these two tables, right.

1:03:02.5 Rose: But here's the thing, I mean, besides the fact that it's not... What he's reporting is not accurate, it doesn't represent what's going on in tears, I know that it's not, because I reported on this as part of my second FDA sharing meeting when we were trying to stop them from putting this into 50 to 11-year-olds from the beginning, because they were over at that time, which was a while ago, there were over 5500 reports of product administer to patient of inappropriate age enters at the time. I mean, there shouldn't be anything like that...

1:03:41.4 Masterjohn: What does that mean? Does that mean that the Thais it where your old...

1:03:45.2 Rose: So I'm gonna tell you exactly what he...

1:03:47.1 Masterjohn: Under five?

1:03:48.9 Rose: Absolutely, so here's the example that I listed in the substance... Yeah, okay, so there was a nine-year-old boy from Florida who ended up suffering some serious adverse events... Cool, listen to this now, he wasn't inappropriately injected as this was in June. Okay, so there was not even by their own creepy rules, was there a way that as a nine-year-old boy should have been injected back in June because they were only injecting 12-year-old port, if you don't know that.

1:04:24.1 Masterjohn: I see, I see. So some of these appear, now they're appropriate age, but they were injected before the EA was given for them. Exactly.

1:04:33.9 Rose: But think about that first. All so back in June, this is just one specific example so that people understand, this is a nine-year-old boy from Florida, was not injected once without being asked his age... Apparently he didn't have a parent with him, I don't know what the hell is going on. He got injected twice. This wasn't the mistake, people... That's the point, and this is thousands of occurrences of this, it shouldn't be happening to even one single kid, if a little person arrives to some injection clinic, there has to be some kind of structure, there has to be some kind of questionnaire, there has to be some kind of informed consent process. I mean, for crying out loud. Riding me. I don't know. We started on this. So what book was

1:05:31.0 Masterjohn: It? Think we've gotten you started on...

1:05:33.9 Rose: It's okay, maybe I need to let it out. I brought this up to them in an entirely... Have three or four slides. Right. 'cause you only have three minutes to talk. I used an entire slide to focus on this point because it's so horrific, it's like, Listen, guys, you need to clean up direct here and stop injecting babies. And when I say Baby, I'm actually being literal, because there are 38% of the young people under 12 who died in temporal proximity to these injections are under two years old. Okay, that's not supposed to be happening at all, so that's how... The version of this that was happening in June, if you get my drift. So I know that this is wrong, because I know for a fact, for months, ever since they started on that month, but ever since they started rolling these things out into five to 11-year-olds, product administration of an appropriate age one and has remained the number one reported adverse event. Think about that. Why is that the number one reported...

1:06:49.0 Masterjohn: Erase some of those reports that the inappropriate age itself is the only adverse event, or are they all do not note that's just a characteristic of another adverse event reported that could include up to death...

1:07:06.7 Rose: Exactly, and most people have five because there are five symptom columns, so you can have a product administer to pay a patient of inappropriate age beside males, dizziness, syncope and whatever... You know what I mean? So I can find out specifically and I look... But yeah, this is just the most highly reported one...

1:07:35.5 Masterjohn: Well, that's kind of crazy because that means if the most highly reported characteristic is that it was an appropriate age, that by itself shows that there's a disproportionate number of adverse effects when you don't follow the age restrictions. Right.

1:07:52.4 Rose: Yes. They're so much wrong with it. So these are the things that I'm trying to do. I'm not trying to really make claims, I'm not trying to ask why, I just want everyone to know that what's being presented to them by the only person who is presenting data for us in terms of with respect to 50 to 11-year-olds is not being forthcoming. For some reason, I know this, I don't have to speculate here, another thing, this is also really questionable, severe adverse events, so for those of you who don't know, they're... According to Oasis handbook, what qualifies as of severe adverse event is death, obviously, if you end up in the hospital, in the emergency room with a debilitating condition, with a life-threatening illness, or if you suffer a birth defect like a mother gives Bart, a child has been fact, these are considered severe, and you'll have a column enters with a Y underneath it if that person, there's ideas associated with having succumbed to one of these, and so I find this really strange because John reports that there were 81 people who suffered a severe adverse vent no, no, no, no, no.

1:09:22.4 Rose: If you just count the wise, I'm telling you people, it's really simple to do is count or wise... It's not hard. You get 317 and I remove duplicates. Of course, so this is actually 317, people between the ages of five, and that's to come to what fears itself calls a severe percent. The list has here is, okay, fine, for people who are auditory on leads or creative protein, increased troponin increases, which means to myocarditis marker seizure. Yeah, that's pretty bad. But the rest of them is... Yeah, my question... First of all, when I saw this list was, Where is Myocarditis? Because myocarditis, for those of you don't know, is highly associated with younger people in the context of these injections...

1:10:19.5 Masterjohn: Well, I do notice that chest pain is the most under-reported by him compared to your dataset.

1:10:26.0 Rose: Yeah, so chest pain is reported in 96%, according to a recent paper that came out of people with injection-induced myocarditis, so the chest pain and myocarditis with regards to the injections, they're very linked. So when you look at these, I'm kind of trained now, when I see chest pain and pericarditis, if it's in a young person, may or may not be like a one-to-lung, but it's associated for sure.

1:11:01.2 Masterjohn: So all I did here was... And it could be, it could be a non-diagnosed case of myocarditis too, right.

1:11:07.3 Rose: Absolutely, and that's most likely what it is, so I just did... I took his list, I can't just like I did for the non-serious, I just counted up with things and it's just not the same chart, and it should be in the ranks are completely different, therefore... So there's something weird in Texas here. And to further that point.

1:11:32.1 Masterjohn: And none of this is explained by the fact that you had your data to December 17th and his was... No, no, no, no.

1:11:37.8 Rose: No. I check December 10th and yeah, even if we had a huge jump like... No, no, no, that's not the issue here. I checked. But here's the thing about the severe adverse event data, like... Like I said, the first thing I saw when I looked at his chart, I was like, Where's Myocarditis? Where's the blindness? Where are all these other things that are freaking... No, are there... Looking at them right now, so I decided to go one level deeper. I published a paper in May, and two of the big things that I showed in that paper was evidence for causation and what was happening in terms of group categories of adverse events in terms of cardiovascular, immunological and neurological, because I noticed that there were... It's helpful to just look at multiple sclerosis, for example, as an example of a neurological or actually, or a... A long lever even. But if you cluster all of them together and just count how many there are, it's very useful to see how alarming we hide the numbers are. And so I did that here. I took my old three groupings that I made a long time ago, and I counted how many of these adverse event reports and 50 to 11-year-olds to fit into each group, and you can see that here, I'll just read it all their 933 neurological.

1:13:20.9 Rose: And we're talking about spine injuries, multiple sclerosis, resurgence are

1:13:30.5 Masterjohn: Neuro... Just to clarify, is this list all stuff that was completely missing in John sees, or this is a thing, this is just the missing stuff. Okay.

1:13:45.0 Rose: So this is the stuff that they're not talking about, I couldn't leave it at that stupid chart because I'm like, This is doesn't... And we know, and by we, I mean everyone looking at this left, right and center knows that this data is being misrepresented, so this is my way of saying, Hey, you forgot to do things. So there are 1423 immunological adverse events, and this could range from T-cell counts being low and anything associated with an itis, an inflammation blower law, and there are 1193 cardiovascular... These are little people, we're talking about why are they having cardiovascular sealdah 12 hospitalizations, 38, the emergency room visits, 29 disabled. And it's crazy, even if these are being reported at very low rates, they shouldn't be being reported at a one severe injury in a little child in a five-year-old ratha allegedly supposed to produce a healthy circumstance. Too many

1:15:08.8 Masterjohn: For me. Yeah, when we started looking at this stuff, you were saying that we don't really need to know what the under-reporting factor is because the data without adjusting for it is sufficient to... And I guess your perspective would be what sufficient to stop using it at all? Escort would have been the historical response to years data... 55, that was random. So what would a... Last time. How would they use this? Yeah.

1:15:56.5 Rose: Right, so Eris, a pharmacovigilance tool, it's meant to be used to detect safety signals in the data that weren't detected during pre-market testing or clinical trials, so the last time was used to put a rust to a roll out of a scene was for the swine seen back in number of a year, I can't remember where 53 people, I believe it was around 50 people had died after hundreds of millions of injections have been given up and that was enough people to die in order for them to deem the product on safe and to stop the roll out, that was enough, because that's probably back when the SP was still functioning as a regulatory body and any...

1:16:42.7 Masterjohn: So yeah, they clearly dropped that practice with the fuses because one of the things that I dug into a little bit was just, if you count up the first deaths for teams and do the same thing for a typical flu scene is... I don't know what it is now, but at the... Back when there were 6000 horses, it was about 100 times the death rate per percent dose in roughly 200 times person compared to the flushing, but that means that there were way more than 50 deaths per year reported in response to the pluses somewhere they stopped using her in that way...

1:17:35.0 Rose: And I don't even know if versus ever been used in the right way, I mean, it's a lament-able system, by the way, it's like the best of a bad lot, but it's horrible. It's antiquated. It's faulty by design. Human error is like insidious in data entry. Yeah. The number of problems associated with verse is really high.

1:18:04.6 Masterjohn: So one of the things that strikes me is, and my expertise is not in risk analysis, my pHs and nutritional sciences, and so the thing that's most closely related to my expertise is the Institute of Medicine's Food and Nutrition Board... Now they're the National Academy of Medicine, they set the dietary reference intakes, which are, how much do you need? How much is too much? And I know what they would have always done when setting the upper limit for vitamin or mineral, which is of course an essential naturally occurring thing that you need, not as unibody, even that should be given way more presumption of safety than anything novel or any kind of foreign substance, but if they had bad data on safety, they apply much hired... What do they call it? Uncertainty factor to... If they had bad data saying, We think probably the lowest dose observed with an adverse effect is five grams, but the data is really bad, we will cut that down by a factor of 10 instead of cutting it down by a factor of 15, whereas if they had really, really, really good data that no one is harmed up to five grams, they would say, Okay, let's leave a little window.

