Toggle Health Problems and D

Opiates: “It smells like doctors being bribed to sell narcotics, and that's very disturbing” – March 2018

CNN Exclusive: The more opioids doctors prescribe, the more money they make

Note: The only database CNN had access to was Medicare

Of the 200,000 doctors getting kickbacks for opiate prescriptions,
most recieved $100 to $1,000/year


Study was expanded upon by Mercola, May 2018

  • Doctors Get Paid to Prescribe More Opioids
    “One-Quarter of All Doctors Prescribe Opioids to Medicare Patients and Receive Payments From Opioid Makers”
    “… many of the states struggling with the highest rates of overdose deaths, such as Indiana, Ohio and New Jersey, also had the most opioid-related payments to physicians”

*Effect of Financial Incentives to Physicians, Patients, or Both on Lipid Levels JAMA RCT Nov 2015
When Doctors got $4,000/year and patients got $1,000/year the lipid levels (= target) were greatly reduced
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Vitamin D titles containing: Opioid OR Opiate OR Morphine (10 as of Sept 2022)

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Created by admin. Last Modification: Saturday October 1, 2022 15:42:43 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 10)

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
9830 Opioid kickback.jpg admin 09 May, 2018 42.33 Kb 465
9829 200,000 who wrote opiates got a kickback.jpg admin 09 May, 2018 21.26 Kb 436
9828 Effect of Financial Incentives -JAMA.pdf admin 09 May, 2018 490.22 Kb 842