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COVID-19 defeated by calcifediol form of Vitamin D in Spain - pilot RCT Aug 29, 2020

Effect of Calcifediol Treatment and best Available Therapy versus best Available Therapy on Intensive Care Unit Admission and Mortality Among Patients Hospitalized for COVID- 19: A Pilot Randomized Clinical study

To appear in: Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Dr. Grant's summary of the trial
The results of treatment of COVID-19 patients in Spain with calcifediol were announced on August 29. (Calcifediol [25(OH)D] is often used in Spain. They state that the conversion factor for calcifediol is 3.2 times the same mass as cholecalciferol Thus, the 0.532 mg of calcifediol is equivalent to 64,240 IU of cholecalciferol.) The mean age of the patients was 53±10 years. None of the prognostic factors evaluated except previous high blood pressure (15 without treatment, 11 with treatment) significantly affected the outcome. In this study, 50 patients were given soft capsules of 0.532 mg calcifediol on the day of admission, then on day 3 and seven, then weekly until discharge or admission to the intensive care unit (ICU). Forty nine of the caldifediol-treated patients did not require the ICU, while 13 of the 26 not receiving that treatment did require the ICU. While this was a pilot RCT, it provides strong evidence that vitamin D treatment can reduce the risk of adverse COVID-19 outcome.
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First two weeks: (532+266+266+266) ug X 40 IU/ug X 3.2 = 53,200 IU X 3.2 = 172,000 IU equiv. of Vitamin D3

 Download the trial PDF from VitaminDWiki

Grassroots Health chart of the trial

Dr. von Helden's chart of the trial
Note: 20,000 seems incorrect

Chris Masterjohn

The First Clinical Trial to Support Vitamin D Therapy For Covid-19 Sept 4
"Calcifediol is also 3.2-fold more effective than native vitamin D3 supplements in restoring low blood levels of vitamin D3. Because normal vitamin D3 needs to undergo liver processing first, which is not required for calcifediol. Another perk of calcifediol is its higher intestinal absorption rate."

    • Note by VitaminDWiki: nanoemulsion Vitamin D appears to also have a high absorption rate, and can be applied topically or inside the mouth for very fast absorption without the use of the intestine

Mathematical analysis of Córdoba calcifediol trial
suggests strong role for Vitamin D in reducing ICU admissions of hospitalized COVID-19 patients - Dec 21, 2020

 Download the trial PDF from VitaminDWiki


The pilot trial on this page is the first of many Randomized Clinical Trials in the pipeline

Note: Several RCTs in the past 5 years were terminated when the Vitamin D was found to have saved dramatically more lives than the placebo. Unfortunately, the medical community ignored the trials which did not finish. Wonder if some RCT's for Vitamin D and COVID-19 will be similarly stopped and ignored

Intervention Trial Summary Table

Including the one RCT which was pilot tested: #17

Getting Vitamin D into your body

has a chart which shows Calcidiol, the form used by this trial

COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D - studies, reports, videos

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Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
15002 Mathematical analysis of Córdoba calcifediol preprint.pdf admin 07 Feb, 2021 319.96 Kb 633
14288 Castillo Helden 2.jpg admin 08 Sep, 2020 227.96 Kb 1984
14285 Effect of Calcifediol Treatment Spanish pilot test.pdf admin 08 Sep, 2020 237.80 Kb 659
14284 Castillo GRH.jpg admin 08 Sep, 2020 86.32 Kb 2138