1:19:35.1 Masterjohn: Right. And so you would think that if there is a really, really, really bad system of adverse events, that the rational way to handle that for risk analysis is to apply a precautionary uncertainty factors should be to be as large as the data is bad, but instead we have people like here, it's like a SIOP campaign where there are trolls everywhere ready to say, This is bad data, so we must assume that the real count is

1:20:11.8 Rose: Zero, the contestant is being held firm by the owners of the data, not one death, and then there are 10651 deaths reported in the domestic data set now, not one is due to the product, not one... That's their stance. That's not reasonable. You can... I love that they're saying that because it's easy to show, like for me, I think the... Most of them are caused by these products, you can use the broad fatal criteria to show as much, but the onus is still on them if no dates have been caused by these products, Prove to us how you know that... Give us some science. So

1:21:01.6 Masterjohn: Yeah, so I feel like the one thing that would kind of settle this for all, not that I would answer every question, but the one that if these things are generally saving net lives, you should be able to easily show that the all cause mortality at various intervals after the tine is lower for San people in front. So people... And so one of the things that I've been wondering is, where is the all cause mortality data? And so the CMR came out with something that almost tried to answer that question, but they did it in a very strange way. So first of all, they came out and they said, it is expected. The descends would reduce deaths, therefore, we only looked at non-mortality, and so anybody that is not trying to pull a... He's not trying to stand, you would say as expected as shown in table on the same reduced mortality, but for some reason, they say, We assume it would reduce certainty, so we only show non-Cortland, then they say... Then they say, Okay, we need a control group, and so immediately like the rational thing to do is the control group is untreated people, right.

1:22:35.1 Masterjohn: But for some reason, they say, or in order to control for help seeking health care seeking behavior, our controls are people who got at least one flew back in the last Hooters of all. Are these people really similar in their health care seeking behavior or what... They were so eager to get the flute scene that they spent all of 20 that they spent all the last year resisting enormous social pressure and mandates and everything being thrown at them to not get the coin, there's something idiosyncratic about that behavior. But the funniest thing is, the main finding of their paper is that people who got scenes had 50% less non-mortality than people who got at least one dose of the boutsen but didn't get the case, and so you say, Wait a second. Why did that mean? Their primary explanation for the core finding of their paper is there must be a healthy see effect in which people who God sees were healthier people with healthier behaviors and different health-seeking behaviors, and so I'm like, Wait a second, did you just admit complete failure in using these blue send people to control for health-seeking behavior, if your primary explanation of your core finding is that it is confounded by the differential health-seeking behavior between the two groups.

1:24:17.9 Rose: Any rational person would have said, Wait a second, maybe the control grip is wrong, but that it natural body. This is great, even besides that, if you are not trying to... Do you point it out? The same thing, if there's something different in what John who is presenting about the first data than what's in there, John so should come out and say, Here's what the first data shows, I adjusted it this way for this reason.

1:24:47.0 Masterjohn: I mean, anybody that's not trying to scam you, does that you publish the data and then you say, we adjust it in this way, and so just the fact that they don't just put what is the... Not what is the mortality, and the people who are not seen with the C, what is it? And then hiding or something now.

1:25:06.8 Rose: And the ones who do challenge them are attacked beyond the belief... It's saying what's happening here. I mean, there's early. Yeah, I know. That was excellent, by the way. Could you... Thank you.

1:25:23.6 Masterjohn: So yeah, I really think that there has to be a... I'm trying to do this myself, collaborating with the lawyer and a scientist on this, but I do think that we can... For our request, the doll cause mortality from that data submitted.

1:25:44.8 Rose: Let's do that. Sorry for everyone listening. I have my finger up, I just noticed there are comments in the chat... Yeah, that's good to... I just want... Somebody wrote a... Danielle kisan, sorry if I got your name wrong. Kelantan wrote that she took her nine times, nine times to enter her daughter's diverse reaction. Oh my God, she's 22 and I couldn't convince her not to get it, she's had a viral illness after viral and billings. Yeah, if you wanna talk to me about that, I'm gonna write mine. Can people see my email here in the chat, or can you just give them my email because if she wants to talk to me about that, I can probably give her some advice about how to deal with those... Vireo can see your email in the chat... Yeah, God, there's my email. People, if you wanna email me, I'm trying really hard to keep up, but if I don't get back to you immediately, don't take it personally, I'm some...

1:26:47.7 Masterjohn: Yeah, that's so much.

1:26:51.1 Rose: Yeah, so somebody else ask, this is a good question, Jill cruise petrelli states in his interview with Joe Rogan that you cannot get twice. Can you comment on this? I agree with Peter. You know why I agree with Peter? Because of what I feel like is the normal course from an immunological point of view and also because Peter... Many people don't know this. He had... Back in the day, he's treated thousands of patients, he's in front of them, if he doesn't wear PPE, the protective equipment when he treats them one day, he had someone who was raging on full symptomology, as fan as you can have symptoms from a flower or... Or whatever. And he decided to do a self-experiment, and I love him for this because I do the same thing, you went in there and he tested as a sample of one, whether or not he got again, because this was a few months after he had had it, so likely was a different strain, it was probably Delta, and he might have had also, don't quote me on that, but he didn't get it again, he was full on exposure, the person was...

1:28:09.3 Masterjohn: How many time was there? The his case and that.

1:28:15.5 Rose: I think it was many, many weeks, it could have been months, but don't quote me on that. We didn't find out, but... Yeah, I don't know exactly, I can't remember. But it was enough time I'd passed. That's a bad answer. But he didn't get sick again, he felt fine actually, it was really interesting what he described, she felt like within a few hours he had kind of a tingling or a buzzing going on in his nose, so he says he felt the exposure, and I believe the guy he's an MD. Supreme. But he didn't get sick. So what that means is that his immune system was fired up and ready to go, and all those cells and B cells just came and went and took it out before I had a chance to plant itself down, so

1:29:07.2 Masterjohn: That... That raises a really interesting question of what it means to get to get it, because does it count as a case if you had one event, the viral replication Fallon sell, or are you talking about getting a full-on syndrome? So I know I wanna push back on that a little bit and get your take about what you think might have happened for me, because I believe I got twice on... Just said the same thing. She said she has many people in her life who claimed to a proto twice. Okay, so in my case, first of all, they were a year and a half apart, I believe that I'm a bug, and then I had first day of symptoms February 1st, 2020, and I got infected at the end of January at the time, and so I have much better laboratory evidence that I had got the second time, I didn't have that available to me. The first time... So the first time, I was on a plane flight around that time, traveling to a wedding in Vegas, and I was also with someone that... We were sufficiently close that we would either also get the other sick if either of us were sick, and that person had been with a group of people who...

1:30:32.7 Masterjohn: Much younger, mostly female demographic, but there's one guy who had a real bad hacking cost, all of the girls in that group got just like minor nipples, and then I'm traveling with one of those girls, and I'm much older, male, get as sick as I've ever been in my entire life, I tenor symptoms and I will... So at first I thought I had the flu because my girlfriend had gotten the fleet scene and just to the Snipes, and I've never gotten a fluent... I was confused about this because I've never gotten the flu since I was a teenager, I don't get the flu, and in fact, I had once met someone kind of tongue-in-cheek 10000 that I would never get the to again because I'm so convinced that I don't get the flu. But anyway, so I dismissed... This is at first because I didn't have a dry cough and I didn't measure my temperature, but I know I had a terrible fever because I was alternating between severe chills and sweats and stuff like that, and there were a few days where I was totally just laid out and the most... The thing that turned out to be most specific from the data leader was that my tape...

1:32:02.1 Masterjohn: My sense of taste was completely deranged, such that I had very specifically, severely blunted sweet taste, such that I could only tolerate sugar sweetened fruit smoothies, like I Survived By to barely get up and I just arrived by ordering these smoothies on seamless, it was the only thing I could get down and anything that wasn't sweet, especially anything that was bitter that I normally craved, like coffee and my favorite mineral water tasted unbearable disgusting to me, so that derangement of the tastes, especially the sweet taste struck me months later as I was reading the research is rather covid specific. I also think the demographics make a lot of sense because the association between male sex and age in the circle that seems to have spread it was so correlated with severity, and I never got deep respiratory symptoms, but I had this really weird symptom of... You could hear clicking sound when I would exhale another person, I think you call... What is it called? Roles.

1:33:16.0 Rose: I couldn't be wrong.

1:33:17.2 Masterjohn: The clicking sound. Yeah. Okay, so the reason I think that is... Just kinda lay it out. I don't get the flu. And the demographics makes sense in the sense of taste arrangement is... That's the most specific thing. I think everything else is sort of doesn't scream out as specific, but that's why I think that's cool. And it was a... Yay. So second time is a year and a half later, probably Delta, I don't know, and now testing options are abundant. My symptoms, I would say we're 10 times more mild. I believe that my immune system was completely crashed at that time because I was on a severely restrictive diet, losing 06 pounds per day, so I think that my sleep and my immune system were just thrown in the trash, and if I didn't have any immunity a year and a half later, I think I would have had three several times severe case compared to the first time, but I instead I had 10 times less of your case, so every symptom that I had the first time was my sense of taste was 5% deranged in the exact same direction, like the mineral water in this disgusting to me, but it sort of lost its pleasure and I could still take normal food, but sweet taste was slightly blended, but I had two positive antigen tests, and then I followed it up with all of the antibody tests available that showed positive for including IgM antibodies and sellers, I feel like I have two different tests very strongly corroborating that it was a spike protein in my nose, and I had ID antibodies two weeks later, and so I feel like I had extremely robust immunity that lasted a year and a half, that dropped my severity by 10x when it should have been several times higher based on what my body is going through, so I feel like I had 30 times protection against severity, and I feel like that lines up really well with what you see in the studies of natural immunity versus versus Tintin where...

1:35:44.3 Masterjohn: One of the studies out of Israel show 27 times better protection from natural immunity for symptomatic illness, and sometimes better for hospitalization, but it didn't show zero people getting it or there are still people getting it, it was just dramatically better. So when I hear Dr. Collocated, do you describe it? It sounds to me like if it was six months later or less, he had really great immunity, but also maybe he's just... Maybe other things about his case are more vulnerable, but it sounds like he kind of got it, it's just that his immune system was just front and center in his mucosa and destroyed are there, but he felt the tingle, right? He felt something.

1:36:35.6 Rose: So if you had an anti-voting test and you detected IGM and that's a primary infection, that means that's the first time you were exposed to those antigens. That's what that means. So it's freely interesting because your symptoms that you described from the first, whatever you had, does sound like because of this lack of taste thing... That's really interesting. So my thoughts went to spike protein, you actually said You have spike protein in your...

1:37:08.7 Masterjohn: Well, I did the antigen test on a swab, which is... Which is theoretically testing for Spike routine.

1:37:19.8 Rose: Right. Okay. You're not injected right? No. Yeah, so I don't know, I'm not gonna say anything specific or a definitive here, but...

1:37:42.0 Masterjohn: Well, if you're saying The IgM antibodies would suggest it was my first time...

1:37:48.4 Rose: Yes, that's what that means, that on the goal on a secondary exposure, so if a car was a loser reaction based on Prime immunity from the first exposure, you wouldn't detect IgM, you would get our GIS.

