Toggle Health Problems and D

Many US kids have less than 40 ng of Vitamin D – 99 out of 100 blacks, 91 out of 100 whites – Jan 2017

From Grassroots Health US children and teens in 2010


Two groups have similar high risk of having low vitamin D and black children   Obese,   Seniors

See also VitaminDWiki

Huge decrease in many health problems as increase vitamin D

derived from Grassroots 2013
click on chart for details

Evolution seems to indicate a vitamin D level of 45-60 ng

Vitamin D vs Race at is.gd/vitD_race
click on chart for details

Graph of weekly response to monthly vitamin D supplementation – Aug 2015

Takes about 14 weeks to get to 40 ng with 100,000 IU monthly

Can get to 50 nanograms in 1 week if use a loading dose

Response with 400,000 IU loading dose @ is.gd/7DayVitD

Obese need 2.5X more vitamin D


  • Normal weight     Obese     (50 ng = 125 nanomole)

Click here to see the 2014 study

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ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
7619 Less than 40 ng.jpg admin 04 Jan, 2017 55.18 Kb 1114