
Vitamin D improves Infertility in 9 ways (50 references, PDF behind paywall) – May 2023

Vitamin D and infertility

Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol . 2023 May 22. doi: 10.1097/GCO.0000000000000887
Samantha Simpson 1, Lubna Pal 2

Purpose of review: Vitamin D deficiency has been implicated as a contributing factor to a spectrum of reproductive health burden, including

  • difficulty conceiving,
  • pathogenesis of gynaecological disorders such as
    • uterine fibroids and endometriosis, to
  • metabolic and endocrine burden of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

Recent findings: There have been recent publications showing that in infertile women who are supplemented with vitamin D,

  • there are higher pregnancy rates;
  • there are improved ovarian reserve parameters in women with diminished ovarian reserve;
  • curtailed fibroid growth in those with uterine myomas;
  • lessened dysmenorrhea in endometriosis patients; and
  • improved menstrual regularity,
  • lowered testosterone, AMH and insulin levels in women with PCOS.

In infertile men, sperm parameters, especially motility, are positively correlated with vitamin D serum levels.

Summary: Vitamin D status appears to be relevant to reproductive physiology, and to physiological processes underlying common gynaecological disorders as well as for reproductive success.

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VitaminDwiki – Fertility and Sperm category contains

144 items in Fertility or Sperm in VitaminDWiki

See also:
Overview Women and Vitamin D
Overview Pregnancy and vitamin D    Fertility and Vitamin D – several articles
Ensure a healthy pregnancy and baby - take Vitamin D before conception
IVF OR "IN VITRO FERTILIZATION" etc. in 18 VitaminDWiki titles
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Increased male Vitamin D increases fertility

Decreased Fertility if decreased Vitamin D Receptor