1:38:07.9 Masterjohn: That necessarily true. There's a lot of evolution of the spike protein, 'cause the idea... The idea, if I remember correct, I got all the lab course at bodies, if I remember right. They only have IgG for nucleoside and The IgM is for Spike protein. So is it possible that other immunity targets would not have produced ID, but the spike protein could have been so different that it generated some ideas if it's different populations themselves or responding to it, but it sounds like if you get more skeptical of one versus the other, you're more skeptical of the first time, but you do feel like the symptoms are convincing

1:38:59.4 Rose: From only your description of your symptoms, it sounds like you have a primary infection back in January, February, and then you had a second exposure, which is a challenge in a way. Probably with... With some new proteins. And it sounds like your immune system was... No, it's fine. I mean, you didn't get really sick a second time, right, you did do some symptoms, you're saying, but that's okay, that's just... That comes with the... If you're immune suppressed, you said you were under the weather... Right.

1:39:31.6 Masterjohn: Well, I was on a very restricted diet. And so I think that was really crushing my immune system, that's

1:39:39.4 Rose: Probably really, really has good evidence to me that maybe didn't mount as an effective immune responses you might have if you weren't stressed.

1:39:50.1 Masterjohn: So... Yeah, I definitely agree with that. So my take is, you can get it a second time, but you might need extreme circumstances or somebody I'm looking to draw somehow...

1:40:06.4 Rose: Let's back it up. Because you made the most important point. What does it mean? What are we talking about? You when we say, get it, that's the most important thing. So this is really important for people to understand in terms of why we shouldn't inject children either, so... This is a good talking point. There is infection. And then there's disease. These are very, very, very different things. So when an infection takes root, say If your compromise somehow, if you're really stressed out and you get exposed to a flu virus, that the first has a pretty damn good chance of taking root and causing a disease course, which can be defined as the symptomology that you got from your immune response. So for example, if you get a bad fever that's just Bergens, that's your immune system turning the temperature up to try and cook the pathogens, so kids... If you guys don't know, they don't really get effective, and my take on that is because they don't get the disease because the infection isn't taking root, they have very, very potent innate immune system, mucosal immunity, the virus, it gains entry to the body primarily through the nose, and so these viruses or whatever they are purely, they don't get a chance to take root in deeper parts of your body because they're the first lines of defenses and the Nadine response, they take care of these things like before a problem can occur in most cases, in 90-something percent.

1:41:56.1 Rose: So the interesting thing is that there are some people that seem predisposed, like some, like the D, the more elderly of our elders, seeing more predisposed to have a bad disease course, we're symptomology that they might even die from if they get exposed... If they get infected. So I don't even like the word infected because it's like... Yeah, so yeah, I'd like to hear what you think because I think defining this is really important because if you'll ask if someone can get it again, I would say no, but I would say that you can have a subsequent secondary response that can be more severe upon challenge with a new varied, for example, what do you think...

1:42:53.4 Masterjohn: What do I think specifically about how to define getting it.

1:42:57.1 Rose: Yeah, do you think when someone asks, Can you get it twice? Do you think that means that you'll actually get a new infection twice, which would mean like maybe you're exposed to a new variant that has different enough proteins on its surface, so that you have a new primary infection and sowing, or do you think that getting it again, is just another way of saying, you are exposed, but that reaction that you got, the symptoms that you get is just your immune system kicking in as part of a secondary response.

1:43:34.3 Masterjohn: So that's really fascinating because I actually think that probably meant many... Many variations on this theme occurs, so to give a... I know one person who had a very severe case and was basically locked in her house and her new response was so extreme that she had lost tales to most foods, and it was a real struggle just for her to figure out what she could eat to maintain her weight and she would upon any contact with the outside world deck again, and it sounded to me it could possibly be the case that she was experiencing so many infections, but rather maybe there was... Her immune response was so hyperactive that if she would encounter anything that had any kind of homology at all to the virus, even if it was a fragment of dead RNA on a surface somewhere, that that would trigger the massively over-stimulated immune response that she was having No, I've also encountered people who... I've encountered at least one person who had fatigue going six months after getting seated, I know another person who had post-fatigue who had to go away when she got command, so I think that there's something idiosyncratic about some people where the scene is stimulating part of the immune response, and for some people, they might have just a shift in which cytokines are elevated, that it happens to balance it out in a way that rectified that symptom, but neither of those people have any infection at all, but they have one of the big symptoms right.

1:45:36.5 Masterjohn: And so it's just these elevated cytokines that could be shifted around by the scene that are causing or making go away the symptom when there's no co there. But then I also think that there's a diversity. So if you get a live virus that can replicate and at least one cell, then there's no particular reason why any amount of immunity is gonna make sure that there's not a second cell and not a third replication event and so on. And so I think some people might have a really strong mucosal response and others a more systemic response, and you might be able to say, Well, in general, and natural infection is gonna produce more mucosal response that... Which would produce more systemic response, but there's not gonna be any kind of firm dividing rule around that maybe one person has a stronger mucosal IgA response and another person has a stronger systemic antibody response and the virus just gets further down what it can infect and where it can replicate and in principle, you will have some kind of really strong defense against the viral replication, but you're not gonna be able to rule out that any viral replication but occur.

1:46:52.9 Masterjohn: And so at what point do you say someone's infected... My gut instinct is to say, Well, if it's replicating, you're infected and you might have the tees infection that has no practical consequence because it replicated for six hours in your nose, and even for someone who is at almost certain risk of dying if they got infected, you'd never give them a minimal effective dose if you sneeze in their face, but you got infected because they're replicated here, but there are people that with the right set of circumstances, the infection would go enough for them to PCR, test positive for them to... Antigen test positive and for them to get symptoms, and I think it's fair to say that person got it again.

1:47:48.6 Rose: Interesting, okay, so I wanna make two comments to you, the thing that you mentioned about the fatigue, now, one of the phenomenon associated with... And also with the injections, which seemed to have very similar profiles in certain people in terms of adverse event reports, when you compare them to symptoms, it with that they are suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, which was caused, which is cosmos, which was re-activated. So one of the things is happening that we notice in some of the Adat collection systems is the reactivation of light and viruses, you've heard about shingles outbreaks all over the place with people who have been injected, so this is the result of some kind of immune suppression resulting in the re-merge level infection, resulting in shingles, so she knows as the adult version of chicken box, so it's very contagious and it's very painful. It's not so rare, but outbreaks are wear, so I dare say... And it makes a very, very interesting follow-up point about... This has a practical application as well, are we dealing with here on the subject of what does it mean to be infected as a virus and replication of virus and taking root in cells infecting cells, reproducing global, or are we talking about inflammation? Because here's the thing, and I agree with you completely.

1:49:42.0 Rose: I think that's why we're seeing such a wide range of symptoms and pathologies among the human population, because personally, I think everyone has a low level of chronic inflammation because everything is poisoned, the air of the water, the food... And you can laugh all you want. But it's true, you have dietary or knowledge, so... Would you agree with that?

1:50:04.0 Masterjohn: Yeah, and just as... Just jumping here real quick, I interviewed stefanos up who's done a lot of work on glyphosate lists, all of the food supply, but I live in New York City, and they spray like to say it on children's playgrounds because they say if they kill the weeds, the rats won't come and infect the kids...

1:50:25.4 Rose: Yeah, then... But they'll be fucking sorry, I score, but they'll be damaged for life. Okay, great. Yeah, so

1:50:34.7 Masterjohn: Sorry that axons everywhere. Go ahead and...

1:50:37.8 Rose: Yeah, so I think that the chronic levels of inflammation are notorious in just voters in obese people who don't seem to fare very well for the injections, they have high levels of chronic information, their adipocytes are also immuno, logically active, lovable, as these people who have... What we're calling long, they don't have virus replicating anymore, that's their immune system in a hyper-inflammatory state, that's the body basically overreacting and in some cases, even turning on itself and turning into an auto-immune condition, so it's so interesting because some people... They might associate with why someone would get symptoms again after a long period of time, may or may not have anything to do with a challenge with the virus, it might just be they had a trigger from something else and... I don't know though. Maybe it would mean that it's so interesting. See, this is why I am...

1:51:57.3 Masterjohn: I think you're right, because that person's immune response was hyperactive towards all the food she was eating, so I clearly didn't need something with real close homology to the viral protein, although I'm just speculating that something that had more homology to the viral proteins might have been a more specific ablation of certain, specific site of cons, but I trusted you, you are saying this is why we need to and I owe

1:52:26.5 Rose: We need to have these beautiful... This is one of the best I can do not. I'm not trying to flatter you. This is one of the best conversations I've had in a year of doing interviews, I love everyone who's interviewed me and I've had a great time, but this conversation is like one of the best, because I can just hear the audience members like getting excited too, because it's like we're talking about things that we don't know the answer, student that pretty much nobody case that everyone wants to know right now, but no matter who you are, if you're injected, if you're not, if you're this, if you're that. It's like, this is affecting everyone and we need these bloody answers, we need to ask the questions, but we need to be allowed to answer them, so that's why censorship is bad.

1:53:14.0 Masterjohn: That's very true. Yeah, I'm high lean censorship Pollyanna with that. Yeah, and this is a fantastic conversation, so thank you for having it with me... Something sent me a paper and I didn't get a chance to read the whole thing, but this paper claimed to show evidence that the spike protein in cases gets written to the human genomes, and if that's true, I don't have any idea why that would not correspondingly be true, the spike routine from the scenes. But I wonder if you might not have any more viral replication, but in some cases, you might have spike protein being produced later, and I guess in theory, if that's an immune target, then I guess in the ideal case, if there are some cells that have it, obviously in the... Obviously, everyone, if it gets written to the human genome, it's getting written to certain specific cells that it happens to have infected, so maybe those cells get targeted for removal or something like that, but maybe there are some people who... They cleared the virus, but maybe they have cells that are continuing to produce spike protein that... Do you think that's within the realm of possibility...

1:54:42.3 Rose: I have to be honest, I got distracted by a message someone sent me, and I only heard the last... I was, I'm sorry.

1:54:49.6 Masterjohn: So I was saying someone some, a paper that... Yeah, integrate claimed to show that the spike protein can get written into the cells, the genome of the cell, that it can... In fact, it's theoretically possible. And well, this paper was claiming to show evidence and it happened in cases, and so if that happens, then it would seem that it's possible that some of the cases where people have long symptoms later from the scene or from the disease might have continued spike protein even in the absence of any kind of viral infection, what do you think about that?

