
Seniors able to remember new information 2X better if OK vitamin D – Feb 2018

Vitamin D and subjective memory complaint in community-dwelling older adults.

Curr Alzheimer Res. 2018 Feb 1. doi: 10.2174/1567205015666180201153735. [Epub ahead of print]


Seniors living at home, no dementia

See also VitaminDWiki

Cognitive category starts with the following

Very brief summary of Cognitive decline
Treatment : Vitamin D intervention slows or stops progression
Prevention : Many observational studies - perhaps Vitamin D prevents
Omega-3 both prevents and treats cognition
Wonder the benefits if both Vitamin D AND Omega-3 were to be used
Dementia page - 50 items

393 items in Cognition category

see also Overview Alzheimer's-Cognition and Vitamin D
Overview Parkinson's and Vitamin D

Studies in both categories of Cognition and:
Cardiovascular (8 studies), Genetics (9 studies), Vitamin D Receptor (16 studies), Omega-3 (52 studies), Intervention (20 studies), Meta-analyses (22 studies), Depression (24 studies), Parkinson's (24 studies)
Click here for details

Poor cognition 26 percent more likely if low Vitamin D (29 studies) – meta-analysis July 2017
Every schizophrenia measure was improved when vitamin D levels were normalized – June 2021
Cognitive Impairment and Dementia often associated with low Vitamin D – April 2020
IQ levels around the world are falling (perhaps lower Vitamin D, Iodine, or Omega-3)
Search VitaminDWiki for "WHITE MATTER" 325 items as of March 2023

Types of evidence that Vitamin D helps brain problems - 2014

C1, Doineau L2, Gerigne L2, Provendier A2, Karras SN3, Beauchet O4, Fantino B5, Duval GT5.
1 Department of Neuroscience, Division of Geriatric Medicine, Angers University Hospital, 49933 Angers cedex 9. France.
2 School of Medicine, University of Angers, UNAM, Angers. France.
3 Unit of Reproductive Endocrinology, First Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical School, Aristotle U. of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki. Greece.
4 Dept of Medicine, Division of Geriatric Medicine, Sir Mortimer B. Davis - Jewish General Hospital and Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, McGill U., Montreal, Quebec. Canada.
5 Dept. of Neuroscience, Division of Geriatric Medicine; University Memory Clinic; UPRES EA 4638, UNAM, Angers University Hospital, Angers. France.

Older adults with hypovitaminosis D report more often subjective cognitive complaints, especially with regards to memory. This raises prospects that vitamin D may improve older adults' subjective experience of memory disorders.

To determine among older community-dwellers whether higher serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) concentrations were associated with fewer memory complaints, while considering the different subtypes of memory complaints.

One hundred eighty Caucasian community-dwellers with memory complaint and no dementia (mean±standard deviation, 71.1±3.4years; 33.3%female) from the French 'EVATEM study' were included in this analysis. Subjective memory complaints regarding memory lapses, problems learning new information, problems finding words, problems calculating and problems concentrating were assessed using a standardized questionnaire. Participants were categorized according to the highest tertile of serum 25OHD (i.e., ≥68nmol/L). Age, gender, body mass index, morbidities burden, use of vitamin D supplements, cognitive performance, mood, serum concentrations of calcium, parathyroid hormone and vitamin B12, creatinine clearance, and season of evaluation were used as potential confounders.

Compared to participants with 25OHD<68nmol/L (n=121), those with 25OHD≥68nmol/L had less often problems learning new information (P=0.027). There were no between-group differences for the other memory complaints. The highest 25OHD tertile was cross-sectionally associated with fewer problems learning new information (odds ratio (OR)=0.48, P=0.029), even after adjustment for potential confounders (OR=0.32, P=0.039).

Higher vitamin D status was associated with reduced problems memorizing new information in older community-dwellers. This novel finding provides a scientific base for vitamin D replacement trials attempting to improve older patients' subjective experience of cognitive decline.

PMID: 29422004 DOI: 10.2174/1567205015666180201153735

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