Vitamin D deficiency associated with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis: a meta-analysis of 55 observational studies
Journal of Translational Medicine volume 17, Article number: 323 (2019)
Xi-Xi Li, Yang Liu, Jie Luo, Zhen-Dong Huang, Chao Zhang & Yan Fu
Adding Vitamin D has been proven to fight Crohn's (not just observe the problem)
- Crohn's Disease relapse rate of 3 in 8 with 1,000 IU vs 0 in 12 with 10,000 IU of Vitamin D – RCT Feb 2017
- Crohn’s helped by 5000 IU vitamin D – April 2013
- Crohn’s disease helped when vitamin D level raised above 30 ng – RCT Feb 2015
All Gut Meta-analyses in VitaminDWiki:
- IBS - Vitamin D was the only micronutrient under DRV - meta-analysis Oct 2023
- IBS reduced by 50,000 IU of Vitamin D (weekly or bi-weekly) – Meta-analysis July 2023
- IBD treated in children by Vitamin D, especially if use more than 2,000 IU daily for 12 weeks – meta-analysis – Sept 2022
- IBS helped by vitamin D (virtually ignoring dose size, type and duration) – meta-analysis June 2022
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease 1.5 X more likely if low vitamin D – meta-analysis Dec 2019
- Crohn’s Disease associated with lower Vitamin D - meta-analysis Sept 2019
- Inflammatory bowel diseases are associated with Vitamin D etc. – meta-meta-analysis - April 2019
- IBD relapse rate reduced by low Vitamin D - meta-analysis Nov 2018
- Crohn’s disease associated with vitamin D and latitude – meta-analysis Dec 2015
- Gut problems more likely if low vitamin D (IBD: 1.6, UC: 2.3) – meta-analysis Aug 2015
Overview Gut and vitamin D has the following summary
- Gut problems result in reduced absorption of Vitamin D, Magnesium, etc.
- Celiac disease has a strong genetic component.
- Most, but not all, people with celiac disease have a gene variant.
- An adequate level vitamin D seems to decrease the probability of getting celiac disease.
- Celiac disease causes poor absorption of nutrients such as vitamin D.
- Bringing the blood level of vitamin D back to normal in patients with celiac disease decreases symptoms.
- The prevalence of celiac disease, not just its diagnosis, has increased 4X in the past 30 years, similar to the increase in Vitamin D deficiency.
- Review in Nov 2013 found that Vitamin D helped
Many intervention clinical trials with vitamin D for Gut problems (101 trials listed as of Sept 2019) - All items in category gut and vitamin D
215 items
Genes can prevent Vitamin D from going from blood to the gut
- Crohn's disease associated with 7.6X deactivation of Vitamin D receptor – July 2015
- fortunately, there are many low-cost ways to activate the vitamin D receptor
- Vitamin D Receptor table shows what compensates for low VDR activation
Compensate for poor VDR by increasing one or more:
Increasing Increases 1) Vitamin D supplement Sun
Ultraviolet -BVitamin D in the blood
and thus in the cells2) Magnesium Vitamin D in the blood
AND in the cells3) Omega-3 Vitamin D in the cells 4) Resveratrol Vitamin D Receptor 5) Intense exercise Vitamin D Receptor 6) Get prescription for VDR activator
paricalcitol, maxacalcitol?Vitamin D Receptor 7) Quercetin (flavonoid) Vitamin D Receptor 8) Zinc is in the VDR Vitamin D Receptor 9) Boron Vitamin D Receptor ?,
etc10) Essential oils e.g. ginger, curcumin Vitamin D Receptor 11) Progesterone Vitamin D Receptor 12) Infrequent high concentration Vitamin D
Increases the concentration gradientVitamin D Receptor 13) Sulfroaphane and perhaps sulfur Vitamin D Receptor 14) Butyrate especially gut Vitamin D Receptor 15) Berberine Vitamin D Receptor Note: If you are not feeling enough benefit from Vitamin D, you might try increasing VDR activation. You might feel the benefit within days of adding one or more of the above
Gut category listing contains the following
215 items in GUT category - see also Overview Gut and vitamin D, - Ulcerative Colitis and Vitamin D - many studies 12+
- "celiac disease" OR CD 1830 items July 2019
- IBS or IBD or IRRITABLE BOWEL in title of 40 VitaminDWiki pages as of Jan 2025
- Gut-Friendly forms of vitamin D
- such as: bio-emulsion, topical, spray, sublingual, inhaled, injection .
44 items along with related searches.  Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Most of the studies found that people with Chron's Disease had lower levels of Vitamin D
Purpose: To investigate the association of serum levels of 25(OH)D and 1,25(OH)2D3 in healthy and non-healthy controls with Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC).
Methods: Three electronic databases: PubMed, EMbase and EBSCO host CINAHL, were searched for observational studies to measure the relationship between serum levels of vitamin D (VitD) and CD (or UC).
Fifty-five studies were included in the meta-analysis. We found that mean serum 25(OH)D levels in patients with CD were significantly lower than those in healthy controls (MD: − 3.17 ng/mL; 95% CI − 4.42 to − 1.93). Results from the meta-analysis examining 1,25(OH)2D3 levels in Crohn’s patients revealed higher levels in the CD group than in healthy (MD: 3.47 pg/mL; 95% CI − 7.72 to 14.66) and UC group (MD: 5.05 pg/mL; 95% CI − 2.42 to 12.52). Serum 25(OH)D levels were lower in the UC group than in the healthy control group (MD: − 2.52 ng/mL; 95% CI − 4.02 to − 1.02). In studies investigating the level of 1,25(OH)2D3 in UC and healthy control groups, the level of 1,25(OH)2D3 in the UC groups were found to be higher than that in the control groups (MD: 3.76 pg/mL; 95% CI − 8.36 to 15.57). However, the 1,25(OH)2D3 level in patients with UC was lower than that in CD groups (MD: − 6.71 pg/mL; 95% CI − 15.30 to 1.88). No significant difference was noted between CD patients and UC patients in terms of average serum 25(OH)D levels.Conclusions
This study found that VitD levels were inversely related to CD and UC. Serum levels of 25(OH)D were lower in patients with CD and UC than in healthy people, and more than half of the patients had insufficient vitamin D levels. The serum level of 1,25(OH)2D3 in both the CD and UC groups was higher than that in healthy peopleCrohn’s Disease associated with lower Vitamin D - meta-analysis Sept 201913266 visitors, last modified 28 Sep, 2019, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
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