1:55:32.4 Rose: So you're asking if there are some cases where it gets reverse transcribed integrated into our genome, and then when the soul gets activated, that gets translated into its cognitive protein, spike protein, and that kind of restart the process and you... Yeah, that's theoretically possible. Absolutely, that's what... That's why IV socks because HIV carries its own reverse transcriptase with it. And that's what it does, it has reverse transcribers, transcript days and integrins so cool. HIV has, I have so much respect for this. Wire is not, and it can take down a human... This thing is crazy. So it can reverse transcribe itself and integrate itself with this integrates into our DNA, and so what that cell that might be silent for a while gets activated and that DNA starts to be transcribed translated into its protein, anything that's been integrated into a strange... The HIV components means that that HIV virus will start being turned out by that cell. It's very beautiful. So the question is, Is that something possible with this... And I think it's theoretically possible. I think it's highly, highly, highly. If it's gonna happen, it's gonna be very rare. But nonetheless, if someone's already come out with a paper that shows evidence that this has happened, another beautiful reason to say, Hey, no, we gotta stop putting this into people, if that's a possibility.

1:57:31.9 Masterjohn: Yeah, and yeah, you just reminded me of another question that I wanted to ask you, so... My way of thinking, I'd like you to kinda critique this thought for me, my way of thinking about... We're speculating about why kids seemed to have such a worse risk-reward ratio with the scene than older people. Well, first, would you agree with that? Yeah, kids are Origen damaged from the injections, then from the Candi, you compare them to older people, if you were to divide the adverse events by the likelihood of suffering from illness, it's seen without saying You look good or bad, that you see better for the older people than for the younger people, it... I'm not saying you would say they see, and I'm just saying like the ratio or... My way of speculating about why that is, is that... First of all, I start with the observation that in severe cases, from what I've seen, the likelihood that the virus is in your blood is about 30%, and if you don't have a severe hospitalized case, it's about 10%, and it's probably way lower than that for people who don't have a diagnosis and wind up enrolled in the study over it, and so if you continue someone, you're basically guaranteeing that they get spike protein in their blood, whereas if you get...

1:59:15.7 Masterjohn: You are not likely to get into your blood unless you have a severe case now, if you take children versus older people, I think, and you would know this much better than I would, but I believe that the children have a much stronger mucosal immune response, and so they get their nose, it's probably not going anywhere else, no, because the mucosal immune response is so strong, and so the likelihood that a child would ever get spike protein in their blood is close to zero with natural infection and is 100% of Tintin 'cause you're putting it there, yes. Whereas the old person might have the HIF, they have a lot of comorbidities that make them predisposed to case... You might say that if they get, they have a 30% chance or something like that, of Spike protein being in their blood, and so the kid is just binary of almost 0 or 00, and so by contrast, if you put the blood... If you put this micron, the kid's blood, I'm guessing they also have a stronger immune response than the older person, such that even if you adjusted the dose by body weight, you might not actually be adjusting the dose calibrated to the stronger immune response of the kid and so whereas, if a natural infection that could have defended it completely at the nepos level, now you're basically guaranteeing that they have a hyper-active, that they're overdosed with circulating spike protein in that case, where is the older person...

2:00:52.5 Masterjohn: They are likely to get spike protein even with a natural infection, and their immune response is not so hyperactive, and so they don't have as many adverse events to see compared to the kids... Is that

2:01:06.2 Rose: Jamie? And let me keep your thought running, the thing about... There's something very, very important for people to distinguish between that when they're visualizing what we're saying, there's the innate immune system, which is the first line of defense, the mucosal immunity, the nasal stuff, the thing that protects the kids... We all have it, the kids have really strong ones, and this is why we think that they don't have a bad time with the verses, the adaptive immune system, which is in the name acquired Pte, these are the mediators, the cells, the side kinds in as part of the immune response that have to be trained, that have to learn, they're called antigen-specific cells, for example, by seeing a pathogen and responding to it by creating binding receptors, for example, on to these little antigenic appetites on the surfaces of the spike protein, the virus, or remember when you... And my point is this, when you inject the kids as opposed to letting them go through this process naturally, you're bypassing the innate immune system, which is really stupid, because the United immune system is last in most cases, in young people, you're bypassing IT, you're going directly for the acquired immune system, which is, it's going to generate antigen-specific antibodies against the spike protein upper tops, and therefore it's gonna be inferior from point of view that you're undermining DNA immune system, and also you don't have the generation of antibodies and specific T cells.

2:02:53.5 Rose: And Bessemer Ting the antibodies against all the other proteins that the virus has, you're just having this really specific response against these certain epitopes on the spike protein, so on, and if they meet the real-life virus, when they get challenged, they're gonna have this... It doesn't make any sense to do that, to under UN the responses that are absolutely proven to be superior, like Paul amazed has a list of papers that show how much more superior the immune system gets in this case, like 200 peer-reviewed papers or something like that, I mean, anyway, I just wanted to throw that in there. It's before I start ranting about various concern and calculation.

2:03:53.6 Masterjohn: Anyway, so now that you bring that up, when I have been looking at the transmission research, it seems to me like there was data supporting the scenes reducing transmission of the pre-Delta variants, and then they lost that effect of Delta-Tove and the logical assumption that anyone would make is that the teams are selecting for Delta right now, and so deltas seem to do... I don't know, maybe not as much damage, but it kinda did some damage now, but cons around and now I'm wondering Well, is it necessarily a bad thing about stimulating these variants when unlocks like it... Taking over is probably a good thing in terms of the lower severity, how are you thinking about that and how are you thinking... How is that evolving for you as well... Run starts to take over.

2:05:02.0 Rose: Wow, so much to say on this... Let's back up two years. And we'll go back to what I said back then. My opinion, when I was asked about this in one of the very first interviews was to let this thing burn through the human population. We're gonna be fine. Some people are gonna die. They probably would have died before. Anyway, some people are gonna get sick, but we're going to achieve her immunity, and under those circumstances and in the process will probably also because we're brilliantly intelligent species come up with ways to battle it in terms of treatment protocols. So that's what I said two years ago, and that's what I'm saying again now, with all this bullshit, we need to let... We need to take advantage. If this up-crown thing is what they're saying it is, and it's more transmissible, less Maryland, then that's great, then we should start having iron parties with this fear-mongering and also this ridiculous mandate craft, stop preventing us from seeing our family members and flying freely and living our lives, let the god damn thing turn through the population, we will achieve her immunity therefore and everything will be fine, but that's what they would do if this was about public health, which it's not...

2:06:28.9 Rose: I don't think there's anybody I know who knows anything about virology immunology or personality that would disagree with what I just said, I might be wrong, I'm always willing to be wrong, but I think that's what... If this was about the feeding or the stars to virus, that's what I think we should do... Enough with these injections. They don't work.

2:06:53.3 Masterjohn: Yeah, I'm totally on board with that. I think it's pretty clear that this is... These mandates are about obedience and control and not public health, and I totally agree with what you said before about having... Towards it. I basically think that... And I don't think they're really hiding it, but I think that... People talk about universal basic income, I think we should be thinking about it as a conditional basic income or CBI, and I think they basically want a tiny handful of billionaires or trillion Aires maybe at that point, and the rest of the role reductase who get conditional basic income from the government in some app where it tests your intellectual agreement with various propositions that are ridiculous by sending me little quizzes and the facial recognition apses, if you smart too much and deduct money from your console... Think that's what it's about. I think that's... I think they're kind of open about it, but that's sort of... But I guess I wanna ask you, what impact do you think the scenes are having on that evolution, if it's evolving in a positive direction, are the scenes causing it to evolve in that positive direction, or is that the natural course that it would be taking and what impact it all do the teams have on that evolution that we're seeing in your view...

2:08:27.0 Rose: I'm sorry, I'm gonna answer your question, but I can not answer these messages for people saying, Did you see this on... If I'm in the middle, and as they love sharing with all... You love the people.

2:08:41.3 Masterjohn: What are we looking at?

2:08:42.7 Rose: We're looking at the testimony I gave to a rabbinical court in New York of a month ago, and by the way, they decided unanimously not to inject to their children with this craft because of our customer, I saw that, yeah, this is what... Somebody called me, Dr. Jessica Rose unsavory, an Assistant Professor of plastic and recanati and Reconstructive Surgery at dozer medical school at the University of Texas Health. Where would anyone get that from? That's a new one for the... I've been called a DVM and I wrote a subspace article about that. So you guys just made my sub-stack list... Alright, anyway, sorry. And that's a super super duper interesting question. And the thing about evolutionary dynamics is its unpredictability, which is another reason why tannins, for example, is very, very, very, very clear in his message to the world right now, it has been for a long time, and I completely agree with him that it's a really stupid idea. To mass Senate with a non-sterilizing product, which means it doesn't provide protective immunity or stop transmission across all age groups, we already know team doesn't affect kids, they don't need this shit.

2:10:15.6 Rose: And if we keep doing this, we're going to really, really and truly destroy our opportunity for her immunity, and we're really, really gonna push our luck in terms of the evolution of the virus toward a variant of concern, and here I go with the variant concern stuff. So that means a variant of the virus that is not only more transmissible or not necessarily more transmissible, and we'd assume it would be more, which means it does more damage, maybe it affects a wider demographic who knows. So the fact that our antibodies are like doing this on a global level now, and we're inducing these specific responses with these injections, we're creating the soup that's going to result... It's not when it's... If we keep doing this, that's going to result in the pressure being put on the virus to evolve away from what the pressure is... It's like antibiotic resistance. It's the same thing. If you keep Pontiacs into a system, the bacteria is just really smart, you're just gonna evolve away from it and then you can throw as much shit as you want at it as you want, it's just gonna be like a dying...

2:11:48.5 Rose: It's not gonna be affected. Same thing.

2:11:52.4 Masterjohn: But it seems like the variants are evolving not to be more viral and but to be less... To be more resistant to the scene induced community, and yet to also be less severe.

2:12:09.9 Rose: So we're really lucky. That would be my conclusion. Really lucky because it didn't have to be that way.

2:12:18.9 Masterjohn: I guess the worst case scenario, I guess, would give, if they continue to become less than a severe... I guess the worst case scenario would be loss of the transmission, reducing effective scene, and then antibody-dependent enhancement where it begins to spread and not be intrinsically more virulent because of the immune response from the scene could do more damage through that way, I guess would be the... In the worst outcome... And actually, I guess, let me get your thoughts on this, so another CC paper that came out that was... That I took a look at was the one where they claimed that natural immunity was five times less effective than seen induced immunity, and they used this design where everyone was hospitalized and they were hospitalized for illness and they all had either... Respiratory failure is Nia, trouble breathing, pneumonia, vomiting fever, ordre everyone that... A sample of 200000 people in the scene data safety link system, and to that, they cut that down into a sample of 7000 people where they could make a comparison between out of the people who had more than one test, what was the relative protection against having a positive PCR test among those fully tinted but never infected versus his naturally immune, and the key headlines in this paper was that after they adjusted for confounding factors, then the natural immunity was five times less effective in the community of protecting against testing positive.

