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Exercise improves bone strength (good), but not bone mineral density (can be measured) – RCT Oct 2021

Bone-loading exercises versus risedronate for the prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women with low bone mass: a randomized controlled trial

Osteoporosis International (2021) https://doi.org/10.1007/s00198-021-06083-2
Nancy Waltman, Kevin A. Kupzyk, Laura E. Flores, Lynn R. Mack, Joan M. Lappe & Laura D. Bilek

This randomized controlled trial compared changes in bone mineral density (BMD) and bone turnover in postmenopausal women with low bone mass randomized to 12 months of either risedronate, exercise, or a control group.

Two hundred seventy-six women with low bone mass, within 6 years of menopause, were included in analysis. Treatment groups were 12 months of (a) calcium and vitamin D supplements (CaD) (control), (b) risedronate + CaD (risedronate), or (c) bone-loading exercises + CaD (exercise). BMD and serum markers for bone formation (Alkphase B ) and resorption (Serum Ntx) were analyzed at baseline, 6, and 12 months.

Using hierarchical linear modeling, a group by time interaction was found for BMD at the spine, indicating a greater improvement in the risedronate group compared to exercise (p ≤ .010) or control groups (p ≤ .001). At 12 months, for women prescribed risedronate, changes in BMD at the spine, hip, and femoral neck from baseline were + 1.9%, + 0.9%, and + .09%; in exercise group women, + 0.2%, + 0.5%, and − 0.4%; and in control group women, − 0.7%, + 0.5%, and − 0.5%. There were also significant differences in reductions in Alkphase B (RvsE, p < .001, RvsC, p < .001) and Serum Ntx (RvsE, p = .004, RvsC, p = .007) in risedronate women compared to exercise and control groups. For risedronate, 12-month changes in Alkphase B and Serum Ntx were − 20.3% and − 19.0%; for exercise, − 6.7% and − 7.0%; and for control, − 6.3% and − 9.0%.

Postmenopausal women with low bone mass should obtain adequate calcium and vitamin D and participate in bone-loading exercises. Additional use of BPs will increase BMD, especially at the spine.


Overview Osteoporosis and vitamin D

  • FACT: Bones need Calcium (this has been known for a very long time)
  • FACT: Vitamin D improves Calcium bioavailability (3X ?)
  • FACT: Should not take > 750 mg of Calcium if taking lots of vitamin D (Calcium becomes too bio-available)
  • FACT: Adding vitamin D via Sun, UV, or supplements increased vitamin D in the blood
  • FACT: Vitamin D supplements are very low cost
  • FACT: Many trials, studies. reviews, and meta-analysis agree: adding vitamin D reduces osteoporosis
  • FACT: Toxic level of vitamin D is about 4X higher than the amount needed to reduce osteoporosis
  • FACT: Co-factors help build bones.
  • FACT: Vitamin D Receptor can restrict Vitamin D from getting to many tissues, such as bones
  • It appears that to TREAT Osteoporosis:
  •        Calcium OR vitamin D is ok
  •        Calcium + vitamin D is good
  •        Calcium + vitamin D + other co-factors is great
  •        Low-cost Vitamin D Receptor activators sometimes may be helpful
  • CONCLUSION: To PREVENT many diseases, including Osteoporosis, as well as TREAT Osteoporosis
  • Category Osteoporosis has 218 items
  • Category Bone Health has 311 items

Note: Osteoporosis causes bones to become fragile and prone to fracture
  Osteoarthritis is a disease where damage occurs to the joints at the end of the bones

Osteoporosis category

29+ VitaminDWiki pages with BONE MINERAL DENSITY or BMD in title

This list is automatcially updated

Items found: 29
Title Modified
Vitamin D during pregnancy increased child’s bone mineral density – meta-analysis April 2023 27 Apr, 2023
Bone Mineral Density and Vitamin D - many studies 13 Apr, 2023
Transgender associated with autism, low vitamin D, low BMD, etc. - many studies 05 Apr, 2023
Bone mineral density improvement by Vitamin D plus fluoride is augmented by laser acupuncture – RCT March 2023 22 Mar, 2023
Perhaps higher risk of fracture if low BMD plus low vitamin D – July 2022 08 Jul, 2022
Exercise improves bone strength (good), but not bone mineral density (can be measured) – RCT Oct 2021 08 Oct, 2021
Bone Mineral Density increased by Resveratrol (which activates the Vitamin D Receptor) – RCT Nov 2020 17 Feb, 2021
Low bone mineral density is inversely associated with both Vitamin D and Resistin (resistance to insulin) 15 Jan, 2021
Breast Cancer chemo reduces Bone Mineral Density, injecting Vitamin D increases it – Sept 2019 07 Sep, 2019
Bone mineral density somewhat better with 3750 IU vs 600 IU Vitamin D (1 year, with Calcium) – RCT March 2017 10 Mar, 2017
Low bone mineral density of male children is associated with low BMD of parents – Oct 2016 18 Oct, 2016
Osteoporosis vitamin D workshop - but still test BMD first - Oct 2010 19 Jan, 2016
Bone strength (more accurate than BMD) is inversely associated with vitamin D level – May 2015 30 May, 2015
Long bone fracture – prediction by low vitamin D is better than low BMD – Sept 2014 16 May, 2015
Hypothesis: increased bone mineral density needs protein, Ca, Mg, Vitamin D and K 28 Oct, 2014
Increasing bone mineral density increases breast cancer by at least 2X – Aug 2012 26 Oct, 2014
600,000 IU intramuscular D3 helped BMD after pancreatic surgery – June 2010 24 Jan, 2014
BMD associated with free and bioavailable vitamin D – March 2011 06 Jan, 2014
Low vitamin D, not low BMD, associated with both breaking hip and upper body bone in a fall – Oct 2013 05 Nov, 2013
Acute Multiple Sclerosis relapse associated with low bone mineral density (low vitamin D) – Oct 2013 12 Oct, 2013
Vitamin K2 from natto improved bone mineral density – March 2011 11 Oct, 2013
Working other than dayshift reduces vitamin D levels and Bone Mineral Density and increases bone pain – Aug 2013 22 Aug, 2013
Low vitamin D associated with 5.5X increased risk of low bone mineral density – March 2013 22 Aug, 2013
Hypothesis: Not vitamin D deficient if have normal PTH and BMD – May 2013 01 Jun, 2013
Vitamin D did not increase BMD among some ballet dancers – March 2012 28 Mar, 2012
9 minutes a day of sun improved BMD Parkinsons disease patients – Jan 2011 01 Jun, 2011
Reduced vitamin D and BMD and Neurological Conditions – April 2011 05 May, 2011
BMD improved with 800 mg Calcium, 400 IU of vitamin D, and 100 ug of vitamin K – April 2011 04 Apr, 2011
Low BMD among teaching doctors in India - July 2010 09 Jul, 2010

VitaminDWiki Bone pages containing STRENGTH in title

(6 as of Oct 2021)

This list is automatically updated

Items found: 6

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