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Omega-3 top news of 2018

EPA and DHA Omega-3s: Reflections on 2018 Nutraingredients

Includes the following
Ascend, in the New England Journal of Medicine
Reduction of Cardiovascular Events with EPA Intervention Trial (REDUCE-IT)
Updated Cochrane Review of 70 randomized controlled trials
A Postponement for a Codex Nutrient Reference Value
New book The Omega-3 Principle Amazon $14
new website for doctors at www.fatsofiife.com

The 30 most-read new 2018 items in Omega-3 category in VitaminDWiki

Id Page Hits Last modification Creator Categories
9599 Olympic Committee consensus on Vitamin D, Omega-3, Zinc, etc– May 2018 13049
22 Jun, 2021 13:02
admin Sports and Vitamin D
Vitamin D and Omega-3
9588 Pollutants increase Respiratory problems, Vitamin D, Omega-3, etc. decrease them – May 2018 12905
02 Aug, 2018 00:20
admin Breathing
Vitamin D and Vitamin A
Vitamin D and Omega-3
9259 Fish oil increased Vitamin D levels, krill oil decreased them – RCT Jan 2018 11018
31 Dec, 2018 17:13
admin Top news
Vitamin D and Omega-3
9467 Omega-3, Vitamin D, Folic acid etc. during pregnancy and subsequent mental illness of child – March 2018 9375
25 Nov, 2018 15:45
admin Pregnancy
Vitamin D and Omega-3
9574 Severe acute pancreatitis treated in 11 ways by Omega-3 in just 7 days – RCT April 2018 9364
13 Jun, 2022 10:40
admin Vitamin D and Omega-3
10311 APOE4 gene problems (Alzheimer’s) reduced by both Vitamin D and Omega-3 - Dec 2018 9361
16 Dec, 2018 16:55
admin Cognitive
Vitamin D and Omega-3
9819 Muscle fatigue 4X less likely in rugby players getting Omega-3 and protein – July 2018 8848
23 Dec, 2019 12:04
admin Sports and Vitamin D
Vitamin D and Omega-3
9381 During NFL season – Omega-3 down by 2.5 points while Vitamin D up by 9 ng – March 2018 8491
03 Mar, 2018 19:58
admin Sports and Vitamin D
Top news
Vitamin D and Omega-3
9438 Omega-3 might manage T2 Diabetes – March 2018 7794
18 Mar, 2018 15:43
admin Diabetes
Vitamin D and Omega-3
9561 Omega-3 reduced cost of Sepsis by 2900 dollars per patient (12 RCT) – April 2018 7528
18 Dec, 2019 03:09
admin Cost savings with Vitamin D
Vitamin D and Omega-3
9556 Omega-3 – fewer than 5 percent of adult women get the RDA – April 2018 7487
23 Apr, 2018 14:02
admin Pregnancy
Vitamin D and Omega-3
9573 Vitamin K2 and Omega-3 associations (how about a vitamin D association) – 2018 7071
01 May, 2018 15:42
admin Vitamin D and Vitamin K
Vitamin D and Omega-3
9238 Benefits of Omega-3 beyond heart health - LEF Feb 2018 7062
21 Jan, 2018 21:49
admin Cardiovascular
Vitamin D and Omega-3
10193 Vitamin D and Omega-3 Ineffective for Preventing Cancer and Heart Disease (too little was used) – Nov 2018 7055
07 Nov, 2021 22:40
admin Intervention
Top news
Vitamin D and Omega-3
8784 Prostate Cancer treatment (Vitamin D, Omega-3, Tumeric) RCT ending Dec 2018 6826
14 Dec, 2019 16:24
admin Cancer - Prostate
Vitamin D and Omega-3
9514 Low-Grade Prostate Cancer 70 percent less likely to progress if good level of Omega-3 – June 2018 6730
10 Apr, 2018 20:39
admin Cancer - Prostate
Vitamin D and Omega-3
10027 Hypothesis: Omega-3 reduces Alzheimer’s directly and via the gut – Sept 2018 6672
11 Sep, 2018 15:18
admin Gut
Vitamin D and Omega-3
10138 Less DNA repair if nutrient deficient (Vitamin D, Magnesium, Omega-3, Vitamin K, etc) – Ames Oct 2018 6462
24 Sep, 2019 18:17
admin Seniors
Vitamin D and Magnesium
Vitamin D and Vitamin K
Vitamin D and Omega-3
9973 NAFLD is treated by Vitamin D, Omega-3, Curcumin, Silymarinm, etc. Aug 2018 6410
14 Dec, 2019 16:51
admin Liver
Vitamin D and Omega-3
9433 Why Alzheimer’s studies using Omega-3 have mixed results – quality, dose size, Omega-6, genes, etc. March 2018 6381
11 Sep, 2018 15:15
admin Cognitive
Vitamin D and Omega-3
9028 Diesel air pollution causes liver problems (and low vitamin D) if low Omega-3 (mice) – Jan 2018 6375
24 Jun, 2018 01:06
admin Liver
Vitamin D and Omega-3
9378 How Omega-3 fights metabolic syndrome and weight – Feb 2018 6244
03 Oct, 2019 12:21
admin Obesity
Metabolic Syndrome
Vitamin D and Omega-3
9501 Happy Nurses Project gave Omega-3 for 3 months – reduced depression, insomnia, anxiety, etc for a year – RCT July 2018 6141
09 Dec, 2019 12:35
admin Depression
Top news
Vitamin D and Omega-3
10366 Omega-3 index of 5 greatly decreases the risk of an early preterm birth – Dec 2018 5998
05 Oct, 2022 11:53
admin Pregnancy
Vitamin D and Omega-3
9181 Cisplatin chemotherapy dose size might be reduced by Omega-3 – Jan 2018 5883
06 Jan, 2018 19:23
admin Cancer - after diagnosis
Vitamin D and Omega-3
9654 Omega-3 reduced violence in children and violence between parents – RCT May 2018 5866
19 Jun, 2018 21:17
admin Infant-Child
Vitamin D and Omega-3
9801 PCOS treated by a combination of Vitamin D and Omega-3 – RCT Oct 2018 5845
11 Jul, 2018 23:55
admin Pregnancy
Vitamin D and Omega-3
9352 Perhaps the Omega-3 optimal level is 10 percent, not 8 – Feb 2018 5697
09 Sep, 2019 01:20
admin Cardiovascular
Vitamin D and Omega-3
10196 Bioavailability etc. of Omega-3 – Nov 2018 5675
25 Dec, 2018 09:00
admin Vitamin D and Omega-3
10243 Omega-3 index - good level needed 2.4 grams of regular Omega-3 - Grassroots Nov 2018 5670
05 Jun, 2021 12:39
admin Vitamin D and Omega-3

Created by admin. Last Modification: Friday January 4, 2019 11:15:24 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 7)
Omega-3 top news of 2018        
1482 visitors, last modified 04 Jan, 2019,
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