2:14:15.8 Masterjohn: But if you look at the raw data, a couple of things stand out to one, 944% of the people in the hospital for illness tested negative. So the first thing that tells you is that if the larger... They didn't say what it looked like in the 20000 people, and I wanna... That's another thing I wanna fly request, but if it looks at anything like the 7000 people that they present in the paper, there's an epidemic of PCR negative, like illness, hospitalizations, and then out of that 86 to one, those people are fully pinnate versus naturally immune. So 44% of people like illness who are hospitalized for it, our PCR negative and 85% of them are cited, and so the headline was this five times more effective against testing positive, but to me, that was the first paper that made me wonder if... Maybe that is antibody-dependent enhancement showing its head, because I don't know if those people are hospitalized for... It seems to me it could be viral competition, maybe they are getting a different virus, but it also seems to me like maybe they have... But they had such a strong immune response that they wiped out the virus and test negative for PCR, but they have the cytokine storm, that's right.

2:15:43.4 Masterjohn: Either of those things seem possible, so it makes me wonder, it makes me wonder if the variants get less and less severe, but it doesn't matter because it's all the PCR negative Fula people winding up with the same symptoms in the hospital that don't Esposito dating. I don't know. Maybe that's a picture we're going forward to... Alright, sorry.

2:16:11.7 Rose: Go, I just said maybe. Yeah, yeah.

2:16:16.2 Masterjohn: So could we talk a little bit about the paper that was retracted, so you had... I'm kidding. So what's the story with that paper? So if you look at it right now, this was your analysis of the myocarditis rates in adolescence and what's the story behind the retraction at paper. And what's the current status of it? Okay.

2:16:45.4 Rose: So this is a Third analysis that I pen from her data, and this one was all about myocarditis... I have no aims when I start these projects, by the way, things... They just evolve. So when I looked at the myocarditis reports, piers, and the started by age group, what becomes very, very clear, like a big pimple on your nose, was that the highest rates of reporting or being made in young children between the ages of 10 and 20. So when you look at the rates of myocarditis in 12 to 15-year-olds in the United States, it's about 100000 was a normal rate, so what we found in the data, there's data was a 19 times above background fording rate. This wasn't limited to children though, like Myocarditis is something that's occurring in her... I want us to share my screen and I'll show you the latest, the latest and greatest, the myocarditis who... By the way, back, one of the other things I showed in the paper was that my Carta isn't something that's really been reported in the past and the context of injectable products. So this is kind of a specific thing. So this is a plot that shows up in the paper that has the age on the X-axis and the absolute number of my own credit reports on the Y, and this is by dose, so the red bars are...

2:18:40.4 Rose: The pinky red bars are just one, and the blue bars are those two, so you notice the black lines around boys age or sorry, children aged 15 years old. So there's about five times, a five-fold increase in reporting in children are age 15 following those two, and what that kind of indicates, which I wrote up in my first paper was a causal link evidence have caused a link. So anyway, my point was, even though the clustering of the data is around the younger age groups, it's not only in those terms, it's something that looks Ranchos the board, the dose response that does look limited to the younger people, which is very interesting. Also, more recently, I'm doing a follow-up paper and all answer question about what happened to this, the Tracy home is also published a paper on this subject, or it's in the pre-print server that most of the... I think my calculation is 73% of the myocarditis reports in children at 12 to 17 are associated with hospitalization, which does not mean that they're mild, which is what everyone's putting a spin on this, with they're saying it's mild and transient and the myocarditis...

2:20:08.6 Rose: And the kids is in either of those things. So anyway, this paper was... Can I ask

2:20:14.7 Masterjohn: You before, a while ago when you were showing data from your website, you were making the point that they have specific criteria of what constitutes severe, but if I remember correctly, just that hospitalization alone is not enough to consider it severe... Correct. It is, it is. Okay, and so there's really no... It's totally out of bounds to say these are mild cases of myocarditis because the people are recovering, it's by definition, these are all severe cases 'cause they're hooked... There was an earlier, when he put out there, risk ordinary, I think it was in June, and so they had a very early data set, they reported 96% read of hospitalization in myocarditis cases that fit their criteria, so anyway... Anyway, go ahead.

2:21:11.5 Rose: Yeah, so there's... Is really flawed, so it's never the best representation, it's more like... Paper says this too. So we put this paper together. It wasn't controversial, it was just, Hey, here's some miles stuff. Descriptive analysis, really simple. Well, referenced what a Bassett.

2:21:37.4 Masterjohn: A very similar number to what the SEC was saying. And what I just...

2:21:46.1 Rose: Nothing hard color about it, I mean, if they had just let it published for Christ sake, not, no one would have heard of it, but... Yeah, anyway, so submitted to current problems in cardiology, it was accepted to reviewed and Ernie and I had to go back and floors, we paid for the proof, we had extra for color because the figures as meaning without color. We signed the contract and everything was catatonic, and it was up on the severe site. Beautiful. When you downloaded the PDF, it had pre-proof written across it because we hadn't approved to galore 'cause we weren't at that stage yet, but... Anyway, beautiful, it was immortalized on PubMed. Slum was following, social media was going wild over this paper, it was like a big sensation and it was very exciting, so I had the TAB open all time, and I was like clicking refresh every day to see if it had changed status and A... And so one morning, not shortly thereafter, we had signed the contract and paid an Olin a lot. Thank you, Peter. We got messages in our respective inboxes asking What happened to our paper, and I was like, What...

2:23:11.6 Rose: So I clicked her fresh and turnout, temporary withdrawal was written beside the title, and I'm like, what the houses... So I wrote them a couple of emails, the first one was really polite because it was before I found out from all my colleagues that this risks of something bad going on, it's not innocent at all, and so in my follow-up email was a little more insistent and I was like, Can you please explain this? Because they didn't tell us they were gonna do this, there was no... No notification. They just did it. And so they wrote back, I think the next day, and they said that they were reconsidering publishing the paper because it had not officially been an invited paper, and Peter responded very quickly to that and said, Well, I read over your roles and that's not true. Person examples, reinstate the paper and we're gonna litigate to reach a contract, and so about six days, seven days past, and this thing... Just like, i don't... Changeling anyway, so yeah, and we got a follow-up email about a week later, and they officially came out and said we're not publishing your paper because we don't have to...

2:24:32.5 Rose: That was their reason. It's written in their rule book that at any point during the publication process, it's their right not to publish, and so they decided to act on that. Right. And so, yeah, we're in litigation now, we suspect to us interference because something is really weird here, really, really, really bizarro world never happened before, no reason for this to be happening at all. Weird, but one other thing I'd like to add to the saga is that this happened, the paper got yanked, it was immortalized is just like, This is synonymous and book burning heat from the world, the Davie, five days before my FDA meeting in front of the advisory panel, to address injecting 5 to 11 years. So my paper actually provide an evidence to show that that's probably not a good idea because myocarditis rates are really above background in young kids, not a lot idea. So yeah, I don't believe in two incidences, and so I used it as an opportunity to tell them to not only have I written this paper and have this information to share, but that they tried to make sure it didn't come out.

2:26:09.1 Masterjohn: So it seems like you might be more about your conclusions rather than your methods or the data or anything like that, that maybe was singled out because... Well, for example, so the Sea came out with very similar data, but they framed it as they...

2:26:33.1 Rose: Even though there's 19 times above myocarditis reporting, we still support the eves in children type thing. Right.

2:26:40.8 Masterjohn: Right. So they say, we didn't do that. They basically said, including in the kids, if you take these number of hospitalizations and you divide them by their 120-day risk, being hospitalized for co, even that even the scene looks good for any age group, basically. Right, and so there's nothing wrong with the data that you're describing, but the fact that you are presenting on it is, and that... This is why

2:27:14.1 Rose: I tell that I refer to them as injectable biological products in the title either

2:27:19.9 Masterjohn: I... I wanted to ask you about that. I notice that I notice that you're the language in your paper, and the language and Tracy hopes paper are so radically different. So you have a footnote about why these aren't really scenes, and then you use the term was a 19 injection-related myocarditis with an acronym for it because you won't calibrate... No, I understand that, but if you look at the whole paper, which I guess we can't make a comparison, maybe it will get retracted because it's still a pre-print, but their approach was basically the first sentence is, it basically says 19 scenes have received... I forgot the exact wording, but remarkable safety and efficacy. I've demonstrated remarkable safety and advocacy, and then when they talk about their games, they say one of our aims is to complement the CC and F analysis by expanding it a little bit, and it reminded me of when I was in the academic world in nutrition, and I'm seeing people make nutrition papers, there was always this sort of... You kind of learned... And no one told you to do it, but you kind of learn that what you're supposed to do is develop novel science that shows a new reason to support the government recommendations and so...

2:28:54.1 Masterjohn: Awesome, but this is what I know that you're... The way that it worked was, you have to be doing novel science in order to get grants, like who wants to give you a grant to show the same thing all the time in order to establish yourself as a scientist, even get a faculty position in tenure. You have to show what you... That you're moving something in your research, and yet the public health approach within government bureaucracy is enshrined this idea that we recommended X in 1976 and now we can never turn back. And so there's this unspoken, you don't wanna not get your grant because you said the wrong thing against an... Embarrassed someone. Right, right. So the way you carve out your niche is to find new reasons to say why the old recommendations are good. Right. And so I was very much reminded of that when I'm reading the Tracy Hopper because they're kind of framing it as This is the narrative that has been clearly true and seen, they have done this great job with this risk analysis, and we wanna compliment that by putting a little bit of a different spin. And you seem to be like a...

2:30:17.5 Masterjohn: Hello, I'm just gonna say what I think it's true.

2:30:21.8 Rose: Okay, first of all, I just wanna say, I really mean it when I say You're awesome, because that's just such a beautiful commentary and it's so refreshing, it's like you've actually read the papers and you thought about it, so thank you. And the beauty in my side of that is that I don't go through any thought process, I'm just literally writing, I don't... I don't care one way or another, it's like, the truth is the truth. And the reason I call them Anti-injectable oral GIC-Al-products is because that's precisely what they are, and I think in a couple of years, nobody will be calling these things scenes... I hope so anyway, because they're not... I can explain why they're not, but it's like... That's part of why we're in this big vacuous whole right now, because we keep calling these things, we've normalized this experiment as being just a seen roll-out against a dangerous pathogen, it's not a dangerous pathogen... We're not in an emergency situation. So justifying an emergency use authorization, all these products is run and these products are not proved and they're experimental, you can go along to the bloody Pfizer website, you'll see the ending for this experiment is 2023.

2:31:57.6 Rose: Anyone taking these products now, I'm really sorry to sound crazy, because I know this is hard to hear for a lot of people, but if you've taken these products, you've entered into an experiment, and I know for a fact that most people have entered... Have volunteered, and God love or your intentions are good, but I guarantee you, you were not provided with informed consent, which means you weren't given the information that's available now untenable about the risks associated with these things or the benefits, because if you were given both of those things risk, benefit, the factors hand-in hand, before you said yes or no, you might have truly changed your mind, you might decide, Well, I'd rather take my chances with the... I might never even get Cory, I don't have to worry about it. It's like, I lost my thought again, but apparently that wasn't...

2:32:58.4 Masterjohn: I wanna ask you to expand on the risk-reward thing in a minute, but before I do that, I wanna go back to this... They're not teens things. So my spin on it, and you're much more immersed in immunology that I am, but it seems to me that it's a gene therapy platform that is delivering what is essentially seen in the sense that the purpose of it is to immunize you to the antigen. But what's your take on... Why that doesn't qualify.

2:33:35.9 Rose: Okay, I'm really old school. And you have to study about scenes when you do an immunology DE Program, and I think immunization... The concept is brilliant. I have a YouTube video about seems from don't know, a year and a half though, you guys should check it out. That describes everything you need to know about the history of phonology, everything... Like I did a lot of research on this, so I learned a lot of really cool things were far beyond rubbing scabs and pass all over each other in order to become an arcuate, but... Yeah, I believe in this concept. It's very, very cool. It's like piggy-backing off of how the immune system works inherently, but preventing a serious infraction, so... It's a really brilliant concept. So conventional scenes, this is the biggest problem I have with this, and why I don't call these zines at all, because all scenes, all conventional teams that have ever been produced have to go through a long and sequential process of safety and efficacy tracks in the form of animal testing, phase one through four trials for... Is like testing it in a very large population, FA approval, track safety checks all along the way, it's a very rigorous thing because you don't wanna mess around with safety if you're talking about taking a therapeutic or injecting a biological.

2:35:21.3 Rose: So this long process typically takes between five and 10 years could even take more than that, it could take 50 because you can't always know long things you're gonna take, you can't always know if things are gonna work out, maybe you're gonna get past phase two, and then you find something in phase three, but here's the thing, If you don't wait long enough to find out about potential long-term seats, for example, that does not entail an appropriate amount of time or safety check on your product, so you also can't jumble up phase one, two and three, these are stages of safety and efficacy that involves a certain number of people, it gets... The group of the sample room grows as you go through the phases, testing, Racine city and all these things, you can mix them. They're sequential for a reason, you do this, you get your thumbs up from my cat's playing, funder, your regulatory body move to phase two, the... Anyway, the point is, it's set up for a reason, you don't just wanna inject any biological agent into people, you wanna make sure that it's thoroughly checked. So these products, even if these were conventional design, let's give them the benefit of the doubt, were rushed through this five to 10 year process and one, two, maybe almost two years, super rush, John Operation, Hope animal trials, not done, they wanted to enter back-to back...

2:37:20.6 Rose: So many things were wrong with the so-called safety trials phase three was only six months, so how the hell is anyone gonna tell me that their safety data for pregnant women, if they only tested them for six months... Last time I checked, it was nine months.

2:37:40.3 Masterjohn: I know just as in a six-month pfizer dot, It was 8% of people had seen for six months or more. Yeah.

2:37:49.6 Rose: It's just... Yeah.

2:37:50.8 Masterjohn: Let's not even talk about it. As her 50-day... Yeah, we can get into a Nexus, I understand that they're rushed, but they're right there in the hot...

2:38:01.9 Rose: There's no safety data. That's the bottom line. Even if these were conventional scenes, there's no safety data... Okay, so these are experimental stator, two reasons one, we live in nanoparticle technology, and to the MRNA technology, never heavily ever used MRNA that is Messenger earning a coding template for a protein as a technique to induce an immune response before. Never. So what this means is that you... The mrnas fragile, so you have to encapsulate it in the Liana particle thing, which is also a grand... And what we found out afterwards, which he either knew where they did in either way, it's horrific as highly bio-distributed and collect in places like the adrenals, the ovaries in the brain, which is very bad. But on the MRNA, that happens is the MRNA gets dumped as a payload into whatever cells that the yponomeutidae finds itself in, and then uses the whole so-machinery ribosomes to translate itself and Toots cognition is a spike protein, which apparently is highly Sarto. Well, we haven't done this before, you are using your body, it sounds like a brilliant concept to me, but here's the thing, we didn't find out enough about what's going to happen about the...

2:39:28.3 Rose: For example, the Wil distribution, what does that mean? If this collects in the ovaries, does that mean we're gonna have spike protein being over-produced in the ovaries, over expressed on epithelial cells, is that gonna cause fertility issues, is that why we're seeing so many women talking about a man are an dysmenorrhea? Is that why women are having funded... You know what I mean? So it's like... So there's no safety data, and these things are behaving in a way that is what we anticipated, but we've never tested in humans before, and now we're seeing all these adverse events that we've never seen reported in these numbers, rats in the past, including deaths from those two vantage points from safety and advocacy testing, the traditional methodology that you have to go through, this is their own life rule system and the technology itself, these are scenes. I don't think it's a good idea for people to normalize what these things are by using that word, because it gives people a misrepresentation that these things are just like every other thing that we've ever had that have been safe, which is also questionable against everything by the way, except for these things.

2:40:58.4 Masterjohn: So what about the flu?

2:41:00.5 Rose: No, no. Hell no, no. For me, it's like, Listen, the flu comes around. It's seasonal. We deal with it, keep your vitamin D levels at everyone, even consider getting a shot.

2:41:11.6 Masterjohn: But I did get on the child that seems from whatever it was, the schedule and then it...

2:41:17.2 Rose: What does that mean?

2:41:18.8 Masterjohn: I was born in 1981 to the many fewer things back then, and there are now, but... Okay, so I understand that you don't want to... You don't want these being able to steal the reputation of past scenes using the word team, and yet they are immunized against an antigen. And so, is it that we don't know what else they're doing? And that might only be 5% of the picture that makes you say, Wait, you can't call this a seen because we don't know, even though it is immunized against the antigen, we don't know whether that's to rein...

2:42:04.2 Rose: You're being way too logical... Well, that's what I do. Okay, you're right. Yes, but what do I mean is it's a more... I know, you know what I mean? Like it's all the new lexicon that arrived to create a situation that clearly reaches far beyond the virus, I mean... That's kind of way I just mentioned, I'm fully... They didn't how much I love in, this is what I do. I love this shit.

2:42:39.3 Masterjohn: You're not... Your protein, your

2:42:42.3 Rose: Services. So anyone calling.

2:42:45.1 Masterjohn: Almost anyone would assume the opposite at this point, I think... Right.

2:42:48.4 Rose: Well, that's the thing, and that's the weird lexicon nomenclature that I think is very dangerous and that we need to change immediately, that's why I think... So all these sees is the same thing. Like, stop using these words. Call it what it is. I'm also a real proponent of precision whenever we can be precise, that's why I call these ten injectable biological products, because that's precisely what they are, and we don't know what else, so it's like I don't wanna... Okay, maybe MRNA could be in there, but... Yeah. No, not in all cases. So yeah, it's about calling things what they are and stop calling things that they aren't... This is the message to the world if I ever have one about stopping with the division tactic stuff, falling for these tricks of calling people things that they're not... Try and find out who they really are. Try and find out if maybe they're just pro-safety. You know what I mean? It's like, do you...

2:44:02.6 Masterjohn: Do you know or do you know? Sorry, but do you know your Myers breaks personality type? I don't even know what to abouts. So I'll skip over that. So I'm an ITP, and that means that I lead with introverted thinking, which is like theory building, and that cognitive function is very much about precision because it's about naming things and defining things and understanding things, and so what you're saying resonates with me a lot because I am constantly trying to... You know, that many people gloss over big things and they don't mind painting things with a broad brush, and I'm always saying, No, that gets broken down into this and this, that's not part of that, and kind of exactly where you're going with that, but

2:44:58.4 Rose: You Firebase other was nothing as meaning the volumes, right? I agree.

2:45:05.9 Masterjohn: Yeah, that's notion to the world of people like you and me.

2:45:12.2 Rose: So you... You have to tell me, Oh, I'm a Capricorn. So you're born in December

2:45:20.5 Masterjohn: Days. December 27, demerit around the cave, has a doctor in pharmacology and he had pointed me toward looking into sirna scenes, and so I did a little poking around and I found this paper called Prospects for RNAI therapy of 19, and so this is... For those listening, RNA can code for protein like message RNA does, but there's also RNA that just inhibit stuff and stop processes, and that's inhibitory RNA. So there's an interesting quote in here, they are talking about using it as drugs, but there's a code that is, although one can envision a prophylactic use of inhibitory RNA with stably integrated small hairpin RNA expression systems, if such a system can be made to turn on gene expression on demand, this will probably not be a clinical reality, and they go on and they're talking about at this time because we're not even stage yet, and it sounds like what they're saying is they would envision a future where rather than injecting people with MRNA, that is meant to express something for a couple of weeks, we would inject people with stable expression systems that are permanent or quasi-permanent that would be activated on demand to act as anti-viral therapies, and that strikes me as having nothing in common with scenes at all, and it's just straight up gene therapy, period.

2:47:04.9 Masterjohn: And

2:47:05.3 Rose: That it would be a good segue into doing that

2:47:12.3 Masterjohn: Scenes based on gene therapy platforms. Right, right. And so the last person I interviewed for my podcast is this guy who is a patent lawyer who wrote a book about the legal battle around painting the human genomes, and I quoted that to him and I asked him, how should we think about prophylactic gene therapy that is mandated in humans. And I said, What if it gets to the point where... And I brought it back to Microsoft and Apple, they have operating systems and they have ecosystems where the programs play nice with each other, and that incentivizes you to stay in the ecosystem, and then software is built for those platforms. So I asked him What if corporations have patted gene prophylactic gene therapy that they rush to be the first company to get 5% of the human genome composed of their prophylactic gene therapies so that they can create an interlocking ecosystem that effectively engineers us into having... In a software operating system, and then all of medicine becomes basically programs that run in that ecosystem, and we're left with the equivalence of Microsoft and Apple, where we have to pick which ones were in it and then everything...

2:48:37.5 Masterjohn: And so his response to that was that I certainly have to be correct that that's the direction that we're heading into, and that he finds it terrifying to think about what the legal battles around inter-operability would be when they're happening inside our own bodies. And so I thought it was interesting that his reaction was just like... I never thought about that, but yes, clearly that that's the direction we're going into, so that seems... I guess that does underscore, I think what you were saying about the importance of recognizing the distinction here, because if we do gloss over that, this is just seem like everything else is a seen and we normalize the mass mandated use of gene therapy platforms under the guise of Synanon with all past scenes going back to small pox and look at what everyone's saying, Right, everyone is saying who's pro mandate is saying, George Washington had the first mandate for small pox sees this is as American as apple pie. Meanwhile, they are normalizing the install base of the future operating system that turns us into software that seems concerning to a... Just thinking through that with you now, I think I appreciate more than I did 10 minutes ago.

2:50:07.6 Masterjohn: Why it's so important to make that distinction verbally, when we come to these are... So you had mentioned risk reward, can you give us some kind of numbers around how should we think about... He came out and said, even for adolescence and for every age group, if you divide the number of myocarditis hospitalizations or miocene by the risk of hospitalization for C, it's just a straight up clear that every demographic is better off with a scene. How would you respond to that, and can you help us think about the numbers around that a little bit.

2:50:55.6 Rose: I don't know what else to say that other than kids don't need this, it's very clear from

2:51:02.6 Masterjohn: How would you think about it for an older person that...

2:51:06.3 Rose: Me personally. Well, Okay, listen, if I was in charge, we... I don't know how far back do you wanna go? I would be, first of all, I have the deepest respect for our elders, let's focus on them, okay, because they've been the most devastated by this, from every point of view from... From the injections, etcetera. On the isolation, dying alone law, they should be put on a pedestal. They've earned it. They should be priced. And we have treatment regimens now that can really, really keep them out of hospital if they get the treatment early, for sure, that Pure quarry Homeric, there's a peer mall, all the doctors on the ground treating with these regimens have the data to support what I just said. Zero hospitalizations, even in the ones we have these techniques, we have these tools in our tool boxes, we have the resources, and even telling you that We can hard to do... That is full of shit. We have more money than brains as a species, no one can tell me that we cannot put our elders first, and that's exactly what we should be doing, we should be putting our vulnerable or at-risk populations, like holding them in the highest regard and keeping them healthy.

2:52:39.1 Rose: And in the context of leaving everyone how along nowhere in my own mind or treatment protocol, regimen, whatever. Do injections play a role here? Not everyone will agree with me, but that's how I feel... I don't think they're necessary. I don't think they work. And I don't think they're safe. What was I gonna say about...

2:53:01.5 Masterjohn: I guess what I hear you saying is you wouldn't even frame it as dividing the number of adverse events by the number by the hospitalization for because it's so easy, not easy. It might not be the word, but we have the tools available to totally change that number of the hospitalization for colo, if you can alter that risk with such power given what we have, why would you enter into a world where you're trying to calculate a risk reward ratio based on unknown under-reporting factor, when you can just prevent and treat effectively...

2:53:40.3 Rose: Yes, it's like, Let's go straight to the punches like... Yeah, so that's precisely. I had another thing that I was gonna say, but I forgot it's getting late, my brain is turning off, but yeah. I think that if we had let this burn through, like I said before, no one would even... First of all, let's go one step back, if not for all of this technology and the phones and the Zen, the internet and all that everyone's connected, Ronan, the crazy Lamia monster that's like brain-washed in 95% of the population, if not for all that... No one... What have you... I have known about this. Everyone would have probably thought they had the flu, and maybe there would have been some people saying, Yeah, but I lost my taste, which is weird, so maybe... I'm not trying to undermine the seriousness of this because I still don't know, it's nature, I don't think anybody really does for... I think that the most... That's what I was gonna say. The most important thing that's not being done, and this is an entire thing which is also extreme bizarro world, is that health professionals, doctors, GPs, whatever the hell, public health policy officials are not pushing vitamin D because this is the most in your immune system cannot function optimally in the absence of vitamin D, and most people are vitamin D deficient.

2:55:20.6 Rose: Most people, if you want to, if anyone violate the Vitamin D levels checks, which they're not letting you do by the way, you would probably find out that you're a little bit deficient, so you either need to get more sunlight or supplement, you have to... This is number one, all of the first cases of deaths, the people are vitamin D deficient, this is No... I'm not saying that if you aren't to vitamin D deficient that You're not gonna die from car, I'm not saying that, but your chances of staying out of the hospital or having a very mild force are much increased if your immune system is functionally such functioning optimally. And one of the ways you can promote that is to use vitamin D. Yeah. Why is it that being promoted... Why isn't that sign on every goddamn store, why am I not allowed to go to a restaurant at all for the last 19 months, and why can't I even go by food without putting the stupid day on my face, Why are there signs everywhere once with the fear factor out health.

2:56:26.3 Masterjohn: Yeah, yeah, I couldn't agree more. Alright, so it is getting late, I have one last question from the audience, and then I'll let you go to those...

2:56:35.1 Rose: Or three hours, you know? Yeah.

2:56:39.0 Masterjohn: Someone on Instagram told me She's Illinois with her, so I guess forgot to be the case, so... Okay, alright, so someone in here was asking about blood transfusions, and I guess I could make that a general question about shutting... So should people who are unseated, should they worry about Spike protein being in the blood of a tinted person from a blood transfusion perspective, and I guess that would be a very similar question, should people be worried about shedding of Spike protein from noted people around them?

2:57:19.2 Rose: I can only speak from my own opinion space, if I needed a blood transfusion, I wouldn't get one from someone who had been injected period... No, it's just like... I'm not gonna say because there's too many people who take it the wrong way, I think, but you want healthy blood source, and despite protein is satanic, so if there's a chance that this is in the blood, because they're not making sure that it's not... I think, don't quote me on that, but I'm pretty sure they're not checking... I wouldn't put past them to not be checking because they're not checking anything else... Well, that was a blanket statement is... And... Oh, shading or God, this is a topic I try and not say too much about because I just... I can't figure this one, I... I know people... No, this is not anecdotal, and it's especially not anecdotal when it comes to the women recording dysregulation in their menstrual cycles, who aren't injected a type A husband who is or who have been in proximity to people who have... Something is being transferred. We know that it's not anecdotal, and an official study hasn't been done, I don't think...

2:58:50.5 Rose: Don't call me on that either, if one has, please let me know 'cause this is very interesting to me, something is going on and I don't know if it's just protein slipping off like colder, because we slept off 10 tons of skin scales on the ISS, it's like... If someone's manufacturing spike protein, I can imagine that there is protein shutting just like There's fronting shedding of everything, normal debris, but I also... Something that I always come back to in my mind is the paramount thing, because like Fairmont are... They're really real, and they're very plant signals between humans, chemical smells, so it just makes me wonder what is the mechanism for the transfer... I really, I don't have a good answer. Because it's something I'm really thinking about the puzzles mean, I just don't know. But I think when you're talking about blood transfusions versus... I don't know, being intimate with some... Well, no, maybe that's not a Veeam being around, I don't know how in an elevator for 15 minutes, why you would be in an elevator for 15 minutes is one, but whatever, I made close quarters for like enough time to be poor something.

3:00:31.6 Rose: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I think these are different things. I think exposure level is very, very, very relevant, which is gonna... It's like, if you think about environment setting, if someone is symptomatic, if someone has the flu and they're sneezing and coughing, that means that they're shedding a virus, most likely like the viral load will teach the immune system will peak, and so they're kind of subsequent to each other... So yeah, you... Exposure is important, like if you're around someone who's just starting to produce virus versus someone who's got a high viral load and you're close to them, the chances are that the higher exposure of the virus is going to have an impact on you, much higher type thing, so it's like, maybe that applies to this whole shedding... I don't know. No, I can't comment.

3:01:35.9 Masterjohn: All right, well, it was great talking to you, thank you so much for having a wonderful conversation with me here, and just as we had out, what should we have our eyes on over the next few months and where can people find more of you?

3:01:57.8 Rose: Okay, at the second part... Wait, I wanna show you something. I sent this to everyone that I know in all of my groups, let's see if I can find it, because I actually didn't realize how many people were gonna ask, Is this real? Because it's not real. Wait, I have to find it, 'cause now I'm just making a mess of everything here, where is it? Just to say... I'm sorry, you're watching me scroll through... This is my phone. I'm just gonna say what it said, okay, so there's a picture of an iPhone or something with the same name, and there's that bubble over from the iPhone and it says your credit card and bank, and all these services are blocked. Please refer to your nearest inaction Center for your booster to unblock your... Yeah, right. And so I saw this and I was like, I knew it wasn't real, but I was like, That is the best visual I've seen in this entire thing because that is where we're going, and so it's like I spread it around to everyone in their own like is this rule, and I'm like, No, is this happening in Israel? I'm like, No, no, no, no.

3:03:30.4 Rose: It's going to be anything while early next year is my prediction, so if anyone wants to take my advice as a concern citizen of the human species, I would say Palo yourself. Remember that you only have one body. It's yours. Body autonomy and the right to choose what's best for you is yours, and you shouldn't give it away, you don't have to... The whole concept that you're serving the greater one by sacrificing yourself, it's being twisted, share... You have to take care of yourself first. If you're going to be a contributing member of society, you have to... You have to be responsible with yourself and with everyone else by being informed, by being knowledgeable on the subject matter, that's how you're going to do the greater good for your species, so that's my final message after three hours.

3:04:44.4 Masterjohn: Excellent. Parting words has been a fantastic and phenomenal three hours on it.

3:04:51.2 Rose: Is by right? Yeah.

3:04:53.8 Masterjohn: Yeah. Alright, so where should... If people wanna follow your work, where should they follow you?

3:04:58.7 Rose: Okay, so I have my website, which is HTTPS, I do not consent with little dashes in between those words, edify, anti-FY app, that's where you can find all the first of my publications, all of my interviews. You'll find this there. I have a sub-start page, which is getting pretty popular actually, I try and make content every day, and it's usually... I try and make it really about transforming the data or papers into something quick and take homage. So it's useful stuff. Sometimes I write about my life too, so that's HTTPS. Just a car, like Jessica substances. You can find me there. I'm also affiliated with take back our freedoms, which is a Canadian organization, and science and solidarity, which is a group formed by year bond and wash, I'm also with them, so you just type in Science and solidarity and my name and... Yeah, those are good. And I have a YouTube channel where I post video summaries of ERs data, and sometimes I make videos about debates that don't happen because the opposition doesn't show up, and that's it, just type just for roses and your computer will break.

3:06:41.3 Masterjohn: There you go. Alright, thank you so much, Jessica, this is amazing.

3:06:45.3 Rose: It really was. I'm being really honest when I say this was one of my favorite to... Do you know Ricky verandas? Verandas. No, he also has a podcast. You guys would have a great time. Would you wanna be a guest on his throne with me? Because I think the three of us have a great chat, real ask you. I am literally... I'm like, Do you wanna... Do you wanna... You wanna... And you never just know, he's really dear.

3:07:13.0 Masterjohn: Cool, let's do it.

3:07:14.0 Rose: Yeah, we have per core coming up on the 60th. We listen, I'm talking, I'm taking the... Ricky is interviewing her. And so I all suggest you, if you'd like, I think it would be a fun... That's great. What do you like music?

3:07:31.3 Masterjohn: I like music. You're a musician. I'm not a musician, I have a good time, but I don't have generation.

3:07:40.4 Rose: Okay, over it all suggested to him and... Yeah, thanks again, this was great. And let me know when it's... When it's up.

3:07:47.2 Masterjohn: I will. Alright, sounds great. Can't wait. Have a good night. Just go.

3:07:52.1 Rose: You too, and good night, everyone listening. You know.

3:07:54.8 Masterjohn: World increasingly dominated by censorship, we may have censored certain words in this video in order to protect the show and keep our community connected for the uncensored version as the link in the description for uncensored material in general. Head to Chris Master John phd dot com, uncensored, to make sure we stay together as a community, please join my newsletter at Chris Master John phd dot com newsletter, where I can guarantee you that I'll never de-platform myself. This interview was recorded during the live Zoom recording, where members of the CMJ master passed that in in sitcom ENTS and questions in live chat. If you'd like to sit in on future interviews I conduct with the chance to contribute questions, you can sign up for the master passage, Chris Master, John Ph dot com master pass and use a code interview for 10% of the membership fee for as long as you remain a member. During this critical time where our freedom of health and freedom of speech are both in imminent danger and where tens of thousands of people are facing imminent job losses as a result of medical mandates, I am devoting my analytical skills full-time toward the battle for health freedom.

3:09:03.9 Masterjohn: This includes working directly with lawyers in lawsuits over mandates lock-downs in the current standard of care, scientifically analyzing safety, efficacy and the risks of mandated medical treatments, you know what we're talking about, and their alternatives, as well as any way to mitigate their harms and publishing my findings and scientific journals and sharing them with you, it is my friend, conviction, that this is the most important gift that I can offer the world right now, and I view this as a needed public service. I would be extremely grateful if you could support me during this time at Chris Master, John phd dot com, support, you can purchase one of my information products in amounts ranging from 3 to 30 or take advantage of my consulting services for more. You can also make a purchase using one of my affiliate links to buy something you would have bought anyway, no extra cost to you, and finally at Chris Master John PhD dot com, donate, you can make a donation in any amount. Don't forget to like, share and subscribe as well. And I thank you for your support.

VitaminDWiki - Pages containing MASTERJOHN in the title (18 as of Dec, 2021)

This list is automatically updated

Items found: 19
Title Modified
Lots of Biotonin needed sometimes (excess protein, etc.) - Masterjohn Jan 2023 20 Jan, 2023
Real Anthony Fauci - book synopsis by Masterjohn Dec 3, 2021 14 May, 2022
PhD working at VAERS on problems with vacc system - Masterjohn interview and transcript- Dec 27, 2021 27 Dec, 2021
COVID natural Immunity is most likely better than vaccination immunity- literature review by Masterjohn - Oct 2021 24 Oct, 2021
High-dose Omega-3 fought COVID in 2 hospital trials (6x reduction in ICU, reduced time) – Masterjohn Oct 2021 14 Oct, 2021
Vitamin D and COVID, review of evidence, loading dose if less than 50 ng - Masterjohn Sept 2021 05 Sep, 2021
The Evolution of Diverse Vitamin D Requirements – Masterjohn video Aug 2016 18 Jan, 2017
Vitamin D is good, but must balance Vitamins A and K2 to prevent Calcification – Masterjohn Aug 2014 31 Dec, 2014
Interactions of Vitamins D, A, and K, should measure calcitriol, calcification – Masterjohn Aug 2013 28 Nov, 2014
Hypothesis – low vitamin D level may indicate Calcium deficiency – Masterjohn II Dec 2013 14 Jan, 2014
Synergism between Vitamin D, Vitamin K-2, and Vitamin A: Masterjohn – Sept 2013 03 Oct, 2013
Masterjohn on relationships between Vitamin A D and K – Dec 2010 03 Oct, 2013
Cholesterol, Vitamins D3 and K2, heart disease, sulfates, LDL, – Masterjohn Interview Jan 2013 30 Sep, 2013
Price and Masterjohn on Vitamin A Vitamin D and Vitamin K – 2010 26 Oct, 2012
Synergism between vitamin A and vitamin D – Masterjohn June 2010 26 Oct, 2012
Response by Masterjohn on vitamin A thwarting vitamin D – Mar 2010 26 Oct, 2012
Masterjohn on Tufts and vitamin A D and K April 2009 31 Oct, 2011
Latitude may not be too associated with vitamin D – Masterjohn Dec 2010 13 Mar, 2011
Vitamin D and latitude Masterjohn - Dec 2010 24 Dec, 2010

VitaminDWiki - Vaccination publications (138 as of Dec 2021)

VACCINation,    VACCINations,    VACCINes,    VACCINe,    VACCINated, etc.
List is automatically updated

Items found: 288
Title Modified
COVID vaccination clots -The Embalmer Analysis Results Will Blow Your Mind - video Sept 2024 13 Sep, 2024
Pfizer COVID vaccinations resulted in altering immune systems (increased IgG4 ) – Aug 2024 20 Aug, 2024
10 Mice were used to test the Newest Pfizer Vaccine against a previous virus - Sept 2023 10 Aug, 2024
COVID 8X more likely to be asymptomatic if had 3 or more vaccinations – Aug 2024 09 Aug, 2024
Vaccinations did not stop COVID (68 studies) – meta-analysis May 2023 03 Aug, 2024
Within 3 months of COVID vaccination 2.3 X incidence in cognitive problems – Korea May 2024 01 Aug, 2024
CDC forced to release 780,000 COVID-19 vaccine problems not previously reported - April 2024 22 Jul, 2024
400X fewer COVID deaths in countries with fewer vaccinations – July 2024 19 Jul, 2024
18,951 VAERS US vaccination deaths reported by medical professionals, 12% occurred within 48 hours of injection – July 2024 11 Jul, 2024
Phizer had performed no toxicology testing of the COVID-19 injections (vaccines)– July 2024 08 Jul, 2024
COVID vaccines during pregnancy resulted in 37 types of adverse events. -preprint June 2024 30 Jun, 2024
Proposal: no blood donations from COVID vaccinated individuals (preprint in Japan) - May 2024 27 May, 2024
Excess death rates in high-vaccinated countries exceeded COVID death rates by 3.4 X in 2023 - May 2024 26 May, 2024
Hypothesis: More deaths due to MMR vaccine than deaths due to measles if no one was vaccinated - May 2024 26 May, 2024
Cancers take years to develop, but already have 36 COVID vaccination suspected cancers - May 2024 21 May, 2024
FDA study of 4 million children found 2 COVID-19 vaccination red flags, but continue to push boosters – May 2024 07 May, 2024
CDC recommends more than 100 Vaccinations during lifetime - May 2024 02 May, 2024
16% of people getting COVID-19 vaccination had Uveitis (middle eye infection) within 1 year – April 2024 29 Apr, 2024
Increased cancer rate after 3rd vaccination (Japan in this study) - April 2024 11 Apr, 2024
US has the most vaccinations before age 1 and the most deaths - March 2024 26 Mar, 2024
Benign Cancers of a portion of the brain increased 1.8 X after vaccines were available - March 2024 24 Mar, 2024
Multiple COVID vaccinations might increase Cancer Incidence - many studies 24 Mar, 2024
Benign Cancers of a portion of the brain increased 1.8 X after vaccines were available - March 2024 24 Mar, 2024
COVID-19 vaccines adverse events: myocarditis, pericarditis, etc. (99 million people, not US) – Feb 2024 14 Mar, 2024
COVID senior pneumonia deaths: 50% if low Vitamin D and unvaccinated vs 16% if Vitamin D or vaccinated – June 2023 28 Feb, 2024
18,000 schoolchildren in Canada to be suspended for not being vaccinated - Feb 2024 27 Feb, 2024
Vaccines increased your risk of dying of COVID in NZ - official data - Feb 2024 19 Feb, 2024
Study urged a global moratorium on mRNA vaccines (300 peer reviewers agreed) – Jan 2024 17 Feb, 2024
CDC recommends 100 vaccinations by age 18 – Feb 2024 15 Feb, 2024
Professor Raoult is calling for a moratorium on COVID-19 vaccines - Jan 2024 04 Feb, 2024
Fewer neurons in males born from COVID-19 vaccinated mothers (rats) - Jan 2024 20 Jan, 2024
Influenza vaccination (2022-2023) reduced hospitalizations by only 35% - Jan 2024 20 Jan, 2024
COVID and or vaccinations causing less Vitamin D and more sickness - Jan 2024 20 Jan, 2024
COVID infections and vaccinations decrease Vitamin D – many studies 15 Jan, 2024
Vitamin D can probably augment or replace many vaccines – March 2015 12 Jan, 2024
COVID Vaccinated Children 1.25 X More Likely to Be Hospitalized for Respiratory Illness - CDC Jan 2024 12 Jan, 2024
Red blood cell clumping (Hemagglutination) - by COVID and vaccination (Ivermectin helps) - Dec 2023 28 Dec, 2023
France has injected 200,000 infants with RSV vaccine, based on no long-term data - Here we go again - Dec 2023 27 Dec, 2023
4th COVID vaccination resulted in no decreased deaths (Austria) - Nov 2023 13 Dec, 2023
Deaths after vaccination - also reported in Japan - Dec 2023 11 Dec, 2023
COVID vaccination problems 1000 X worse than Thalidomide - Dec 2023 05 Dec, 2023
2 reasons doctors not aware of post-vaccination myocarditis (2.5% of jabs) - Nov 2023 29 Nov, 2023
Hypothesis: Both Long COVID and Vaccine Injury are caused by Spike Protein, proposed detox – Nov 2023 24 Nov, 2023
COVID vaccines are highly effective in reducing non-COVID deaths in older Australians (not) - Nov 2023 24 Nov, 2023
Hospital utilization Australia (NSW) 1415 Vaccinated, 0 unvaccinated - Dec 2022 24 Nov, 2023
COVID infections or vaccinations may increase Multiple Sclerosis (if low D) - several studies 23 Nov, 2023
COVID vaccinations resulted in big increase in metabolic disorders - Nov 2023 22 Nov, 2023
Moderna is monitoring 150 million websites for ‘Anti-Vaccine’ Narratives - Nov 2023 21 Nov, 2023
COVID vaccination health problems - Campbell, Yale Nov 2023 19 Nov, 2023
Brazil mandates COVID-19 vaccine for children - Nov 2023 10 Nov, 2023

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